thailand criminal code pdf

When such person acts in order to make himself or another person to escape from an imminent danger which could not be avoided by any other means, and which such person did not cause to exist through his own fault. Section 65 Whenever any person commits an offence at the time of not being able to appreciate the nature, or illegality of his act or not being able to control himself on account of defective mind, mental disease or mental infirmity, such person shall not be punished for such offence. Section 395 Whoever, having in his care any animal, allows it to enter a garden, field or farm of theother person, which is prepared, sown or covered with crop, or which contains a produce,shall be punished with fined not exceeding five hundred Baht. Section 376 Whoever, unnecessarily fires a gun in a town, village or an other place where there isconglomeration of people, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding ten days orfined not exceeding five hundred Baht, or both. Section 194 Whoever, to be sentenced not to be entered the specified area under Section 45, to have entered in such areas, shall be imprisoned not out of one year or fined not out of two thousand Baht, or both. Section 322 Whoever, breaking open or taking away the closed letter, telegram or any documentbelonging to the other person so as to ascertain or to disclose its contents, if such act to belikely to cause injury to any person, shall be imprisoned not out of six months or fined not out of one thousand Baht, or both. Title VII Hire of Work 587 - 607. Section 208 Whoever, wrongfully dressing or using the symbol manifesting that oneself to be Buddhist monk or novice, holy man or clergyman of any religion so as to make the other person to believe that oneself to be such person, shall be imprisoned not out of one year or fined not out of two thousand Baht. If such exercise or non-exercise is to maliciously cause any person to be punished, to be punished heavier or to be subjected to the measures of safety, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment for life or imprisonment of one to twenty years, and fined of two thousand to forty thousand Baht. Offences against the Internal Security of the Kingdom In case of the Court is of opinion that such person can deliver the property ordered to be delivered, but does not deliver it, or such person can pay its value, but does not pay, the Court shall have the power to confine such person until such person complies with the order, but the period of confinement shall not exceed one year. Any person has no other apparent or sufficient means of subsistence, and: The provisions of this Section shall not be applied to any person who receives maintenance from a prostitute who is bound to give maintenance according to law or morality. Section 138 Whoever, resisting or obstructs an official or a person required by law to assist such official in the due exercise of his functions, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fine not exceeding two thousand Baht, or both. As aforesaid, for using or acquiring the data in counterfeiting or altering, such person shall be punished imprisonment from one year to five years and fined from two ten thousands Baht to hundred thousand Baht. Section 363 Whoever, so as to take hold of the immovable property belonging to the other person foroneself or the third person, removing or destroying the boundary mark or such property inwhole or in any party, shall be imprisoned not out of three years or fined not out of sixthousand Baht, or both. Section 189 Whoever assists the other person who commits or is alleged of having committed an offence which is not a petty offence so that such person may not be punished by giving him lodging, by hiding, or by assisting him by any means so that he may not be arrested, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or fined not exceeding four thousand Baht, or both. To execute a bond with security for keeping the peace; To restraint in an institution of treatment; Prohibition to exercise certain occupation. In re-determining the punishment by the Court, if it appears that the offender has undergone a part of the punishment, the Court, when having regard to the punishment as provided by the law afterwards, may, if it thinks fit, determine less punishment than the minimum punishment as provided by the law afterwards, if any, or if it is of opinion that the punishment already undergone by the offender is sufficient, the Court may release the offender; Section 174 If the information according to Section 172 or Section 173 is in order to maliciously subject any person to the measures of safety, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years and fined not exceeding six thousand Baht. (Articles 326-328 of the Thai Criminal Code), Article 14 of the Computer-Related Crime Act B.E.2550 (2007), Article 116 of the Thai Criminal Code, a sedition-like offence, and the Public Assembly Act B.E. TITLE I/I Section 239 If the act as mentioned by Section 226 to Section 237 as being done by negligence to be result in the imminent danger to the life of the other person, doer shall be imprisoned not out of one year or fined not out of two thousand Baht, or both. Section 244 Whoever, possesses for uttering any thing obtained by him, which he knows to be counterfeited according to Section 240 or altered according to Section 241, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to fifteen years and fined of two thousand to thirty thousand Baht. If such offence is committed by alluding to the power of a secret society or a criminal association, whether there is such secret society or criminal association or not, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of two to ten years and fine of four to twenty thousand Baht. Part 2 Criminal Code, B.E. Proceedings of Probation under the Criminal Code Act, B.E. If the proportion of the increase is equal to or more than that of the reduction, the Court may, if it thinks fit, not increase or not reduce the punishment. Section 235 Whoever, to do any act rendering the public communication of the post, telegraph, telephone or wireless to be obstructed, shall be imprisoned not out of three years or fined not out of six thousand Baht, or both. If suchactcauses death tothewoman, the offender shall be punishedwithimprisonmentnot exceeding ten years and fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht. By rendering useless or bringing into the power of an enemy, any fortress, camp, airport, war conveyance, conveyance, line of communication, article used in communication, armaments, food, dock, building or any other thing used for the purpose of war; By instigating any member of the armed forces to neglect to perform his duties, to commit mutiny, to desert the service or to commit breach of discipline; By committing espionage, conducting or guiding the enemy; or. Section 299 Whenever, grievous bodily harm is caused to any person in an affray in which three persons upwards are engaged, whether such person be a participant in such affray or not, the participants in such affray shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding two thousand Baht, or both. Section 31 In case of the Court shall pass judgment inflicting the punishment of fine on several offenders for the same offence and in the same case, the Court shall inflict the punishment of fine on every individual offender. Section 75 Whenever any person over fourteen years but not yet over seventeen years of age commits any act provided by the law to be an offence, the Court shall take into account the sense of responsibility and all other things concerning such person in order to come to decision as to whether it is expedient to pass judgment inflicting punishment on such person or not. Deprivation of the sight, deprivation of the hearing, cutting of the tongue or loss of the sense of smelling; Loss of genital organs or reproductive ability; Loss of an arm, leg, hand, foot, finger or any other organ; Infirmity or chronic illness which may last throughout life; It is necessary for the sake of the health of such woman; or. The principal law sources in Thailand are: Constitution of Thailand - prevails over other laws. Section 266 Whoever forges any of the following documents: Section 267 Whoever, notifying the official doing oneself's duty to make any false entry in the public or official document for the aims to be used as evidence, shall be imprisoned not out of three years or fined not out of six thousand Baht, or both. Section 392 Whoever, puts a person in fear or in fright by threat, shall be punished with imprisonmentnot exceeding one month or fined not exceeding one thousand Baht, or both. Amendments to the Criminal Code of Thailand 2015. Section 251 Whoever, forges a seal or impression of such seal of a Political Bureau a public organization or an official, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to seven years and fined of two thousand to fourteen thousand Baht. Previous Versions. Section 129 Whoever, to be the supporter for committing any offence as mentioned by this Chapter, shall be punished in the same punishment as the principal in such offence. The latest amendment to the Criminal Code from 2019 is included separately. 1.2 If there are more than one set of enforcement agencies, please describe how decisions on which body will investigate and prosecute a matter are made. 2499 (1956) As Amended until the Criminal Code (No. Offences against Body as provided in Section 295 to Section 299, Offences Relating to Abortion as provided in Section 301 to Section 303, and Offences Relating to Abandonment of Children, Sick Persons or Aged Persons as provided in Section 306 to Section 308; Offences against Liberty as provided in Section 309, Section 310 and Section 312 to Section 320; Offences against Property as provided in Section 334 to Section 365. Section 264 Whoever, in a manner likely to cause injury to another person or the public, fabricates a false document or part of a document, or adds to, takes from or otherwise alters a genuine document by any means whatever, or puts a false seal or signature to a document, if it is committed in order to make any person to believe that it is a genuine document, is said to forge a document, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or fined not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both. If the gang-robbery according to the first or second paragraph causes death to the otherperson, the offender shall be punished with death. Section 84 Whoever, whether by employment, compulsion, threat, hire, asking as favor or instigation, or by any other means, causes another person to commit any offence is said to be an instigator. If such offence is committed for the purpose of undermining the discipline and efficiency of the said armed forces or police forces, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding ten years. Section 263 If the offender under Section 250, Section 251, Section 254, Section 256, Section 257, Section 258, Section 259 or Section 262 to have committed the offence under the other Section as prescribed in this Chapter relating to the thing to be begotten from the commission of offence also, that person shall be punished according to Section 250, Section 251, Section 254, Section 256, Section 258, Section 259 or Section 262 for one count only. Section 262 If the offence mentioned in Section 254, Section 256, Section 257 or Section 261 be committed relating to the foreign Government stamps, the offender shall be liable to one-half of the punishment as provided for such Section. Section 300 Whoever, committing the act by negligence and such act to cause the grievous bodily harm to the other person, shall be imprisoned three years or fined not out of six thousand Baht, or both. PDF Full Document: Criminal Code [7389 KB] Act current to 2022-10-18 and last amended on 2022-10-01. Criminal Liability Penal Code Amendment Act (No. There be a judgment of the foreign Court convicting such person, and such person has already passed over the punishment. Section 216 When the official orders any person assembled to gather so as to commit the offence as prescribed under Section 215 to disperse, such person not to disperse shall be imprisoned not out of three years or fined not out of six thousand Baht, or both. If the offence as mentioned in the first paragraph is committed by carrying or using any gun or explosive, or participation of persons in the nature of destroying the woman, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of fifteen to twenty years and fined of thirty thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life. Section 170 Whoever, refusing to comply with a writ or order of the Court requiring him to come and make a statement, to come and give evidence or to forward any property or document in any judicial proceeding, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding six months or fined not exceeding one thousand Baht, or both. If the robbery causes bodily or mental harm to the other person, the offender shall bepunished with imprisonment of ten to twenty years and fined of twenty thousand to fortythousand Baht. ministerial regulation on minimum capital and time for bringing or remitting of minimum capital into thailand, b.e. The Criminal Code of Thailand Read More A person shall be criminally punished only when the act done by such person is provided to be an offence and the punishment is defined by the law in force at the time of the doing of such act, and the punishment to be inflicted upon the offender shall be that provided by the law. Section 227 Whoever, having the profession of design, control or construction, reparation or removal of building or structure, failing to comply with the rule or method to be duly carried out in such undertaking in the manner likely to cause the danger to the other person, shall be imprisoned not out of five years or fined not out of ten thousand Baht, or both. If the persons so released from the custody by negligence be persons sentenced by any Court to death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment of fifteen years upwards, or numbering from three persons upwards, the offender shall be punished with imprisonmentnot exceeding three years or fined not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both. Section 67 Any person shall not be punished for committing any offence on account of necessity: Section 68 Any person is to commit any act for defending his own right or other person's right in order to except from a danger arising out of violence tortuous to the law and such danger to be imminent, if reasonably having committed under the circumstance, such act is a lawful defense, and such person shall not have a quilt. Section 83 In case of any offence is accrued by commission of the person as from two persons upwards, such accomplices deemed to be principals shall be punished as provided by the law for such offence. Section 135 Whoever, doing any act to the flag or any other emblem to be symbolized the friendly Foreign State with the intention to deride that State, shall be imprisoned not out of two years or fined not out of four thousand Baht, or both. The offender be a Thai person, and there be a request for punishment by the Collect forces or arms, procure or gather property, give or receive a training terrorization, prepare any other act or conspire each other to terrorize or commit any offence in a part of plan to terrorize or abet people into a part of terrorization or ones know the terrorists and commit any act to be covered; To certify that he has done any act or that any act has been done in his presence, which is false; To certify that there is information of a matter of which there is no information; To omit to record a matter which he has the duty to record, or to make alteration of such matter in recording it; or. Section 36 In case of the Court has already given order for the forfeiture of the properties according to Section 33 or Section 34, if it appears afterwards by the submission of the real owner that he has not connived at the commission of such offence, the Court shall give order for thereturn of the properties if such properties are still in the possession of the official. But he shall not be allowed to prove if such imputation concerns personal matters, and such proof will not be benefit to the public. If ignorance of fact according to the third paragraph of Section 59, or the mistake as to the existence of fact according to the first paragraph has occurred through the negligence of the offender, the doer shall be liable for committing the offence by negligence in case of the law specifically provides that the doer shall be criminally liable for the act though committed by negligence. Section 61 Whenever any person intends to commit an act against a person, but commits such act against another person by mistake, such person may not raise the mistake as an excuse that such person did not intentionally commit such act. But, if, afterwards, it appears to the Court itself or by the submission of such person that such person cannot deliver the property or pay its value, the Court may give order to release such person before the expiration of such period. Section 339 bis If the robbery is committed against the thing according to the first paragraph of Section 335bis, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to fifteen years and fined oftwenty thousand to thirty thousand Baht.If such robbery is committed in the place as provided in the second paragraph of Section 335 bis also, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to twenty years a ndfined of twenty thousand to forty thousand Baht. 3 The defendants in this case were charged with defamation under the Thai Criminal Code (sections 326-333 of the code address criminal defamation). Section 3. 2499 (1956).pdf. Civil and Commercial Code. of Thailand (SEC). Offences Relating to Public Administration Section 209 Whoever to be a member of a body of persons whose proceedings are secret and whose aim to be unlawful, is said to be a member of a secret society, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding seven years and fined not exceeding fourteen thousand Baht. Section 352 Whoever, being in possession of a property belonging to the other person, or of which theother person is a co-owner, dishonestly convert s such property to himself or a third person,is said to commit misappropriation, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceedingthree years or fined not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both.If such property comes under the possession of the offender on account of being deliveredto him by the other person by mistake by any means whatever, or being a lost propertyfound by him, the offender shall be liable to one-half of the punishment. foreseen that such consequence would occur.In case of the employed person, the person doing according to the propagation or publication to the general public to commit an offence, or the principal in the offence shall be criminally liable for higher punishment on account of the consequence resulting from the commission of the offence, the instigator, the person making the propagation or publication to the general public to commit the offence, or the supporter to commit the offence, as the case may be, shall be also criminally liable for the offence having such higher punishment.

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thailand criminal code pdf