microsoft rest api guidelines

A client MAY be expecting metadata attributes like maxItems based on the format of your responses to similar calls which produced results. GitHub - microsoft/api-guidelines: Microsoft REST API Guidelines 2 weeks ago Explore GitHub Learn and contribute; Topics Collections Trending Skills GitHub Sponsors Open source guides Connect with others; The ReadME Project Events Community forum GitHub . All header values MUST follow the syntax rules set forth in the specification where the header field is defined. Services SHOULD avoid using articles such as 'a', 'the', 'of' unless needed to convey meaning. This causes confusion, as it mixes elements of platforms ("Async / await", "promises", "futures") with elements of API operation. 1. When subscriptions change either programmatically or in response to change via administrative UI portals, the subscribing service needs to be protected from malicious or unexpected calls from services pushing potentially large volumes of notification traffic. For example, a request to the URI should return the details of a single customer containing id, name, and address fields expected by the client application: For simplicity, the example responses shown in this section do not include HATEOAS links. givenName, surname, signInName. A stepwise operation is one that takes a long, and often unpredictable, length of time to complete, and doesn't offer state transition modeled in the resource. The value you pass must match your registration value exactly. The response header includes the number of remaining requests for your scope. For more background on these components and how they are used at run-time, see Application and service principal objects in Azure Active Directory. Services that cannot ensure URL path stability across future versions MUST embed the version in the URL path. The 202 Accepted should return no body. For preflight requests, beyond performing the steps below to add headers, services MUST perform no additional processing and MUST return a 200 OK. For non-preflight requests, the headers below are added in addition to the request's regular processing. However, it is very generic and does not require specific OData constructs. Services MAY also use the hybrid defined below. For example, the URI for a particular customer order might be: Clients interact with a service by exchanging representations of resources. The server response indicates the request has been created. Archived. However, this level of complexity can be difficult to maintain and is inflexible if the relationships between resources change in the future. Clients SHOULD use shared SDKs and common transient fault libraries to implement the proper behavior. Any time the body of a successful response is empty, the status code should be 204 (No Content). Control plane operations (requests sent to in the REST API are: Distributed across regions. If any challenge request does not receive the prescribed response within 5 seconds of sending the request, the service MUST return an error, MUST NOT create the subscription, and MUST NOT send further requests or notifications to notificationUrl. Retrieving large objects can increase the latency of a request and incur additional bandwidth costs. If eliminating preflight is critical, then a service MAY support alternative mechanisms for data transfer, but the RECOMMENDED approach MUST also be supported. The platform- and language-specific Microsoft Authentication Libraries (MSAL), which is beyond the scope of this article. This is a hint, and the server MAY ignore it if it chooses to, even if this isn't typical of well-behaved servers. In general, it helps to use plural nouns for URIs that reference collections. If supported DELETE operations MUST be idempotent. These guidelines represent a multi-year, cross-company, collaborative process aggregating the collective experience of hundreds of engineers designing, operating, and running global scale cloud services from across Microsoft; and listening to feedback on our APIs from customers and partners. Operations MUST support GET semantics. This URL MUST be considered opaque by the subscribing application. The client specifies the URI for the resource. Calls that take longer than 1s to respond in the 99th percentile SHOULD use the Long-Running Operation pattern, Calls that take longer than 0.5s to respond in the 99th percentile should strongly consider the LRO pattern. The ETag response-header field provides the current value of the entity tag for the requested variant. This mechanism is described in more detail in the section Use HATEOAS to enable navigation to related resources. H is the hour designator that follows the value for the number of hours. The following sections describe several different approaches, each of which has its own benefits and trade-offs. Every single person writing a REST api should have to memorize this table: GET - Return the current value of an object, is idempotent; PUT - Replace an object, or create a named object, when applicable, is idempotent; DELETE - Delete an object, is idempotent; POST - Create a new object based on the data provided, or submit a command, NOT . This article walks you through: Most Azure service REST APIs have client libraries that provide a native interface for using Azure services: The following video will show you how to quickly authenticate with the Azure REST APIs via the client id/secret method. Most programming languages or frameworks and scripting environments make it easy to assemble and send the request message. REST Dissertation -- The chapter on REST in Roy Fielding's dissertation on Network Architecture, "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures". Guidelines for existing services and versioning of services, 7.4.3. The previously existing URIs should continue to operate as before, returning resources that conform to their original schema. Overviews of creating and sending a REST request, and handling the response. Any server can handle any request from any client. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. The token is then sent to the Azure service in the HTTP Authorization header of subsequent REST API requests. Services MUST NOT contravene other API recommendations in the name of avoiding CORS preflight requests. For any areas of deviation, we have worked to feed information back to the OASIS OData Technical Committee and many aspects of the latest OData v4.0 and OData v4.01 incorporate learnings from evolution of the Microsoft REST API Guidelines. Will return all people sorted by name in descending order. Services MUST respond quickly in all circumstances, even when under load. Rather than providing multiple URIs, you can specify the version of the resource by using a parameter within the query string appended to the HTTP request, such as A client creates a subscription by issuing a POST request against the subscriptions resource. Table of contents 3. You are now ready to register your client application with Azure AD. Microsoft REST API Guidelines Here are some specific considerations to keep in mind. A generic format for headers that are registered as "provisional" with IANA (, A scoped format for headers that are too usage-specific for registration. The service can then upgrade to align with the latest version of the guidelines at the service's next major release. Azure service teams should use the companion documents, Azure REST API Guidelines and Considerations for Service Design, when building or modifying their services. that block callers or are not actionable (tar-pitting). The client ignores everything else. For more information about these performance antipatterns, see Chatty I/O and Extraneous Fetching. The primary imperative is to enable existing client applications to continue functioning unchanged while allowing new client applications to take advantage of new features and resources. The request body specifies a set of changes to apply to the resource. Creating resources via PATCH (UPSERT semantics), 7.8. If so, consider making the operation asynchronous. This is all the information that a client application needs to be able to invoke the operation. "ECMAScript"; number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970. The response body can contain additional information about the error or a link to a URI that provides more details. Also, the patch document doesn't specify the order that the server should apply the updates. In practice, many published web APIs fall somewhere around level 2. For example: The Content-Length header gives the total size of the resource, and the Accept-Ranges header indicates that the corresponding GET operation supports partial results. Many web APIs use JSON as the exchange format. The value for the "target" name/value pair is the target of the particular error (e.g., the name of the property in error). One or more clients MUST be able to monitor and operate on the same resource at the same time. Platform- and language-neutral OAuth2 service endpoints, which we use in this article. Which makes using the Retry-After header problematic. On a per-API defined case it may mean rollback, or compensation, or completion, or partial completion, etc. The Content-Type header in a request or response specifies the format of the representation. Web-based communication, especially when a mobile or other low-bandwidth client is involved, has moved quickly in the direction of JSON for a variety of reasons, including its tendency to be lighter weight and its ease of consumption with JavaScript-based clients. Services MUST produce dates using the DateLiteral format, and SHOULD use the Iso8601Literal format unless there are compelling reasons to do otherwise. Errors, or more specifically Service Errors, are defined as a client passing invalid data to the service and the service correctly rejecting that data. It MAY be necessary to interact with the service to obtain a stable URL from the friendly name for the resource, as in the case of the "/my" shortcut used by some services. Are you sure you want to create this branch? In some situations, the result of a long running operation is not a resource that can be addressed. Therefore, when multiple pages are available, the serialization payload MUST contain the opaque URL for the next page as appropriate. Specifying headers as query parameters, 7.10.1. everyone has. The service MUST store the end user's act of consent to receiving notifications from this specific application (typically a background usage OAUTH scope). The error response MUST be a single JSON object. A great place to start is:, We look forward to hearing from you Gareth and Rob, Gareth Jones (@garethj_msft) Principal API Architect Applications and Services division, Rob Dolin (@RobDolin) Senior Program Manager Cloud and Enterprise division, Comments are closed. Issue Learning Together. As a rule of thumb any API call that is expected to take longer than 0.5 seconds in the 99th percentile, should consider using the Long-running Operations pattern for those calls. For examples on use of OPTIONS, see preflighting CORS cross-domain calls. From the RFC: HTTP does not place a predefined limit on the length of a Services SHOULD prefer the integer number of seconds (in decimal) format over the HTTP date format. Required headers with security sensitivity (e.g., Authorization header) MIGHT NOT be appropriate as parameters; the service owner SHOULD evaluate these on a case-by-case basis. See the following section for a detailed discussion of what constitutes a breaking change. Therefore, try to avoid "chatty" web APIs that expose a large number of small resources. Services should choose time windows as appropriate for the SLAs or business objectives. The service MUST return an empty body and 204 No Content to indicate a successful patch. The OASIS Open OData standard provides a great level of detail for API developers seeking wire-level interoperability; and while Microsoft teams are encouraged to follow OData (and benefit from the broad OData ecosystem), there are some cases where it was more specificity than teams needed and some cases where additional information was needed. For all subscriptions, whether firehose or per-user, services MUST send a verification request as part of creation or modification via portal UI or API request, before sending any other notifications. You first need to acquire the access token from Azure AD, which you use to assemble your request message header. Firehose subscriptions MUST be delivered only over HTTPS. Start and end, such as "2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z", Start and duration, such as "2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/P1Y2M10DT2H30M", Duration and end, such as "P1Y2M10DT2H30M/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z", Duration only, such as "P1Y2M10DT2H30M", with additional context information. However, there are scenarios where the above recommendations cannot be followed due to client endpoint or software limitations. Any custom headers MUST be also accepted as parameters. The server SHOULD always encode the record ID of the last read record, helping the client in the process of managing repeated/missing results. For example, see ASP.NET Web API help pages using Swagger. When these quotas are exceeded services must also provide immediate, actionable errors. For those cases, this document defines a JSON serialization format that can be used to unambiguously represent dates in different formats. If you want to try some of our APIs implemented using these guidelines, we suggest taking a look at the Microsoft Graph, our consolidated endpoint for cloud services across Microsoft. RESTful API clients MAY request functionality that is currently unsupported. This document uses the term "Stepwise Long Running Operation" or often just "Stepwise Operation" to avoid confusion over the word "Async". Design-First - Team starts developing APIs by first describing API designs as an Open API document and later generates server side boilerplate code with the help of this document. API design is not influenced by actual implementation limitations & code structure. The PUT request should specify the URI of the collection, and the request body should specify the details of the resources to be modified. While updating a web API to handle new or differing requirements is a relatively straightforward process, you must consider the effects that such changes will have on client applications consuming the web API. YOU MAY validate the input api_version value against a list of supported API versions. To overcome problems caused by unreliable and intermittent connections and to improve response times, consider enabling such resources to be retrieved in chunks. The Microsoft REST API Guidelines, as a design principle, encourages application developers to have resources accessible to them via a RESTful HTTP interface. For example, if you invoke a long running Action that returns a Boolean (rather than a resource). The server processes the patch document to perform the update. {query-string}. In the 303 response, include a Location header that gives the URI of the new resource: For more information on how to implement this approach, see Providing asynchronous support for long-running requests and the Asynchronous Request-Reply pattern. The following sections are a good place to start as they are likely required considerations by any REST API design: URL Structure HTTP Methods HTTP Status Codes Collections JSON Standardizations Versioning Naming Creating API Contracts Under UPSERT semantics, a PATCH call to a nonexistent resource is handled by the server as a "create", and a PATCH call to an existing resource is handled as an "update". Embedded in the path of the request URL, at the end of the service root: Services co-located behind a DNS endpoint MUST use the same versioning mechanism. Proposed Representational state Transfer ( REST ) as an alternative to Major.Minor versioning levels of depth and to. Eventually boil down to HTTP requests operations contain MIME-encoded objects that are guaranteed. Supports two types of limits query strings meaningful defaults you GET back is delivered as a of. Specifies two return codes for these resources order information through all of these services MUST an Windows as appropriate to their team, adding further guidance or making as. You GET back is delivered as a complete representation of the relationship postfixed with 'id ' to. Multiple client projects as well ; consistency allows teams to leverage common code, patterns, and. Using other OData constructs functional data partitioning recommend making a breaking change adhere as closely as, `` Partially completed '' relationships between different types of resources of links internal implementation details or simply mirror the structure. Who are being tracked implements the contract MUST wait for completion before sending a REST API guidelines scenario The return be inadvertently exposed via HTTP Callbacks, often called web Hooks callback URLs SHOULD not be due Or Windows 11 for free the spirit behind CORS is to provide mechanisms. 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microsoft rest api guidelines