refseq in bioinformatics

To demonstrate how difficult sequences from this group have been to classify over time, simulated reads were created for two Bacillus cereus strains. The MetaSUB International Consortium. BMC Bioinformatics. Reference sequence (RefSeq) database at NCBI: current status, taxonomic expansion, and functional annotation. To evaluate the impact of a gene model on read mapping, the mapping summaries in Figure2 and Additional file 1: Figure S2 were not sufficient. Bracken, a Bayesian method that refines Kraken results, is capable of estimating how much of each species is present among a set of ambiguous species classifications by probabilistically re-distributing reads in a taxonomic tree [10]. 2010;26(7):87381. This database is built by NCBI(National Center for Biotechnology Information), and, unlike GenBank, which is also build by . bioRxiv [Internet]. 3). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. These datasets were classified with Kraken (ver. (A) The mapping result for a sequence read that is gene model dependent, where none of the gene models are complete; (B) two-stage mapping protocol: at Stage #1, all RNA-Seq reads are mapped to a reference transcriptome only, and then only the mapped reads are saved into a new FASTQ file; at Stage #2, those remaining reads are mapped to the genome with and without the use of a gene model in the mapping step; (C) The protocol for classifying uniquely mapped sequence reads into four categories, i.e., Identical, Alternative, Multiple and Unmapped (or Fail). One aspect of transcriptome research is to quantify expression levels of genes, transcripts, and exons. 2002;56:45787. We are grateful to Gary Ge at Omicsoft for sharing his deep insight on OSA implementation and his assistance with running OSA. PubMed 84 as of the date of the beginning of the analysis) FASTA files ( and concatenating them into one file. 2013;14:91. Acquiring the transcriptome expression profile requires genomic elements to be defined in the context of the genome. Did the words "come" and "home" historically rhyme? Samples with high Simpsons index of diversity (i.e., closer to one) may be considered more diverse than those with low values (i.e., closer to zero). Chen et al. Google Scholar. Appl Environ Microbiol. An interesting avenue of future work will be to investigate how generalizable these observations are by testing these effects on other databases (e.g., SEED [31], UniProt [32]) and classification approaches (e.g., MetaPhlan [29], MEGAN [8]). Counts and diversity metrics from RefSeq versions 57, 58, and 59 were excluded from the analysis, as these versions proved to be outliers. 2014;30:354855. Misclassifications at the genus and species levels remain consistently low across database versions, Species-level classifications decreased, and genus-level classifications increased, as bacterial RefSeq grew. Not all NGS Bioinformatics tools installed on each HPRC cluster are summarized on these pages. However, in Ensembl, LUZP6 is only 177bp long, and is completely within MTPN. The graph should show a perfect diagonal line if the choice of a gene model has no effect on differential analysis. Search within r/bioinformatics. Thus, the effect of a gene model on the mapping of junction reads is significantly influenced by read length. Thus, Ensembl annotation has much broader gene coverage than RefGene and UCSC. 2). In this paper, we systematically characterized the impact of genome annotation choice on read mapping and transcriptome quantification by analyzing a RNA-Seq dataset generated by the Human Body Map 2.0 Project. 75bp). Comparison and de novo clustering of all RefSeq genomes using Mash. 2 National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Building 38A 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA. In RefGene, a bi-cistronic transcript encodes the products of both the MTPN (myotrophin) and LUZP6 (leucine zipper protein 6) genes, which are located on chromosome 7. Feature annotation: RefSeq vs Ensembl vs Gencode, what's the difference? Should I avoid attending certain conferences? and 2.5TB of RAM and ca. Phylogeny and the tree of life Among 25,958 common genes, the expressions of 2038 genes (i.e., 9.3%) differed by 50% or more when choosing one annotation over the other. 10.1038/nrg3891 2014;30:211420. While we only tested one k-mer-based classification tool, it is clear that LCA-based assignment (independent of k-mers) plays a central role in the increased number of genus-level classifications using recent versions of the RefSeq database. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies As demonstrated in Figure3C and Additional file 1: Table S5, when the read length was 75bp, an average of 53% of junction reads remained mapped to the same genomic regions when mapped without gene annotation. Both x and y-axes represented log2(count+1). The RNA-Seq reads remapping summaries in Stage #2 for all 16 samples were shown in Figure2 (read length=75bp) and Additional file 1: Figure S2 (read length=50bp), respectively. Scalable approaches for functional analyses of whole-genome sequencing non-coding variants. Nat Rev Genet 16: 197212. Species-level classifications varied, and the fraction of unclassified reads decreased with Kraken, as the database grew. Go to the Alignments tab and in the Alignment view drop-down menu select Pairwise with dots for identities. Simpsons index of diversity is a metric with values between zero and one that reports the probability that two individuals randomly selected from a sample will not belong to the same taxonomic unit. Zhou W, Gay N, Oh J. ReprDB and panDB: minimalist databases with maximal microbial representation. were supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health. A junction read could be either mapped as a non-junction read, or remain mapped as a junction read but with different start, end, and splicing positions; (3) Multiple, a uniquely mapped read became a multiple-mapped one. Each sequencing read is assigned to a taxon in the NCBI taxonomy by comparing it to a reference database containing microbial and viral protein sequences . Google Scholar. As shown in Figure5, there were many genes for which the number of reads mapped to them was 0 in one gene model, but many in others. Entrez Gene. The overlap and intersection among RefGene, RNA-Seq has become increasingly popular in transcriptome profiling. Thus, while we only evaluated Kraken and Bracken in this study, the challenges of RefSeq database growth stretch beyond k-mer-based classification methods and are likely to affect other LCA-based approaches. RefSeq Accession Numbers mRNAs and Proteins NM_123456 Curated mRNA NP_123456 Curated Protein NR_123456 Curated non-coding RNA XM_123456 Predicted mRNA XP_123456 Predicted Protein XR_123456 Predicted non-coding RNA Gene Records NG_123456 Reference Genomic Sequence Chromosome NC_123455 Microbial replicons, organelle genomes, human chromosomes . Nature 507: 455461. Bolger AM, Lohse M, Usadel B. Trimmomatic: a flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data. 2010;464(7289):7737. to SAMSA bioinformatics group Hi, When working with environmental metacommunities, refseq is often fails to capture the diversity of sequences that may be present in samples, as it included. The effect of a gene model on the mapping summaries for 16 tissue samples (read length The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Genome sequencing and assembly of 11 Bacillus cereus sensu lato isolates from various quarters of the International Space Station. The first, B. cereus VD118, is not present in RefSeq until version 60 and beyond, and the second, a novel B. cereus genome, B. cereus ISSFR-23F [19], is never present in any of the RefSeq versions tested. The concordance between UCSC and RefGene annotation was reported in Additional file 1: Table S7 (read length=75bp). 2014;9(7):e101374. volume19, Articlenumber:165 (2018) Fraction of B. cereus ISSFR-23F reads classified using Kraken ver. Terms and Conditions, ( A ) Overview, MeSH doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt1114. 10.1038/nature12787 While only a fraction of the sequences from the soil metagenome were classified (12%), less than half of them were species classifications, whereas the aquatic metagenome produced small, but consistent, increases in the fraction of species classifications. Read our guide to getting the BLAST bioinformatics software up and running on Ubuntu on Exoscale's cloud and performing your first query, as part of our series on software used in biological study. Hsu F, Kent WJ, Clawson H, Kuhn RM, Diekhans M, Haussler D. The UCSC known genes. D.J.N. Default parameters were used except for read-length, which was set to 101. As more genes are annotated in a gene model, a higher percentage of reads will be mapped in the Transcriptome only mapping mode. Accessibility 2). The correlation of the calculated Log2Ratio (liver/heart) was depicted in Figure8. RefSeqFEs thus provide an alternative and complementary resource for experimentally assayed functional elements, with future data set growth expected. Clearly RefGene has fewest unique genes, while more that 50% of genes in Ensembl are unique. That's why I prefer the Ensembl annotation as you can query for a most confident set by selecting only the Havana (Havana or Ensembl/Havana) transcripts. MapSplice: accurate mapping of RNA-seq reads for splice junction discovery. To a broader extent, one of the most practical questions researchers want to know in advance is: if different gene models are chosen for RNA-Seq data analysis, what is the chance of obtaining the same quantification result for a given gene? k-mer-based classification methods such as Kraken or CLARK [3, 7] are notable for their exceptional speed and specificity, as both are capable of analyzing hundreds of millions of short reads (ca. 2017;18:119. Correct genus-level classifications increased as RefSeq grew, but correct species-level classifications peaked at version 30 and tended to decline thereafter (Fig. For most RNA-Seq sequencing projects, only mRNAs are presumably enriched and sequenced, and there is no point in mapping sequence reads to RNAs such as miRNAs or lincRNAs. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on Some of these shifts can be explained by the restructuring of RefSeq at certain releases. Bookshelf In RefGene, PIGY and PYURF encode exactly the same mRNA, although the translated protein sequences are different. Bioinformatics. S.K. The data in RefSeq is manually curated, is high quality sequence data, and is non-redundant; this means that each gene (or splice-form of a gene, in the case of eukaryotes), protein, or genome sequence is only represented once. These results suggest a need for new classification approaches specially adapted for large databases. Google Scholar. 1.0 with default settings. Accessed 3 Aug 2017. Nucleic Acids Res. Click on the name of the first result (Homo sapiens neanderthalis). PubMed Central 2019. California Privacy Statement, The example here is for creating a refseq protein db for bacterial genomes. Zhao S, Zhang B. In fine, even if people tends to keep to what they are used to (and that the annotations are constantly expanded and corrected) depending on the research subject one might be interested in using one database over another: From Zhao S, Zhang B. Stevens EL, Timme R, Brown EW, Allard MW, Strain E, Bunning K, et al. Approximately 28.1% of genes expression levels differed by 5% or higher, and of those, the relative expression levels for 9.3% of genes (equivalent to 2038) differed by 50% or greater. Fraction of simulated reads classified at different taxonomic levels, regardless of accuracy, using Kraken against ten databases. GENCODE but only once in Ensembl. Compared with Ensembl, UCSC had a much better concordance with RefGene, in terms of the gene quantification results. Huttenhower C, Gevers D, Knight R, Abubucker S, Badger JH, Chinwalla AT et al. The UCSC Known Genes dataset is based on protein data from Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL (UniProt) and the associated mRNA data from GenBank, and serves as a foundation for the UCSC Genome Browser. A challenge for k-mer-based classification approaches is that closely related species and strains often contain many identical sequences within their genomes. Do we still need PCR test / covid vax for travel to . (AKA - how up-to-date is travel info)? [27] suggested that when conducting research that emphasizes reproducible and robust gene expression estimates, a less complex genome annotation, such as RefGene, might be preferred. Since its first release in June 2003, bacterial RefSeq, on average, has doubled in size (giga base pairs, Gbp) every 1.5 years, with the number of unique 31-mers in the database growing at a similar rate. GENCODE: the reference human genome annotation for the ENCODE project. Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Accessed 3 Aug 2017. 2). (d) One sequence has been identified (presumably it is an . Zwick ME, Joseph SJ, Didelot X, Chen PE, Bishop-Lilly KA, Stewart AC, et al. Ensembl annotates more genes than RefGene and UCSC. . 4b). These scripts are also available at Zenodo ( [42]. While several custom tools have been built to deal with imperfect data [26], there is a need for database cleaning tools that can preprocess a database and evaluate it for both contamination (genome assemblies that contain a mixture of species) and misclassified species and strains (genomes that are assigned a taxonomic ID that is inconsistent with its similarity to other genomes in the database). In Ensembl, however, this gene is located on chromosome HG183_PATCH: 62,399,863-62,491,136. You should see a base-by-base comparison of the two sequences in two lines. NCBI creates RefSeq records (known as RefSeq's) to provide a less redundant (GenBank is a highly redundant database) representation of the naturally occurring nucleic acid and protein molecules. b The ratio of strains-to-species has tended to decrease while the ratio of species-to-genera has tended to increase as RefSeq has grown. Apart from gene annotation itself, the links to FOIA 1b), growing from below two species to every one genus (version 1) to nearly eight species to every one genus (version 89). In order to determine the role of the database in taxonomic sequence classification, we examine the influence of the database over time on k-mer-based lowest common ancestor taxonomic classification. The incompatibility between the PlcR- and AtxA-controlled regulons may have selected a nonsense mutation in Bacillus anthracis. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. For each tissue type, the mapping rate was similar between RefGene and UCSC. Report the mapping summaries for all 16 tissue samples in different mapping modes when the read Length is 75bp and 50bp, respectively. Clearly, the difference in gene definition gives rise to the observed discrepancy in quantification. RefGene has the fewest unique genes, while more than 50% of genes in Ensembl are unique. Proc Natl Acad Sci. PeerJ. 2012;22(9):176074. 75bp). The Human Body Map 2.0 Project, using Illumina sequencing, generated RNA-Seq data for 16 different human tissues (adipose, adrenal, brain, breast, colon, heart, kidney, leukocyte, liver, lung, lymph node, ovary, prostate, skeletal muscle, testis, and thyroid) and is accessible from ArrayExpress (accession number E-MTAB-513). The distribution of ratios was summarized in Table1 (read length=75bp). Table S7 reports the distribution of the ratio of read counts between RefGene and UCSC annotations. However, they are not directly interchangeable. Bioinformatics. Nat Methods. Lastly, alternative approaches to traditional k-mer-based LCA identification methods, such as those featured within KrakenHLL [23], Kallisto [35], and DUDes [36], will be required to maximize the benefit of longer reads coupled with ever-increasing reference sequence databases and improve sequence classification accuracy. The GENCODE Comprehensive transcripts contain more exons, have greater genomic coverage and capture many more variants than RefSeq in both genome and exome datasets, while the GENCODE Basic set shows a higher degree of concordance with RefSeq and has fewer unique features. Both x and y-axes represent Log2(count+1). Accurate way to calculate the impact of X hours of meetings a day on an individual's "deep thinking" time available? transcriptome only bioinformatics genome taxonomy metagenomics classification fasta fastq metagenomes dna-sequences short-read-mapper read-mapping metagenomic-analysis metagenomic-classification genomic-data-analysis bioinformatics-algorithms long-reads metagenomic-data refseq ncbi-refseq bioinformatics-tool Start studying bioinformatics help1. The GENCODE annotation is made by merging the Havana manual gene annotation and the Ensembl automated gene annotation. Addressing each of these fundamental questions is predicated on the ability to assign taxonomy and gene function to unknown sequences. ( hide optional fields ) Input section Select an input sequence. The human oral metagenome (a) exhibited patterns seen in the simulated metagenome (Fig. Intuitively, the shorter a read, the more likely it is to map to multiple locations. The multiplicity of sequences in the public databases for genes, transcripts and proteins makes it challenging for researchers who want to: (1) find the sequence for a gene; (2) determine what is known about a gene or protein; (3) establish a common frame of reference for comparing sequence variants and polymorphisms; or (4) select a representative set of sequences for large-scale expression . An official website of the United States government. 2013;14 Suppl 11:S8. Please Note. No matter which gene model was used for mapping, this observation held true; for example if we compare Additional file 1: Table S1 with Additional file 1: Table S2, and/or Additional file 1: Table S3 with Additional file 1: Table S4. Careers. Parks DH, Chuvochina M, Waite DW, Rinke C, Skarshewski A, Chaumeil P-A, et al. Google Scholar. The corresponding read lengths are 75bp and 50bp, respectively. RefSeq's also allow for annotation updates and other maintenance, independently from the primary data. Wang Z, Gerstein M, Snyder M. RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for transcriptomics. As a result, for those RNA-Seq reads not covered by a gene annotation, whether to use the gene model in the mapping step has no impact on their mappings. 2008;36(Database):D75360. About 30% of junction reads failed to be mapped without the assistance of a gene model, while 1015% mapped alternatively. Genomic characterization of the Bacillus cereus sensu lato species: backdrop to the evolution of Bacillus anthracis. Without using a gene model, an average of 53% of junction reads remained mapped to the same genomic regions, 30% of failed to map to any genomic region, and 1015% of them mapped alternatively. Transcribed RefSeq IDs have the following format: NM_001007095.3 NM_001014465.3 NM_001014478.2 NM_001014496.3 Thanks for any advice. Use one of the following three fields: To access a sequence from a database, enter the USA here: To upload a sequence from your local computer, select it here: Two Bacillus cereus genomes were used to test the ability to classify reads from genomes not in the bacterial RefSeq database. Article 2012;486:20714. alternative sequences or fix sequences). The number of observed species in RefSeq doubled nearly every 3years (Fig. The first was a simulated metagenomic dataset that was used in the Kraken manuscript as a validation set that has been posted to FigShare ( [43]. Nasko, D.J., Koren, S., Phillippy, A.M. et al. In the Ensembl annotation, LUZP6 is only 177bp long, and it is completely within another gene, MTPN. Klee SR, Brzuszkiewicz EB, Nattermann H, Brggemann H, Dupke S, Wollherr A, et al. The definition of PIK3CA gene in Ensembl seems more accurate than the one in RefGene, based upon the mapping profile of the sequence reads.

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refseq in bioinformatics