wakame scientific name

Wakame (scientific name: Undaria pinnatifida) is a species of large seaweed classified in the Chigaiaceae family of the brown algae class kelp. It is often used in miso soup and salads. This description is based on: Perez et al. Conception to Southern Baja California. It grows densely in marinas and docking areas (Fletcher and Farrell 1999; Farrell and Fletcher 2006; Sfriso and Facca 2013). Mentioned values are recommended by a U.S. Department of Agriculture. In May 2009 it was discovered in San Francisco Bay and aggressive efforts are underway to remove it before it spreads.[28][29][30]. 2014). At least one attempt was made to cultivate it in Atlantic France (Floc'h et al. When it was added to the high-fat diet, it significantly suppressed body weight. The compensation point of light intensity for photosynthesis (the minimum for growth) was 17.4 E m-3s-1. 2002, Pereyra et al. It is often used in miso soup and salads. Undaria pinnatifida has continued to spread to new harbors and bays in California, including San Diego Bay in 2004 (Miller 2009, cited by Kaplanis et al. 1996). It contradicts diseases such as anemia and maintains high levels of energy. As an edible seaweed, it has a subtly sweet, but distinctive and strong flavour and texture. 2001). 2011a). It is grazed by herbivores, including sea-urchins, gastropods, and amphipods in New Zealand (Jimnez et al. Daily values (DVs) may be different depending upon your daily calorie needs. 2002). A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that dried wakame powder altered the activities of enzymes involved in fatty acid metabolism in the liver in rats. Dense fouling of pontoons occurred in marinas in Torquay, England. Is there a connection? . 2006). According to the study, fucoxanthin fights fat in two ways: It encourages the action of protein that causes fat oxidation and is found in the type of fat that surrounds organs. The earliest appearance in Western documents is probably in Nippo Jisho (1603), as Vacame. The water used to rehydrate the seaweed is also full of nutrients, so it can be used as the base of a soup. This included removal of sporophytes from vessels, piers, and other artificial structures (Hewitt et al. Wakame seaweed is an excellent source of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6. It is said that wakame was first eaten in Japan during the Jomon period (6000-300 B.C. These are sporophylls and along the edges of the ruffles are fertile areas called sori, which are groups of sporangia, where diploid nuclei divide into haploid spores. 2014; Schwindt et al. However, Raffo et al. The iron in wakame increases the production of red blood cells and helps with the metabolic enzyme processes that the body carries out to digest proteins and absorb nutrients from food. The genus name is in capital letters followed by the species name, which is in lower case. Kombuis a member of the kelp family, and like wakame, its a brown seaweed. In the Mediterranean Sea, U. pinnatifida has become established in the Lagoon of Venice (Adriatic Sea) (Occhipinti Ambrogi 2000), and the Gulf of Taranto, Italy (Cecere et al. Wakame is a great source of vitamin C that increases the production of collagen in your body. Hepburn.[10]. 2004; Pereyra et al. Studies conducted at Hokkaido University have found that a compound in wakame known as fucoxanthin can help burn fatty tissue. Inflammation is the major cause for health conditions and helps to soothe inflammations on skin, joints and also treats fever. Recruitment of sporophytes was best at 13C and lower at 17 and 21C (Thornber et al. In 2012, it was found in Belfast Lough, Northern Ireland, where it is now established, and was considered likely to spread northward (Minchin and Nunn 2014). 2014, Guiry 2016, and Guiry and Guiry 2016. It is believed that this sea vegetable is native to Japan since the Nara period. Bluff Harbour), to prevent spread to Sub-Antarctic islands. Privacy Policy By 2012, it was seen at additional locations in the Bay, including Fort Mason, Pier 39, Fishermans Wharf, and along the Hyde Street pier in San Francisco (Fimrite 2012). 2016); Morro Bay in 2009; Oceanside Harbor in 2013; Mission Bay in 2014; and Santa Cruz Harbor in 2014 (Kaplanis et al. Since the gametophyte and early sporophyte stages are microscopic, control by hand monitoring will require continuous monitoring and removal efforts (Curiel et al. Its rich in vitamins and minerals, such as folate, vitamin B2 and manganese. In Korea it is called miyeok. A Japanese study conducted at Hokkaido University suggests that the fucoxanthin present in wakame promotes fat burning within the fat cells of animals. For pregnant women, a folate deficiency is especially risky because it may lead to neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, anencephaly, malformations of the limbs and heart complications. 2002). Yes, it can be eaten fresh or as a dried seaweed food. It is native to the Northwest Pacific, from Russia to the coasts of Japan, Korea, China and Hong Kong. Calories from Fat0.54 Kcal. Wakame is a brown or deep green seaweed with a silky texture that is commonly used in Japanese cuisine. As the frond matures, spirals of ruffled structure develop along the stipe above the holdfast. Wakame is used traditionally in miso soup; it can also be used to flavor rice or soup stock. As an edible seaweed, it has a subtly sweet, but distinctive and strong flavour and texture.It is most often served in soups and salads. 2009). To stay young and rejuvenated, include wakame in your regular diet. The fucoxanthin present in wakame serves another purpose: It stimulates the liver to produce DHA, helping reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body. There are three main varieties of seaweed commonly used as food: wakame, nori and kombu seaweed. The scientific name for wakame is Undaria pinnatifida. Miyeok is edible sea vegetable, widely enjoyed by Koreans in soup, cold soup, salad, side dishes, pancakes etc. Like other seaweed nutrition, wakame nutrition is quite impressive. 2016). Wakame ( Japanese: or ) is a type of kelp. Miyeok is edible sea vegetable, widely enjoyed by Koreans in soup, cold soup, salad, side dishes, pancakes etc. Wakame is one of the most popular sea vegetables in the world, and it is a variety of kelp (large brown algae). It is recognized for its fat burning properties. Undaria pinnatifida grows on rocky seabed habitats, but also on breakwater, piers, floats, oyster reefs, wood, bottles, ropes, and ship/boat hulls (Hay and Lukens 1987; Floc'h et al. In its native range in the Northwest Pacific, Undaria pinnatifida is a widely harvested and cultivated sea vegetable. Wakame is also used in topical beauty treatments. It maintains healthy memory and brain function when people ages without affecting memory loss. 2004). Kelp among top 10 invasive seaweeds hits S.F. Calories4 Kcal. It protects cells from oxidative damage and eliminates free radical cells. It comes from the cold-temperature waters off the coasts of Japan, China and Korea. The fertilized eggs then develop into embryonic sporophytes (Perez et al. Today, its very likely on the menu of your local sushi bistro, but you may not have realized it. The deficiency of iodine worsens the thyroid conditions and balance thyroid hormone TSH. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. America, Australia, New Zealand & California . Undaria pinnatifida (Wakame) is a commercially valuable food species, intensively cultivated in Asian waters. Excessive iron supplementation can cause iron overload and should be avoided, so the safest and purest way to get enough iron per day is to stick to iron-rich foods like wakame. No wonder Japanese sea farmers have been growing wakame for hundreds of years. Science seems to back these wakame benefits, and more studies are being conducted to assess its efficacy as a cancer treatment or preventive measure. It contains a unique compound known as fucoxanthin, which has several nutritional and medicinal qualities. Photosynthesis increased with light intensity up to 119.5 E m-3s-1, and was saturated past that point. You can add it to soups, salads, stir-fries and more to create delicious and healthy meals. In Wellington Harbor, New Zealand, the invasion of U. pinnatifida altered invertebrate communities and increased sediment deposition (Battershill et al. This seaweed has been used for thousands of years for both culinary and medicinal purposes, especially in Asian countries. It is closely associated with high blood pressure in the body and results in severe effects if not properly treated. *Above mentioned Percent Daily Values (%DVs) are based on 2,000 calorie diet intake. Technically, seaweed is a form of algae, but seaweeds are often referred to as sea vegetables and often treated as vegetables for culinary purposes. In 2006, U. pinnatifida was discovered on the mooring ropes of a fishing boat off the Sub-Antarctic Snares Islands (48.03S). They have also been shown to support weight loss, healthy pregnancy, athletic recovery, and thickening hair and nails. James K. (2016) A review of the impacts from invasion by the introduced kelp Undaria pinnatifida. It was first discovered in Wellington Harbour in 1987 and probably arrived as hull fouling on shipping or fishing vessels from Asia.[23][24]. Then add some shredded cabbage and carrots for an extra boost of nutrition. Loaded with nutrients such as minerals, vitamins and good fats promote bodily functions as well as maintain brain health. 2000). 2009). Use wakame as a substitute for nori to make. . Wondering about the correct wakame pronunciation? Wellington Harbor, New Zealand (Hay and Villouta 1993, at maturity, less favorable environment). Field temperatures- Funashi 1973, cited by Hay 1990. Competition- The invasion of U. pinnatifida in the Venice Lagoon is believed to have decreased abundance of native understory seaweeds (Curiel et al. Miyeok's scientific name is Undaria pinnatifida. In reef areas, off northern Patagonia, reefs with a low degree of relief, which were invaded by Undaria, had a low diversity of fishes compared to similar uninvaded reefs. 1976), southward on the coasts of Japan, Korea, China, and Hong Kong (Huang 2001; Guiry and Guiry 2016). Rehydrate wakame, and add miso paste to the water. 2005). vulgaris Suringar, 1872. The regular bowel movement assures body to absorb nutrients efficiently and break down fats as well as complex carbohydrates in food easily. In the same year, it was found in Santa Barbara Harbor and in Channel Islands Harbor and Port Hueneme, Oxnard (Silva et al. In New Zealnd, photosynthesis (quantum yield) sharply decreased at 25 C at low salinites (12 and 6 PSU) (Bollen et al. Wakame in Japanese is derived from . Wakame is also a type of edible seaweed and is classified as a sea vegetable. Eating Qualities. [8] Among seaweeds, wakame was likely most often eaten, therefore me especially meant wakame. 2015). Humans = common name. Its scientific name is Undaria pinnatifida. Wakame is packed with minerals such as sodium, manganese, calcium and magnesium. 14) Wakame. It is commonly used in Japanese cuisines especially in salads, soups, and also . 2002). Wondering where to buy wakame seaweed? This leads to high cholesterol and high triglycerides, which can lead to the development of plaque and dangerous blockages. [2] As of 2018[update], the Invasive Species Specialist Group has listed the species on its list of 100 worst globally invasive species. In China it is called qundaicai. Folate, or vitamin B12, is an essential vitamin is present in wakame. Wakame helps to obtain required iron preventing iron deficiency and prevents the onset of breast cancer. It prevents arthritis, osteoporosis and joint pain. In 1996, it was first discovered on continental Australia, at Point Wilson in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria (Currie et al. Chinese production is concentrated around Dalian. Scientific names are usually written in italics, and the name must be underlined if it's written by hand. Hyperlipidemia means that there are too many lipids, or fats, in the blood. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Winged Kelp, Wakame Alaria, in the brown seaweed group, is known as winged kelp due to the bunch of small "blades" at the base of the frond. In Japan, the sporophytes germinate in late-summer and autumn, grow through winter and spring, and mature, shedding spores in mid-summer (Hay and Luckens 1987). The fronds of Undaria pinnatifida are diploid sporophytes. Wakame is a sea vegetable, is a traditional Japanese food, which is dark green in color and thin shape. [14] Wakame has also been cultivated in France since 1983, in sea fields established near the shores of Brittany. This seaweed has a briny and slightly sweet flavor that is overall quite mild. Presence of fucoxanthin prevents fat accumulation of fat and triggers fat oxidation. If this waka is a eulogistic prefix, the same as the tama of tamagushi, wakame likely stood for seaweeds widely in ancient ages. It is a widespread invader with non-native populations on the Pacific coast of North America (California to Mexico), Europe (Northern Ireland to the Canary Islands), Argentina, New Zealand (including Sub-Antarctic Islands), and Australia. These are essential fatty acids because omega-3 is not made by the human body, but it is still needed for normal metabolism. See also Fucoidan. Like many sea vegetables, it adds a delicious component to a variety ofmeals, but recently it has gained popularity because of its many health benefits. The "sp." and "spp." do not appear in italics. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. However, impacts of Undaria pinnatifida on seaweed diversity or benthic invertebrate assemblages were not detected in a rigorously designed survey (BACI, before-after-control-impact) in Lyttleton Harbor, New Zealand, possibly because canopy-forming species, providing similar structure were already present (Forrest et al. It has invaded coastal waters in Europe, North America, South America, and New Zealand. [20][21] It was nominated one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world. Wakame is a good source of iodine which helps to promote the activity of the thyroid gland including growth, metabolism, protein synthesis, cell repair. The presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory levels in seaweed helps to lower the chances of heart ailments. Japanese and Korean sea-farmers have grown wakame for centuries, and are still both the leading producers and consumers. Naturally, through the millions of microscopic spores released by each fertile plant; and attached to vessel hulls and marine farming equipment. Bloating is caused due to water retention and regular intake of wakame helps to prevent this condition. In addition to humans, seaweed (in its natural environment) is commonly consumed bysea urchins, sea snails and plant-eating fish, such as the rabbit fish and parrot fish. Its generally pronounced wuh-kah-mee, but in Japan, they say wah-kah-me. 2009). 2008), near the north end of the North Island, and at Stewart Island, at the south end of the South Island (Nelson 1999). Toasted or baked wakame makes a nutrient rich snack. The scientific name of the Wakame is Undaria pinnatifida. Overall, wakame, nori, kombu and kelp are all distinctly different yet share similarities in their flavor profiles, uses and potential health benefits. Healthy Japanese preschoolers, aged 36 years, had their blood pressure and pulse measured before and after a three-day period that involved seaweed intake. Global harvests since 2000 are 1.5-2 million tons per year (Pickering et al. In 1988, this seaweed was found in Triabunna, Tasmania (Valentine 2003), and has become widespread on the east coast of the island (Valentine and Johnson 2005). Wakame has long been collected for food in East Asia, and sea farmers in Japan have cultivated wakame since the eighth century (Nara period). [9] It expanded later to other seaweeds like kajime, hirome (kombu), arame, etc. [25] It spreads in two ways: naturally, through the millions of microscopic spores released by each fertile organism, and through human mediated spread, most commonly via hull fouling and with marine farming equipment. Many women consume it during the pregnancy phase as well. Wakame is a brown seaweed, rich in calcium and mineral salts. Another study found that fucoxanthin reduced abdominal white adipose tissue weights of rats and mice, thereby making it one of the great fat-burning foods. Undaria pinnatifida has also invaded the Southwest Atlantic. Description Alaria, an olive-brown colored seaweed, can grow up to more than 2 feet long and 2-8 inches wide in Alaska. 2002), but has been found growing as deep as 25 m off Catalina Island, California (Silva et al. Traditional uses and benefits of Black sage, A quick guide to the Instant Knockout supplement, Traditional uses and benefits of Water Fennel, Traditional uses and benefits of Winter Savory, Traditional uses and benefits of Watermelon Berry, Traditional uses and benefits of Weeping Fig, Traditional uses and benefits of Water Dropwort, Traditional uses and benefits of Water lettuce, Palmitoleic acid 16:1 (hexadecenoic acid), Linoleic acid 18:2 (octadecadienoic acid), Arachidonic acid 20:4 (Eicosatetraenoic acid). Therefore, its a great cholesterol-lowering food. This seaweed has a briny and slightly sweet flavor that is overall quite mild. What do you think of when you hear the word "seafood?" Chances are you think about tasty sea creatures like shrimp and salmon. 2009; South et al. To rehydrate dried wakame seaweed, soak it in water for about 30 minutes or until it is soft. Related: Bladderwrack Benefits for Thyroid Health, Digestion & More. Calculations are based on average age of 19 to 50 years and weighs 194 lbs. 2004); and California (1st record 2000, Silva et al. It is native to cold temperate coastal areas of Japan, Korea and China, but recently it has also spread to France, Britain, Spain, Italy, Argentina and Australia. 2014). [12] A typical 1020g (12 tablespoon) serving of wakame contains roughly 16 to 31kJ (3.75 to 7.5kcal) and provides 1530mg of omega-3 fatty acids. In English, it can be called sea mustard and "Wakame" in Japanese. Wakame has folate in it which stimulates iron absorption in the body and prevents other abnormalities. Can wakame be eaten raw? The blade has a 1-2 cm midrib running along its length, and is golden-brown in color, while the rib is paler. Currently, in Patagonia, it ranges from 38 to 48S (Casas et al. 2022 Dr. Axe. In Japan, sea farmers have cultivated wakame since Nara period. Fiber facilitates body to emit regularly and prevent the chances of diarrhea. Zoospores maintained in light and suspension can still settle and form gametophytes after 14 days (Forrest et al. It is sold either dried or salted. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis was 20C and decreased sharply at higher temperatures (Choi et al. 'young seaweed'). People with high blood pressure or other health conditions where sodium intake is a concern may want to watch their seaweed intake to make sure that they dont consume too much sodium in one day. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/wakame, https://www.wellandgood.com/good-food/collagen-products-trend/, https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/vegetable/wakame.html, https://www.naturalfoodseries.com/11-health-benefits-wakame/. An iron deficiency is the worlds most common nutritional deficiency and has been shown to contribute to developmental delay, impaired behavior, diminished intellectual performance and decreased resistance to infection. Perez et al. distans Miyabe & Okamura, Undaria pinnatifida var. Web searches indicate that fresh Wakame is imported to the U.S. and is available in Asian markets, but we do not know whether the plants are viable or potentially could be planted by individuals. A successful eradication in the Chatham Islands, on the hull of a sunken ship, involving using divers to place boxes with heat elements and flatme torches against the hull, was successful, at a cost of ~$ 3 million NZ dollars (Wotton et al. By 2004, it occurred in Waitemata Harbor (Russell et al. Packaging : - Fresh in brine, in boxes by 10 punnets (250 g each) It is most often served in soups and salads. Ecological Impacts It could lead to heart failure and result in symptoms related with stroke. [26] It is a highly successful and fertile species, which makes it a serious invader. Getting enough calcium in the diet regularly is key since our bodies lose calcium on a daily basis through shedding hair, skin and nails and through the release of sweat, urine and feces. But rare below 27 PSU (Silva et al. 2008), and in 2005 it was found in Ria Deseado in southern Patagonia (47.75S) (Martin and Cuevas 2006). Experimental and full-scale attempts to control this seaweed have been made in the Venice Lagoon, New Zealand, Tasmania, and California, intended to protect natural communities and fisheries. 1998; Curiel et al. Example 1. 2015). (2017) found that morphology of seaweeds was the major factor affecting diversity of epibiota, in comparisons of U. pinnatida versus native species, with more structuarly complex species favoring higher diversity. This page was last changed on 25 September 2021, at 15:31. These dishes are typically dressed with soy sauce and vinegar/rice vinegar. Each spore has two flagella, which fertilize eggs retained in the female gametophytes. 2002; Pereyra et al. In Korea it is called miyeok. (2009) did not find evidence of competition between native Macrocystis pyrifera and U. pinnatifida when examining growth and density of the two species in Cracker Bay, Patagonia. It is a widespread invader with non-native populations on the Pacific coast of North America (California to Mexico), Europe (Northern Ireland to the Canary Islands), Argentina, New Zealand (including Sub-Antarctic Islands . In Patagonia, the diversity of fauna associated with the holdfast of U. pinnatifida was decreased, compared to that of the native kelp Macocystis pyrifera (Raffo et al. Wakame is now found around much of New Zealand, from Stewart Island to as far north as the subtropical waters of Karikari Peninsula. Ideal storage at 4c. Because of the excess consumption of omega-6 fats in the Western world, it is important that we crowd in omega-3 foods that our bodies need. [15], Wild grown wakame is harvested in Tasmania, Australia, and then sold in restaurants in Sydney[16] and also sustainably hand-harvested from the waters of Foveaux Strait in Southland, New Zealand and freeze-dried for retail and use in a range of products.[17]. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) ), and has been found along with Jomon earthenware at the Kamegaoka site in Aomori Prefecture. In New Zealand, from 1997 to 2009, large-scale eradication efforts were conducted to protect areas of high natural value (e.g. Habitat Change- Reported impacts of U. pinnatifida on habitat quality vary regionally among different ecosystems, and have been rated as positive, negative, or neutral (Petrocelli and Cecere 2015). 2022). Generally wakame is used in salads and soups. Its intake helps to combat cancer and in Japan, the rates of breast cancer with regular intake of wakame seaweed. Skype: healthbenefit55, Nutritional value of Seaweed, wakame, raw. In Oriental medicine it has been used for blood purification, intestinal strength, skin, hair, reproductive organs and menstrual regularity.[13]. The scientific name for arame is Eisenia bycyclis. You bet most notably, a Japanese seafood known as wakame is rich in a number of vitamins and minerals that can combat disease and support longevity. Data shows that people who eat seaweed regularly, most notably in Japan, have dramatically lower rates of breast cancer. In its native range, it is widely cultivated as a food plant (Floc'h et al. If you have dehydrated wakame, start by cutting it into small pieces, as it will expand after being rehydrated. A 2009 study conducted in Japan examined the anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of fucoxanthin-rich wakame lipids on obese mice. In another group of New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands, the Chatham Islands, the kelp was successfully eradicated from a sunken ship hull 2 km offshore, using heat treatment (Wotton et al. As with land vegetables, sea vegetables also have unique individual health perks as well as many overlapping benefits. Novo." The names of the discoverers Furthermore, it is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids helpful for depression, hormone issues an ADHD. What eats seaweed? Whenever you buy or consume any type of seaweed,its important to opt for organic because of seaweeds inherent ability to absorb whats in the water around it. Area of cultivation: Australia, France, Japan, Korea, New Zealand. But what about sea vegetables? The haploid gametophytes are microscopic and filamentous. This seaweed features in some famous international dishes such as miso soup (Japan) and seaweed soup (Korea). Wakame salad. Experiments in England also support mixed preferences by grazers, and the absence of 'enemy release' due to reduced grazing or relaxation of chemical defenses (Mabey et al. Stewart Island) and donor port areas (e.g. 2011b). . Blood pressure measurement, complete dietary records, and parent-reported height and weight were obtained for 223 boys and 194 girls. Its the most common papery seaweed wrapping for sushi rolls, and unlike wakame, it is never soaked before serving. uPAR concentration is known to influence cell surface signaling, cell adhesion and growth factor communication, and responsiveness in breast tissue. It has been used for centuries for its therapeutic and healing properties, with the power to support cardiovascularhealth, boost energy levels and supply the body with omega-3 fatty acids. It is full of essential vitamins and minerals, helpingboost the immune system and keep the organs functioning properly. Arame is a healthy food that is loaded with calcium, iron, and iodine. Kombu and wakame have many overlapping health benefits and a similar flavor profile, but wakame is slightly sweeter. Suarez et al. 2002). We are not aware of continental Australian records outside of Port Phillip Bay. 2016). Kelp belongs to the brown algae class (Phaeophyceae), and kombu is a specific variety of kelp thats extremely common in Japanese, Chinese and Korean food. 1.Soak Wakame in normal water for 10-15 minutes. The blade is dotted with small white structures called cryptostomidia. It has a unique flavor which is a powerful mix of salty, sweet, and umami flavor all rolled into one. Terms & conditions Pest - Wakame - Barwon Bluff Parks Victoria Wakame Scientific Name: Undaria pinnatifida Description: Undaria is a highly invasive brown algae that originates in north-east Asia but that has become well established in nearby Port Phillip Bay. 2001). When a species is described for the first time, it is referred to as "sp. It is pluralized as "spp." For instance, the forest was home to many Cladonia species (Cladonia spp.). It can be used in salads, soups and smoothies, and theres also kelp sushi. It is not regarded as a pest or invasive species in its native range. It is beneficial for expecting women as folate prevents the chances of neural tube defects in children. In eutrophic portions of the Venice Lagoon, In Puerto Madryn, Patagonia, experimental studies found that the sea urchins, Pt. Wakame has a pigment called fucoxathin responsible for distinctive greenish to brown hue. Wakame is a versatile seaweed that can be added to so many dishes. The macroscopic stage (the sporophyte) is usually present through the late winter to early summer months and a microscopic stage (the gametophyte) is present during the colder months. Eradication was considered, but found to be not feasible (Invasive Species Specialist Group 2009; Global Invasive Species Program 2009). One hundred grams of wakame provides 15 percent of your daily value of calcium, which is essential for preventing osteoporosis. 1993). Its scientific name is Undaria pinnatifida . Seaweed used for miso soups and salads is called wakame, pronounced wah-KAH-meh. Wakame also has high levels of sodium, calcium, iodine, thiamine and niacin. It is called wakame in Japan. 2021 Healthbenefitstimes. Undaria pinnatifida, commonly known as Wakame, is a large, brown kelp.It is native to the Northwest Pacific, from Russia to the coasts of Japan, Korea, China and Hong Kong. 1999; Lewis 1999). 2005; Forrest and Hopkins 2013). Fifteen healthy postmenopausal women were recruited for the three-month clinical trial.

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wakame scientific name