guterres human rights

Addressing the crisis in Ukraine, the Secretary-General said Russias military operation is leading to escalating rights violations. Video Message by Antnio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, on the Human Rights Day. Guterres has chosen during his visit to belabour India on human rights and related issues in line with the campaign unleashed against us in America and parts of Europe. First, they presuppose that the best antidote to serious human rights violations is, in all cases, to publicly excoriate the leaders of the States alleged to have committed them. The scale of the violence alarmed international observers, including the United Nations and the African Union, who urged the warring parties to return to peace negotiations, with UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres stating "the situation in Ethiopia is spiraling out of control," and many other agencies, scholars and human rights . UN chief Antonio Guterres chided India during a visit Wednesday over its human rights record, which critics say has regressed under Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This perceived neglect has been especially disappointing to those who believed, based on his background and as UN High Commissioner for Refugees, that he would be a human rights champion. Guterres also said that as home to one-sixth of humanity India can "make or break" the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The UN has to work with member states but it needs to set clear red lines publicly and privately when governments bomb civilians or jail, torture and murder their critics. The Latest on COP27, this year's annual UN summit on climate change. 24 February 2020. Report on the 51st session of the Human Rights Council, Between Principles and Pragmatism: How African states vote at the UN Human Rights Council, Placing human rights at the core of climate action: towards a human rights-based approach to loss and damage, The 1968 United Nations Debate on Human Rights and Tech, Report on the 50th session of the Human Rights Council, Report on the Urgent Debate on the human rights of women and girls in Afghanistan, The French Development Agency organised an international conference to consider new ideas and approaches to linking human rights and development. Many have concluded the answer is no. A narrative has developed in which Guterres faced with the rise of populist leaders in many key UN member States has chosen to sacrifice human rights on the altar of geo-political expediency. Unequal recovery from the pandemic has exposed what Mr. Guterres described as the moral bankruptcy of the global financial system. Civil society and human rights defenders are silenced - particularly women. As I said then, human rights cannot be an afterthought in times of . SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt French President Emmanuel Macron said he discussed human rights with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah . Is Secretary-General Antnio Guterres really committed to human rights? He has done this knowing that what he says will give his imprimatur to the narrative of the decline of democracy and minority rights in India. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. [citation needed] He again appealed for governments, pharmaceutical companies, and partners, to urgently support the global strategy to vaccinate 70 per cent of people in all countries, as outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO). In an important and welcome response to his critics, who have accused the Secretary-General of neglecting human rights, We are all in this together issues a rallying cry to governments, civil society UN organisations and the private sector, that the virus threatens everyone [and] human rights uplift everyone: by respecting human rights in this time of crisis, we will build more effective and inclusive solutions for the emergency of today and the recovery for tomorrow.. October 20, 2022 Mr. Antnio Guterres Secretary-General United Nations UN Headquarters, S-3800 New York, NY 10017 Re: October visit to Vietnam Dear Secretary-General, We are writing ahead of your visit to Vietnam later this week. The scheduled work of the UN Human Rights Council was halted temporarily on Monday as Member States were called to vote on a request from Ukraine to hold an urgent debate on the matter and to condemn Russias military operation. Many have concluded the answer is 'no.'. Few will be able to invest in a strong and sustainable recovery, he said. Indeed, it would likely do a great deal of harm by weakening moderates and strengthening hard-liners in the country. Guterres seems well-attuned to these points, recently telling reporters he must balance human rights advocacy with the need to engage with governments to end conflicts and pursue peace. The consequences of this became tragically clear in Sri Lankaan RC system whose leaders did not understand human rights and were nervous about raising human rights concerns with host governments for fear of being expelled. He should recognize that generic statements do no good because no one feels the heat to change. For example, he has been unwilling to publicly condemn Chinas mass detention of one million Turkic Muslims in political education camps while praising Beijings rights-free Belt and Road Initiative. The victims of this mass arbitrary detention have reason to feel abandoned by the UN chief, as do victims of severe repression elsewhere. He stressed that the rights of women and girls must be at the forefront. The weakness of HRUF was that it represented a soft policy response to a deep structural problem: namely that most Resident Coordinators (RC) were development people, naturally nervous about raising human rights concerns, and all were dependent on their employer, the UNs Development Program (UNDP), for their professional development. A few companies are reaping rich rewards, while ignoring the rights of the poorest and most vulnerable.. Share this via LinkedIn This means being open to all available channels and opportunities to engage. This, indeed, is what Guterres has succeeded in achieving with his reforms of the past two years. : UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres has warned the heads of state and government that have arrived that they are jeopardizing the survival of humanity without increased cooperation on climate protection. And a human crisis that is fast becoming a human rights crisis. Share this via Twitter This includes the UN Resident Co-ordinators, who lead the UNs in-country teams. Human rights cannot, the Secretary-General argues, be an afterthought in times of crisis. Rather (in an echo of his predecessors Human Rights Up Front initiative), people and their rights must be front and centre. Such a human rights lens is essential to help governments identify who is suffering most, why, and what can be done about it leaving no one behind. The answers to some of the world's most pressing problems are rooted in human rights, UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres affirmed on Monday. Addressing students of IIT Bombay later in the day, Guterres said, "As an elected member of the Human Rights Council, India has a responsibility to shape global human rights and to protect and promote the rights of all individuals, including members of minority communities." But is this reading fair? An error occurred while subscribing your email address. There are two important problems with these attacks. 12.18 p.m . Faith thatpeoplecanget a fair hearing and resolve theirgrievancespeacefully. Have the 2022 elections produced a stronger or a weaker Human Rights Council? In a video message to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Mr. Guterres said that although rights are under assault everywhere, people are hard-wired to claim them. The recovery is an opportunity for targeted investments in womens education, employment, training and decent work, to make up ground lost during the pandemic, he added. It alleges that from China to Saudi Arabia and the United States [] the former Portuguese prime minister has repeatedly chosen quiet diplomacy over candour and public denunciation in responding to flagrant rights violations during his first three years in office. This was launched in 2013 in . Thankfully that executive order never saw the light of day. They are inescapable and powerful.The @UN works every day, everywhere, to uphold and promote human rights for all. Turning to digital technology, Mr. Guterres decried the Wild West for human rights characterized by the digital divide, internet shutdowns, disinformation campaigns, and proliferation of spyware and other tools. As a result, abusive governments in Syria, Saudi Arabia, or China pay no reputational price from his non-existent condemnation. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres gave a message to India on human rights. while addressing a gathering at IIT Mumbai, Guterres said,"India's voice on the global stage can only gain in authorityand credibility from a strong commitment to inclusive human rights also at home. When he presented his priorities for the year to the UN General Assembly last month, the Secretary-General warned against what he called the 5-alarm global fire threatening the international community. Mr. Guterres warned that at the same time, global responses to terrorism can make things worse. UN Photo / Jean Marc Ferr. "Cooperate or perish.. This renewed social contract will be essential to tackle poverty and hunger, invest in education, and rebuild trust and social cohesion. SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt French President Emmanuel Macron said he discussed human rights with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi and hoped to soon get "results" in the form of a release of political prisoners, on the sidelines of COP27. the new report builds on guterres' recent ' call to action on human rights ,' as well as various recent reports and statements related to the covid-19 pandemic such as ' shared responsibility, global solidarity: responding to the socio-economic impacts of covid-19 ,' the secretary-general's appeal to governments to 'make the prevention and UN Photo / Violaine Martin. Exclusion and discrimination are rampant. But you have to get to the point where you cant be afraid to use [them]. The effort was intended to make clear that human rights was a core UN concern and as such must be promoted and defended by all UN staff, especially those in leadership positions. Most crucially, he should speak out whenever issues are of sufficient importance that his voice would add significant weight to the UN human rights commissioners. Moreover, in formulating those responses, governments must remain transparent, responsive and accountable and fully respect freedom of expression and freedom of association. Eddie Ndopu is an award-winning humanitarian, storyteller, public intellectual, and global champion for human rights. The new report builds on Guterres recent Call to Action on Human Rights, as well as various recent reports and statements related to the COVID-19 pandemic such as Shared responsibility, global solidarity: responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, the Secretary-Generals appeal to governments to make the prevention and redress of violence against women a key part of their national response plans for COVID-19, and his appeal for a global ceasefire. The COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis and the expansion of digital technology into all areas of our lives have created new threats to human rights. Thats a question that has been vexing diplomats, civil society representatives and journalists ever since he started the job in January 2017. Share this via Email In such instances, preventative diplomacy is likely to be far more effective than isolating and vilifying the country concerned. Share this via Reddit Some of the most. A soft policy response like HRUF could never, on its own, have succeeded in transforming this situationa point brought into tragic focus when many of the mistakes made in Sri Lanka were repeated a few years later in Myanmar. Vaccine inequality demonstrates an utter disregard for the human rights of entire countries and regions, the UN chief said. It is an economic crisis. "In the name of security, humanitarian aid is often blocked - increasing human suffering. And he should bring urgent issues to the Security Councils attention. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres attends a news conference in Istanbul, Turkey, February 10, 2017. Please try again. Lets be clear: A few countries are trampling on the rights of the rest of the world, he said. Further evidence of Guterres perceived ambivalence on the issue is found, many allege, in his lack of support for his predecessor Ban Ki-moonsHuman Rights Up Front(HRUF) initiative. "Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish," Guterres told the plenary session of the 27th UN Climate Change Conference . Antonio Guterres called on China to "follow the recommendations" of the report, which "confirms what the secretary-general has been saying for some time about Xinjiang: that human rights must be respected and that the Uighur community must be respected," said Guterres' spokesman, Stephane Dujarric. Furthermore, in his recentCall to Action for Human Rights,he makes clear that: our purpose is, above all, to have a positive impact. For his final point, Mr. Guterres spoke of how the expansion of violence and conflict denies the human rights of millions of people. The principles set out in this simpleDeclarationremainthe key torealizing all human rights civil, economic, cultural, social, and political for all people, everywhere. But Guterres has been virtually silent on even the most egregious rights violations. taking his lead from important human rights council initiatives such as those on 'the global implementation agenda,' 'human rights and the sdgs,' and 'prevention,' guterres' report argues that driving integrated progress towards the achievement of the sdgs - 'which are underpinned by human rights,' and states' international human rights Guterres stated that India must support the rights of all citizens. The best government responses to COVID-19 are those that respond proportionately to the immediate health threats while protecting human rights and the rule of law. UN officials insist that Guterres discusses human rights behind closed doors. As High Commissioner, Guterres headed one of the world's largest humanitarian organizations, which at the end of his term had more than 10,000 staff working in 126 countries providing protection and assistance to over 60 million refugees, returnees, internally displaced people and stateless persons. However, naming and shaming is certainly not theonlytool in the UNs toolbox. Further evidence of Guterres' perceived ambivalence on the issue is found, many allege, in his lack of support for his predecessor Ban Ki-moon's Human Rights Up Front (HRUF) initiative. The Latest on COP27, this year's annual UN summit on climate change. Universal Rights Group - Design byMydear AgencyMaison de la Paix, Chemin Eugne-Rigot 2E, Building 5 CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland | T +41 22 555 09 60 |, Misinformation, fake news and hate speech, National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting and Follow-up (NMIRFs), The role of international development partners, Clustering and integrated implementation, The business case: human rights at the heart of prevention, The right to a healthy and sustainable environment, UN agencies and programmes: supporting implementation, Combatting religious intolerance (resolution 16/18), Religion-based reservations to the human rights conventions, A rough guide to the Human Rights Council, A rough guide to the human rights Treaty Bodies, A rough guide to human rights in the wider UN system, A rough guide to the regional human rights systems, Terms of reference for the Board of Trustees, Terms of reference for the Advisory Committee, Secretary-General Antnio Guterres during High Level Segment of the 43rd regular session of the Human Rights Council, What now? The report, entitled We are all in this together: human rights and COVID-19 response and recovery, pushes the key message that human rights are critical, not just to the efficacy of a States immediate response to the pandemic, but also to their short, medium, and long-term recovery. Second, while it may be true that Guterres has not pursued the HRUF initiative, its underlying goals live on in his other reform efforts. The pandemic has squeezed developing economies dry. Guterres should make clear he is ready and willing to call out individual governments and their leaders. In February, I launched a Call to Action to put human dignity and the promise of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the core of our work. When former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres was elected United Nations secretary-general in 2016, many human rights activists welcomed the announcement. Receive daily updates directly in your inbox -, Human rights inescapable and powerful: Guterres, Governments urged to protect poor against modern slavery, step up development financing, Boost investments in nature to combat climate, biodiversity and land degradation crises, Rush for new profits posingthreat to human rights, UN experts warn, UN Human Rights Council pauses session to consider urgent debate on Ukraine crisis. Secretary-General Antnio Guterres addresses the 49rd regular session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. But relinquishing his authority is no answer. 28 February 2022 Human Rights The answers to some of the world's most pressing problems are rooted in human rights, UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres affirmed on Monday. Whether its the murder of two UN investigators in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the use of chemical weapons in Syria, or Khashoggis murder, Guterres and his team seem readily equipped with arguments to justify further inaction. Feature image: Secretary-General Antnio Guterres attends High Level Segment of the 43rd Regular Session of the Human Rights Council. 24 February 2020. Share this via WhatsApp This narrative was in plain view in arecent article in Foreign Policymagazine (4 February, 2020) entitled UN Chief faces internal criticism over human rightsa full-frontal attack on Guterres and his human rights record. We can best address these human-rights abuses by centering our response around rights themselves an approach set out in my Call to Action on Human Rights, the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, he said. Yet Guterres continues to walk on eggshells around the US and other major powers. Join our movement today. I have consistently called for the end of the offensive and return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy, he said. Rather, he should boldly and explicitly criticize member states for abusive actions. But human rights also empower people, based on an understanding that everyone, without discrimination, has an inalienable right to an adequate standard of physical and mental health, to housing, to food and water, etc. Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3)nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-2875808. by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group March 24, 2020 Blog, Blog. The answers to some of the worlds most pressing problems are rooted in human rights, UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres affirmed on Monday. Mr Guterres also said that as home to one-sixth of humanity, India can "make or break" the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Confidence thata life of dignity is within reach. Zeid states that this is a sign of weakness, not prudence, while an email from Gilmore is quoted as saying Guterres deferential approach brings shame to the organisation. On Thursday, the UN Human Rights Council will hold an urgent debate on the situation in Ukraine. The answers to some of the world's most pressing problems are rooted in human rights, UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres affirmed on Monday. In a video message to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Mr. Guterres said that although rights "are under assault everywhere", people are "hard-wired" to claim them. They are inescapable and powerful, he said, addressing the Councils annual session. Guterres need not abandon quiet diplomacy, but private conversations would be more persuasive if governments recognized that they could be followed by pointed public criticisms. Seventy-threeyears ago today, theUnited NationsGeneral Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Trustin the justice and impartiality of laws and institutions. Human rights cannot be confiscated by dictators or erased by poverty. He should authorize fact-finding missions to shed light on responsibility for serious abuse. ( - One of the most outspoken and arguably most effective non-governmental organizations accredited to the United Nations says it is submitting a formal complaint to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, alleging a pattern of behavior from officials amounting to discrimination and censorship. Other ways to share A narrative has developed in which Guterres has chosen to sacrifice human rights on the altar of geo-political expediency. Where states, however powerful, routinely violate rights, and show no willingness to change their behaviour, then the UN Secretary-General, in concert with the High Commissioner, can and must speak out. There is space for negotiations behind the scenes, a place for building and strengthening national capacities, a place for supporting different stakeholders, and a time when speaking out is essential.. Yet there is little evidencehis regular, outspoken criticisms of states, including the most powerful, resulted in any of the targets changing their behaviour. A social crisis. Mr. Guterres said the internet must be treated as a global public good that benefits everyone, everywhere. UN Photo / Violaine Martin, What now? He said the triple planetary emergency of climate change, pollution and nature loss, is a threat to all human rights. Help us continue to fight human rights abuses. In a message at the launch of a report on "how human rights can and must guide COVID-19 response and recovery," Guterres said said human rights responses could help "beat the pandemic, putting a focus on the imperative of healthcare for everyone." They also also serve as an "essential warning system highlighting who is suffering . The Human Rights Council is the global locus for tackling the full range of human rights challenges. Seventy-three years ago today, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights cannot be confiscated by dictators or erased by poverty. On 25 February 2022, people shelter in a school during ongoing military operations in Kyiv, Ukraine. In a video message to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Mr. Guterres said that although rights "are under assault everywhere", people are "hard-wired" to claim them. Young girls work on a robotics project in Afghanistan (file photo). The United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday chastised India for its record on human rights. Antnio Guterres (UN Secretary-General) on Human Rights Day, Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (MALU). This was launched in 2013 in . Guterres inherited a difficult situation. a global green new deal). Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license. 24 February 2020. Caption: Secretary-General Antnio Guterres addresses the 49th regular session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Options for next steps following UN recognition of the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment. Protect Civilians from Incendiary Weapons, How Dare They Peep into My Private Life?, Indian Girls Alleged Rape and Murder Sparks Protests, Uzbekistan: Police Abuses in Autonomous Region Protests, Qatar: Male Guardianship Severely Curtails Womens Rights. united nations secretary-general antnio guterres is facing criticism from his former advisors for what they see as his lax record defending human rights at a time when powerful u.n. member. He is one of the 17 official UN Advocates for the Sustainable Development . Many face debt defaults. This perceived neglect has been especially disappointing to those who believed, based on his . The Secretary-General expressed solidarity with young people, women and girls, small island states and indigenous communities who are leading the fight back. Public opinion and public pressure, he adds, are an enormous source of influence if you decide to use [them]. The answers to some of the world's most pressing problems are rooted in human rights, UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres affirmed on Monday. The Trump administration has continued to target UN programs it dislikes, but Congress has neutralized its attempts to gut UN funding. On the pandemic, he pointed to the persistent vaccine inequity, which has seen richer countries administering 13 times more doses per person than poorer nations. Zeid goes so far as to juxtapose such behaviour with his own perceived bravery while High Commissioner in attacking [world] leaders by name. A narrative has developed in which Guterres has chosen to sacrifice human rights on the altar of geo-political expediency. by Marc Limon, Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group April 29, 2020 Beyond the Council, Blog, Blog, Contemporary and emerging human rights issues, At the end of April UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres launched an important new report calling for human rights to be placed upfront in guiding the international communitys response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. We know the inevitable result of war: civilian casualties; women, children and men forced from their homes: hunger, poverty and huge economic disruption. Guterres should remind abusive states that the UN is not just a tool to promote economic development or a forum to talk about security, but a guardian of human rights. Please give now to support our work, New Strategy Needed for Second Half of Term, Share this via Facebook We need a digital public square that is inclusive and safe for all; and social media platforms that support human rights and freedoms, he underscored. The We are all in this together report rightly builds from the premise that the COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency but it is far more; it is an economic crisis; a social crisis; and a human crisis that is fast becoming a human rights crisis.. Mr. Guterres urged countries to mobilize to address the COVID-19 pandemic, global finance, climate action, lawlessness in cyber space, and peace and security. It is also important to consider the counter intuitive: would a blanket naming and shaming approach work any better? Zeid relied heavily on public diplomacy during his time as High Commissioner. On the contrary, by relying so exclusively on megaphone diplomacy, at the expense of other dimensions of his mandate, Zeid threw away most of his levers of influence not only with the states he criticised but also with a large majority of developing countries. Human rights are on the frontline; they are the building blocks of a world of dignity and opportunity for all - and they are under fire every day. Private conversations could work if he could show that something of importance would be on the line if the government didnt change its ways, but the UN secretary-general lacks the leverage governments possess, such as targeted sanctions. In a video. Today and every day,we will continue to workforjustice, equality, dignity andhumanrightsfor all. Since Modi came . Options for next steps following UN recognition of the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment. Childrens Rights Violations by Governments that Endorsed Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Abuses Against Older People in Armed Conflict, Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice. This would severely hamper its ability to deliver humanitarian aid, vaccinate children, and protect civilians in war zones. Report on the 51st session of the Human Rights Council, Between Principles and Pragmatism: How African states vote at the UN Human Rights Council, Placing human rights at the core of climate action: towards a human rights-based approach to loss and damage, The 1968 United Nations Debate on Human Rights and Tech, Report on the 50th session of the Human Rights Council, Report on the Urgent Debate on the human rights of women and girls in Afghanistan, The French Development Agency organised an international conference to consider new ideas and approaches to linking human rights and development. Echoing comments made during the second RightOn web chat on 15 April, Guterres makes the crucial point that the virus does not discriminate, but its impacts do exposing deep weaknesses in the delivery of public services and structural inequalities that impede access to them. He also again in line with discussions during RightOn debates draws attention to the rise of hate speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups, and the risks of heavy-handed security responses undermining the health response, especially against a background of rising ethno-nationalism, populism, authoritarianism and a pushback against human rights in some countries., This, he makes clear, is completely unacceptable.

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