deltaic depositional environment

Unfortunately, in ancient rock sequences, only faunal evidence can be used to separate these major components. [17] Kamola, D. L. (1984). History. Depositional landforms are the visible evidence of processes that have deposited sediments or rocks after they were transported by flowing ice or water, wind . You do not have access to this content, please speak to your institutional administrator if you feel you should have access. [16] Bioturbated siltstones and mudstones can be preserved in deltaic environments, with ichnofossils such as Skolithos, Palaeophycus, and Planolites indicating that marine life was once active in such an environment. Almost 40% of the supplied sediments in this delta is associated with mass movement in prodelta region after the initial deposition (Coleman, 1981). [10] Tide dominated deltas are similar to wave dominated since the main force influencing the deltas morphology is a low velocity body of water. Based on its position deltas are broadly two types, inner shelf delta that protrude on to continental shelves, lakes, bay, lagoons and estuaries, whereas the shelf-edge delta developed at the continental edge during sea level fall (Reading and Collinson, 1996; Tesson et al., 1993). Wave dominated. Some of the papers in this volume are based on detailed local studies of modern deltaic sedimentary sequences, on processes of deposition, and on physical and biological characteristics of the deltaic environments. 4. Alluvial fan morphology is not limited to triangular forms, but can experience shifts in morphology as sediment deposition rates fluctuate, and due to forces such as tidal influence and waves. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84(2), 97-121. These finer sediments can indicate a lower-energy environment such as a marine basin. The interface between the stream and marine environments. In many instances the deposition of fluvial sediments is strongly modified by marine forces such as waves, currents and tides, and depositional features found in deltas therefore display a high degree of variability. Sedimentology, 47, 2-48. Tesson, M., Gensous, B., Allen, G.P., Morgan, J. P., J. M. Coleman, and Well sorted sand with cross to flat lamination and climbing ripples comprises part of delta front representing river flood. What are deltaic deposits? Transgressive abandonment deposits are formed by delta switching on delta plain. This page was last edited on 15 December 2021, at 22:54. In Bhattacharya, J. [11] Goodbred, S. L., & Saito, Y. An emphasis is placed on the exploration for hydrocarbons in a deltaic environment. Reading, H.G., and Collinson, J.D., Discipline: Geology. Memoir No. The climate influence the weathering and erosion processes in the hinterland as well as the amount of discharge and water level in the rivers. Prior, AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series, Coastal Studies Institute Louislana State University. [3] Wildlife & Habitat - delta - U.S. fish and wildlife service. [12] However, examples of deltaic environments can often be preserved in the rock record. Kita-Chigasaki was opened on February 1, 1940 as Nitto Station (, Nitto-eki) on the Sagami Railway. Influx of mud, silt, and sand along with moderate gradient facilitates the basinal reworking processes over the active delta. Tidal rhythms can behave consistently in spring tides resulting in higher-than-average tidal levels and neap tides causing below-average tidal levels. Coal Meandering Rivers Deltas Table of Depositional Environments (page will open in new window) Introduction A depositional environment is a specific type of place in which sediments are deposited, such as a stream channel, a lake, or the bottom of the deep ocean. waves and tides. Change of Deltaic Depositional Environment and Impacts on Reservoir Properties, Ya13-1 Gas Field, South China Sea, Marine & Petroleum Geology. As sediment deposits, it begins to extend laterally into the larger body of water in a fan-like shape. . of south Louisiana. sequences and sand distribution in the Postglacial Rhone delta complex, in Deltaic - deltas. Journal of Geology, v.82, p. 751-778. The deltaic environment breaks down into three regions: Danube Delta from Wikipedia The Delta Plain: The terrestrial environment where river meets ocean. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from Modern fluvial, deltaic and coastal depositional systems . Tens to thousands of km2 and tens to By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our, Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. [11], Deltas undergo changes throughout their lifespan depending on factors such as sediment transport rates or sea-level change. [8] Deltaic facies will vary depending on the position within the delta where deposition occurred.[8][9]. The uppermost part could be slightly eroded by distributary channels due to progradation. processes, facies and stratigraphy, Blackwell Science, Oxford, p. 154-231. Martinsen OJ. Frictional and inertial processes dominates in the delta front interaction zone during the high flow but when the river discharge is slow buoyancy process take over (Wright and Coleman, 1974). A delta, in the geographic sense, is a deltoid-shaped area determined by the major bifurcations of a river and resulting from relatively rapid deposition of river-borne sediment into a more or less still standing body of water. Examples are taken from around the world and ancient analogs are offered. Lake region, southeastern Manitoba (Project Pioneer), ed. Delta plain is dominated by distributary channel with occasional wave and tidal processes during low river stage. Classification of Deltas. of mud, silt, and sand along with moderate gradient facilitates the basinal reworking processes over the active delta. Delta facies associations can be segmented into a pro-delta (or pre-delta), a frontal splay, detached distal bars, distributary mouth bars, and terminal distributary channels. Deltaic Environments . Retrieved December 13, 2021, from Deltaic - Silt deposition landform at the mouth of a river (possible cross beds, ripple marks)[5] Common sediments are sand, silt, and clay. Many geologists have become involved in studies of deltaic sediments and sedimentation processes. In sedimentology, determining the depositional environments from the properties of sediment or sedimentary rocks is the main purpose and focus. I: Mudlumps at the Mouths There're 3 main types of Deltas: River dominated. 3) A tidal inlet and beach-barrier depositional environment for the . Despite variations in amount of available data it is apparent that these three river systems have developed deltas displaying varied geomorphic form which reflects differences in depositional processes and products. Website. Delta front is affected by the interaction of sediment laden distributary flow, wave, tide, and other basinal processes. A delta plain generally can be subdivided into physiographic settings. December 2014. Estuaries are similar to deltas in that they are contact points between a fluvial system and a larger body of water, but estuaries differ in that the tidal forces acting upon the fluid system cause the saline water to encroach into the fluvial system. A more substantial example of a beach depositional environment at the foot of a bajada has been reported on the eastern side of Huatepec Hill (Fig. Mississippi river delta is one of the best example of fluvial dominated delta system in modern time. ed Sedimentary environments and facies. Our data indicate that the succession was deposited as part of a delta influenced by storm floods (i.e., produced by upstream river floods resulting from ocean storms). A sedimentary or depositional environment is an area on Earth's surface such as a lake or stream where large volumes of sediment accumulate. However, storm events can cause major variations in both tidal forces and wave action which can greatly impact deltaic morphology. The table below includes specific environments where various types of sediments are deposited and common rocks, structures, and fossils that aid in deducing the depositional environment from examining a sedimentary rock outcrop. (2014). Wanipigow River-Manigotagan River region, Winnipeg Mining District; in Geology and Geophysics of the Rice 129-149). The Geological Society of London - Ganges Delta, Bangladesh and West Bengal. A deltaic system is a three-dimensional Alluvial fan morphology: A self-similar free boundary problem description. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 41(1), 179-203. These observations and deductions suggest that the irregularly distributed resistant outcrops and mesas seen throughout the Visionarium are remnants of fluvial channels. Bhattacharya, J.P., and Walker, R.G., Braided streams - horizontal beds of conglomerates and sands with unidirectional crossbeds, almost no mud. Every delta plain consists of a subaerial and subaqueous component. The term delta was first applied by the Greek philosopher Herodotus (490 B.C.) Factors controlling depositional processes and products are analyzed for three of the worlds major river-delta systems; the Mississippi, Ganges-Brahmaputra, and Mekong. An example of such a trend can be observed in Ahmed et al., 2014. Silt lamination and thin cross-laminated sand intercalated with clay represents a combined effect of suspended sediments, sediment influx from the distributary channels, and waves (Tye and Coleman, 1989). [8] Tang, M., Zhang, K., Huang, J., & Lu, S. (2019). The beach is named after the famous J-pop group Southern All Stars whose lead singer was born in Chigasaki. continental shelf, France: Marine Geology, v.91, p. 325-332. [1] A delta's morphology or shape is determined by sediment deposition and transport, as well as by . This site uses cookies. The station consists of a single island platform connected to a small station building by a footbridge. In it, we see: Distributary channels Flood plains There are three main types of Depositional Environments, they are (3pt): 1. Sedimentation patterns and sand distribution in models are discussed. In a fluvial dominated delta the channel deposits coarse-grained distributary mouth bar and disperse finer grain deposits towards offshore as subaqueous levees. Delta plains are commonly characterized by distributaries and interdistributary areas.The upper delta plain is gradational with floodplains, lacks marine influence and typically has large flood basins, commonly with freshwater peats and lacustrine deposits. (n.d.). Tsuzuki-ku () is one of the 18 wards of the city of Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. These are commonly referred to as river deltas but typically deltas do not have just a fluvial system controlling their morphology. Sedimentary Rocks. Bukar Shettima *1, . You can disable cookies at any time. 8798, Houston Geol. Four basic factors control and influence delta formation: (1) river regime, mainly particle size and quantity of material transported by a river to its delta and variations in these properties during Search for other works by this author on: SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology 1970, ISBN 978-1-56576-145-2$5.00. [1] Within estuaries, tidal sand bars are common and behave as buffers for tidal intrusion into areas such as tidal flats or marshes. Distributary channels are smaller channels that originate from a deltas fluvial source and often carve braided paths from the source, across the alluvial fan, and into the open body of water. Variably active series of distributary channels characterize an active delta, but a single distributary channel delta is not uncommon though. [8] Starting from the fluvial source and transitioning towards a marine environment the formation includes: mud clast breccias, high-angle and low-angle cross stratified sands, consolidated sandy clay, sand wave bedded muds, very fine grained clays with sand interbeds, carbonaceous muds, interbedded sand and mud layers, laminated sands with cm-scale mud interbeds, cross-bedded sand, massive sandstone, bioturbated sand, and glauconitic muddy sand. Interdistributary areas are comprised of swamps, marshes, and enclosed stagnant water bodies that are occasionally disturbed by locally-generated wind wave. 1980. Swash bars, beach ridges, beach spits, and cheniers developed either along distributary mouth bars or along the shore towards coastal current drift where wave processes are dominated. Shale diapirism increased in importance as the depositional loci shifted. This website is concentrated towards the shelf-edge deltas. Sedimentation patterns and sand distribution in models are discussed. Bulletin, v.35, p.1-116. The base of the channels are erosive with basal lags and the well sorted sand fine upward from cross bedding through ripple lamination with silt clay alteration (Fielding et al., 2005). Energies, 12(9), 1769. The depositional history depicts southeastward progradation of low-gradient, fine-grained fluvial systems that extended about 60 miles (100 km) from their source area. Kita-Chigasaki Station is served by the Sagami Line, and is located 1.3 kilometers from the terminus of the line at Chigasaki.. Station layout. Figure 2 : Morphological subdivision of a typical delta (after Nichols, 1999). This volume was based on a symposium, Deltaic Sedimentation, which was held at the AAPG/SEPM Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana on April 1965. The fossil content also is a useful guide to the depositional environment of sandstones. Another extensively studied example of a modern delta is Niger, where the distributary channels are dominantly affected by tidal currents and developed 9 to 15 m deep inlets dissecting beach-barrier shoreline. Deltaic: Deposits at the mouths of large rivers. The distributary channels are separated from each other with shallow water environment. In other places, particularly when subsidence rates are high, marine waters encroach rapidly across the subsiding delta mass and shallow-water marine deposits will directly overlie the regressive delta deposits with no significant marine reworking taking place. Search for other works by this author on: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1980, ISBN 978-1-62981-182-6 $24.00. High-frequency sea-level cycles resulted in shoreline excursions of about . These are: subaerial delta-plain, beach, channel-mouth bar, outer delta-platform, interdistributary bay, delta-slope, and prodelta. we classify depositional environments as: . Prodelta is uncommon in some shallow water, storm or tide-dominated delta. [3], A deltas morphology fluctuates depending on the forces acting upon it, both in the fluvial system that meets the lower velocity body of water and the body of water itself. Once a flooding surface is reached, sandstone will be the primary lithological unit. The prodelta mud is deposited from suspension and form laminations due to variable grain size or color due to flow fluctuation or plume shifting. So this zone shows diverse textures and structures depends on the prominence of the process. U.S. Morgan, J. P., 1961, Genesis and Furthermore, it constantly advances toward the sea or lake foreset. The sedimentary characteristics of each of the Fluviatile and Deltaic depositional systems are presented in detail, using examples from recent environments, outcrops, cores, wireline logs and test/production data from oil and gas fields in various parts of the world. Spring Semester 2014Fluvial & Deltaic Environments; Walther's Law. A delta will spread further out into the basin if it building out into a shallow water than in deeper water (Fielding et al., 2005). These deltaic depositional environments can change at a given location through geological time due to several variables, in particular, sea-level change (e.g., Ta et al., 2002, Steel et al., 2003, Porbski and Steel, 2006, Glrstad-Clark et al., 2011, Ahokas et al., 2014). FLUVIO-DELTAIC DEPOSITIONAL COMPLEX OF THE CAMPANO-MAASTRICHTIAN GOMBE FORMATION OF THE GONGOLA SUB-BASIN, NORTHERN BENUE TROUGH, N.E. Tidal fluctuations will be deposited as mud-dominated layers in Neap tides and sand dominated in Spring tides due to the changes in tidal activity. Description CA- Depositional Environments 1. Nichols, G., 1999, Sedimentology Tye, R.S., and Coleman, J.M., Natural Resources, Mines Branch Publication 71-1, Map 71-1/4, scale one inch to 1993, Variability of deltaic processes in terms of sediment supply, with particular [1] NIGERIA . [4] DeChant, L., Pease, P., & Tchakerian, V. P. (2021). one mile. Delta is a "discrete shoreline protuberance formed at a point where a river enters the ocean or other bodies of water" (Elliott,1986; Bhattacharya & Walker, 1992). Geol Assoc Canada, Waterloo, Ontario, p. 157-177. to the triangular land surface formed by deposits from Nile River . ), which modify and disperse riverborne (fluvial) clastic deposits. [6] These are places where a delta may form. QBB 2023-CLASTIC SEDIMENTOLOGY AND An ideal progradational succession represents both shallow and coarsen upward from offshore mud, through silt towards variable grained sandy facies. A deltas morphology or shape is determined by sediment deposition and transport, as well as by several sources such as tides, wave-action, and fluvial input. The interdistributary areas are characterized by extensive marsh with clearly distinctive non-woody plants grown in fresh, brackish, and saline environments (Gould, 1970). Delta depositional environments: types, geometry, facies distribution, morphology, and stratigraphy of deltaic systems. Data on Triassic and Eocene deltas comes from mostly unpublished personal research. Soc., Houston, Tex. Palaios, 207-227. Sediment begins to accumulate at the precipice of the fluvial system and open body of water. Oomkens, E., 1970, Depositional 1989, Depositional processes and stratigraphy of fluvially dominated lacustrine Learn more. However, the complexity of deltaic sedimentary environments has been oversimplified by geoscientists over the years, considering just littoral deltas as the unique possible type of delta in natural systems . Tide dominated. Sedimentology, 48(3), 479-506. The fluvial system which supplies sediment to the alluvial fan often forms distributary channels. These deposits are less affected by the short-term catastrophic events; however, the depositional patterns recordthe long term effects of both sediment supply and base-level changes (Reading and Collinson, 1996). Process Framework for Describing the Morphologic and Stratigraphic Evolution of Deltaic Depositional Systems W. E. Galloway Environmental Science, Geography 1975 Abstract A delta is a partially subaerial, contiguous mass of sediment deposited around the point where a river enters a standing body of water. It was followed by partial withdrawal of the sea in NW and SW part of the basin, which resulted in deposition of . This is the most stable part of the most common delta types where mud and silt deposited from suspensions as lamination reflecting deposition of fluvial sediments in the buoyant plume. Deltaic: Deposits at the mouths . Wet climate will contribute more sediments and more delta progression then dry climate. Deltaic System. 224-0032. The Cretaceous delta is based on an update . Distributary channels in the fluvial to tidal transition zone. Individual fluvial channels were separated laterally by muddy . A delta is usually a deltaic depositional system with a protruding geometric shape in which the fixed water supply system (which finally forms a main river) supplies deposits to the coastal line (seacoast or lakeshore) and merges into water deposits in the local area. 8: p.145-161. The supply of the sediment depends on the nature of the hinterland. You could not be signed in. Mud diapers or mud lumps are common feature near distributary mouth bar forming temporary islands in the Mississippi delta (Morgan, 1961; Morgan et al., 1968). Clastic depositional environments are by far the most dominant in lakes (Gierlowski-Kordesch and Kelts, 1994, 2000 ). Lacustrine - processes due to moving water, mainly lakes . The sedimentological data for the Burra Group suggest: 1) a fluvial and fluvial-marine deltaic depositional environment for the Blue Mine Conglomerate. Wright, L.D. Shales are generally deposited in lacustrine (continental), deltaic (transitional) and marine depositional environments and may correspondingly be classified as such; that is, lacustrine, deltaic and marine shales (Compton, 1977; Boggs, 1995). The mouth of a river is the point where it reaches a standing body of water, which may be a lake or the sea. In these two delta settings, reservoir-quality rocks are often deposited in close proximity to potential source beds, contemporaneous structure which forms major trapping potential is common, and most deltas exist in rapidly subsiding basins, allowing thick deltaic sequences to develop over a rather short time framework. [14] Some commonly seen structures in delta-associated sandstones are cross-beds, planar laminations, wave-ripple laminations, and evidence of high energy rates of deposition through fluvial or shore-line forces. The modern approach on delta classificationhas developed based on the dominant grain size of the deposits and the relative prominence of fluvial, wave and tide processes (Fig., after Orton & Reading 1993). [7] Sandbar. Thus sand bodies within deltas display a variety of geometries and vertical-sequence characteristics. In the broadest sense deltas can be defined as those depositional features, both subaerial and subaqueous, formed by fluvial sediments. CLASTIC SEDIMENTOLOGY & This scheme can be used as a ba, sis for classifying strata, within each typeof deltas, which are interpreted as delta facies, A delta is divided into three major morphological subdivisions, 1) river-dominated, subaerial. (2012). Retrieved December 13, 2021, from [2] Galloway, W. E. (1975), Process framework for describing the morphologic and stratigraphic evolution of deltaic depositional systems, in Deltas: Models for Exploration, pp. 2) A tidal flat, tidal channel, and lagoonal low energy back-barrier depositional environment for the Opaminda Formation. Wave dominated Delta: River dominated Delta: What're the types of River Deltas ??? This is typically seen when the fluid systems mouth encounters an open body of water such as a lake, ocean, or sea. In the higher part of the sequence with shallower water level, interaction of distributary flow discharge, waves, and sedimentation from suspension develop parallel and lenticular silt lamellae along with intercalated thin cross laminated sand and clay (Reading and Collinson, 1974; Nichols, 1999). and Ravenne C., 1993, Late Quaternary deltaic lowstand wedges on the Rhne You could not be signed in. [5] These are places where a delta may form. Minnesota, 124 p. Elliott, T., 1986, Siliciclastic Tide dominated deltas tend to be highly variable and extensive in size. deltas: Mississippi delta plain: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v.59, p. James P. Morgan, 1970. [17] Along with ichnofossils or body fossils, massively bedded siltstone and mudstone can be common deltaic facies. Deltaic Sedimentation, Modern and Ancient. The overlying sediments of Jaisalmer Formation were deposited in overall shallow marine conditions. Weber, W., 1971, Geology of the Please check your email address / username and password and try again. The top is capped with rootlets and other features of flooding (Oomkens, 1970; Coleman, 1981). Facies architecture and stratigraphic evolution of a river-dominated delta front, Turonian Ferron Sandstone, Utah, USA. Despite the environmental contrasts, all actively prograding deltas have at least one common feature--a river supplies clastic sediment to the coast and adjacent shelf more rapidly than it can be dispersed by marine processes, and thus a regressive sedimentary deposit forms. ), which modify and disperse riverborne ( fluvial) clastic deposits. Sediments that are deposited through the action of rivers are referred to as fluvial depositional environments. Some of the more important of these environments are illustrated in Figure 6.17. front of Mississippi river delta ( Wikipedia : lobe: progradation results in a coarseningup, Figure 5 : Controls on delta environments, Figure 6 : In a delta cycle the facies succession preserved depends on the location of the vertical profile relative to the. Are rivers depositional environments? 3. & Giosan, L., Eds., River Deltas: Most Chengjiang animals. 3 30. Which is a common deposition environment for sediment? Coleman, J.M., 1981, Deltas. Deltaic depositional facies result from interacting dynamics processes (wave energy, tidal regime, currents, climate, etc. They are sometimes called sedimentary environments. (n.d.). A depositional environment is the accumulation of chemical, biological, and physical properties and processes associated with the deposition of sediments that lead to a distinctive suite of sedimentary rocks. Tsuzuki Ward Office. Orton, G.J., and Reading, H.G., These environments record the onset of delatic conditions in the Middle Devonian and the transition from relatively deeper, offshore . Deltas constitute complex depositional systems formed when a land-derived gravity-flow (carrying water and sediments) discharges into a marine or lacustrine standing body of water. Beginning near the base or lower portion of a preserved delta and trending upwards, typical facies seen will range from finer-grained rocks such as siltstone and mudstones. The Mcmurray Formation in Alberta, Canada demonstrates facies from an estuarine tidal bar paleoenvironment. Tectonics control the gradient of the river that eventually affects the grain size of the carried materials. The subaerial component is often divided into upper and lower delta plains (Figure 1), the upper plain normally being the older part of the subaerial delta and existing above the area of significant tidal or marine influences. Here we discuss the change of deltaic depositional environment from . [1] From the standpoint of petroleum accumulation, however, river- and tide-dominated deltas are probably the most important. Mississippi delta complex. Learning about Deltaic System is . and Coleman, J.M., 1974, This complexity results from the following factors: (a) modern deltas exist in a wide range of geographic settings, ranging in climatic regimes from arctic to temperate to tropical to arid, with basin tectonics ranging from rather stable basins to extremely actively subsiding basins; (b) deltas form primarily in the zone of interaction between freshwater and marine processes, one of the most complex process settings in all coastal environments; (c) deltas carry large volumes of sediment, ranging in grain size from gravel to clay, and deposit these sediments both overbank and into the marine environment through distributary channels; (d) rapid rates of deposition often result in formation of extremely weak foundations, with a wide variety of mass-movement processes resulting in complex redistribution of the deltaic sediment. Delta is a discrete shoreline protuberance formed at a point where a riverenters the ocean orother bodies ofwater (Elliott,1986; Bhattacharya &Walker, 1992). Figure 6.17 Some of the important depositional environments for sediments and sedimentary rocks Yuan Zhe Ma. It differs from fluvial floodplains and channels considered previously because it develops on top of previous deltaic deposits. Location Roughly triangular in map view and wedge shaped in cross section. The total area was 27. . These deposits are less affected by the short-term catastrophic events; however, the depositional patterns recordthe long term effects of both sediment supply and base-level changes (Reading and Collinson, 1996). Its shape may l . Some of the papers in this volume are based on detailed local studies of modern deltaic sedimentary sequences, on processes of deposition, and on physical and biological characteristics of the deltaic environments. and the sedimentary depositional environment, that lies below the everyday wave base; Deep water marine environment - Flat area on the deep ocean floor (abyssal plains) caused by ocean currents . [2] Deltas are environments of high ecological importance acting as barriers for storm events, areas of high amounts of biodiversity, and as breeding grounds for wildlife such as birds. Fielding, C.R., Trueman, J.D. Depositional Environments - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. . Marine depositional environments-Shelf-Carbonate-Deep sea. [8], [1] Water basics glossary. Mississippi river mouth process: effluent dynamics and morphologic development: When tidal forces influence the morphology of a delta, estuaries tend to form. Prodelta: The part of delta that is unaffected by wave or tidal. Based on its position deltas are broadly two types, , bay, lagoons and estuaries, whereas the, developed at the continental edge during sea level fall (Reading and Collinson, 1996; Tesson et al., 1993). The relationships between the controls, the form of the delta and the facies are summarized in the figure below. Other structures seen in relation to deltas are sand bars (otherwise known as tidal bars) and tidal flats. Fish & Wildlife Service. But generally deltaic facies is represented by progradational lobes with alternating transgressive deposits. Using the 3 main types you just listed, Complete the next 3 questions (6pt): [1], Delta sedimentation occurs when sediment transported through a fluid system encounters a sudden change in velocity.

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deltaic depositional environmentAuthor:

deltaic depositional environment