corrosion detection using image processing

3, pp. A. Bhuiyan, G. Wang, M. A. Rahman, J. Wu, and J. Cao, Big data reduction for a smart citys critical infrastructural health monitoring, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. De Kerf T, Hasheminejad N, Blom J, Vanlanduit S. Materials (Basel). Springer, New York, NY. Choi and Kim [39] relies on attributes (color, texture, and shape) extracted from digital images. This study aims at developing a computer vision and data-driven method for automatic detection of pitting corrosion. Shum, Image super-resolution using gradient profile prior, in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 4, p. 271, 2016. Data mining: concepts and techniques. Accordingly, this study aims at constructing an intelligent method for automatic recognition of metallic surface area subject to pitting corrosion. This method aims at analyzing the repeated occurrence of certain gray-level patterns existing in an image texture. To guarantee a balanced dataset, the number of the negative (without pitting corrosion) data samples should also be 124. Herein, the label=1 means the negative class and the label=1 denotes a positive class. COMPSAC 89., Proceedings of the 13th Annual International. M.-Y. I. Ivasenko and V. Chervatyuk, Detection of rust defects of protective coatings based on HSV color model, in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), pp. 14, no. This means that in the cathodic reaction, metal is reduced and in anodic . 2736327386, 2018. Generally, a small COV value associates with a small variation on prediction outcome and is an indicator of a reliable machine-learning model. Su, A survey on metaheuristic optimization for random single-hidden layer feedforward neural network, Neurocomputing, vol. (ii)The DE-based local pollination modifies the current member by creating a mutated flower and a crossed flower according to the following equations:(a)Creating a mutated flower:where r1, r2, and r3 are three random integers and F denotes a mutation scale factor which is drawn from a Gaussian distribution with the mean=0.5 and the standard deviation=0.15 [41]. In this paper, three features are proposed for detecting the pole tip corrosion in the hard disk drives by using various techniques of image processing. S. K. Ahuja and M. K. Shukla, A survey of computer vision based corrosion detection approaches, in Proceedings of the Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS 2017), vol. Therefore, accurate detection of corroded areas is crucial during the phase of structural health monitoring. The above indices are summarized in Table 1. T. Xiaoou, Texture information in run-length matrices, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. The feasible domain of the SVMs penalty coefficient and kernel parameter is [1, 100] and [0.1, 100], respectively. Computer-Vision-Based Fabric Defect Detection: A Survey. In addition, the population size and the number of the LSHADE searching generations are selected to be 20 and 100, respectively. Since corrosion often results in areas on the metal surface with distorted color, using the statistical properties of image color channels (red, green, and blue) can be helpful for the task of interest. 117141, 2018. 11101128, 2018. An official website of the United States government. The notable advantages of the LBP are its computational efficiency and tolerance of monotonic illumination variations [75]. Support vector machine optimized by differential flower pollination is then used to construct a decision boundary that can recognize corroded and intact pipe surfaces. Therefore, timely and accurate detection of corrosion on pipe surface is a crucial task. 1543, 2020. 804811, 2018. In the phase of solution evaluation, the quality of each member in the population is appraised via the following cost function:where K=5 denotes the number of data folds and PPV and NPV are the positive predictive value and the negative predictive value. It is noted that the detected positive class (corrosion class) samples are highlighted by red squares. 347373, Imperial College Press, London , UK, 2008. N. Muangkote, K. Sunat, and S. Chiewchanwattana, R r-cr -IJADE: an efficient differential evolution algorithm for multilevel image thresholding, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. This test points out that the MO-SVM-PCD is statistically better than the LSSVM, CTree, BPANN, and CNN with values<0.05. 1722, 1981. 4, pp. Hence, it is confident to conclude that the predictive results of the two pipe corrosion detection models are statistically different. S. C. Satapathy, N. Sri Madhava Raja, V. Rajinikanth, A. S. Ashour, and N. Dey, Multi-level image thresholding using Otsu and chaotic bat algorithm, Neural Computing and Applications, vol. Corrosion is a serious issue causing damage in power transmission lattice towers of steel that can lead to outages. In this . Qualitative Comparison of 2D and 3D Atmospheric Corrosion Detection Methods. 78, no. Therefore, the newly developed model can be a useful tool for building maintenance agents to quickly evaluate the status of pipe systems. 2010, no. 7, no. 333350, 2020. 3, p. 408, 2017. You will develop an. -, Liu L., Tan E., Zhen Y., Yin X. J., Cai Z. Q. AI-facilitated coating corrosion assessment system for productivity enhancement. The SVM algorithm aims at identifying a decision boundary so that the gap between classes is as large as possible [36]. Otherwise, neighboring pixel is coded as 0. 67, pp. 30, no. A machine. 16741682, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2016. Let I be a variable that denotes the gray levels of an image sample. J. 338356, 2013. For each of the three color channels (red, green, and blue), six statistical measurements of mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, entropy, and range are calculated. Experiments show, the method improves the speed of cross correlation matching, and has certain robustness. 12, pp. Via experiment, the suitable parameter of minimum leaf size of the employed CTree model has been found to be 2. Comput Intell Neurosci. The batch size is 20% of the training data. Image Processing-Based Recognition of Wall Defects Using Machine Learning Approaches and Steerable Filters. The LSSVM model is programmed in MATLAB by the authors; its tuning parameters including the regularization coefficient and kernel function parameter are also automatically identified by the DFP metaheuristic. Finally, for meliorating enhance convergence rate of the LSHADE, a population size shrinking schedule is implemented. Based on the extracted ROI, texture information including statistical measurements of color channels, gray-level co-occurrence matrix, and local binary pattern is used to characterize properties of the metal surface. Corrosion is a natural process that damages the integrity of iron surface, therefore rusting of iron take place. W. Li, R. Deng, Y. Zhang, Z. Search for jobs related to Corrosion detection using image processing or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 21m+ jobs. The COV is computed as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean and can express the reliability of a prediction models performance [105]. Nanni L, Brahnam S, Ghidoni S, Menegatti E, Barrier T. PLoS One. Average prediction performance of the MO-SVM-PCD. Analysis on the coefficient of variation (COV) of the model performances. This approach essentially compares each pixel with its neighboring ones. 436444, 2015. Furthermore, to better demonstrate the prediction capability of the newly constructed MO-SVM-PCD employed for detecting metal pipe corrosion, its performance has been compared to that of the least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) [51], classification tree (CTree) [52], backpropagation artificial neural network (BPANN) [53], and convolutional neural network (CNN) [54]. Moreover, to assess the predictive capability of the proposed LSHADE-SVC-PCD, classification accuracy rate (CAR), precision, recall, negative predictive value (NPV), and F1 score are computed from the outcomes of the TP, TN, FP, and FN. During the construction of a SVM model, it is not required to obtain the explicit form of . This machine-learning approach relies on the concept of structural risk minimization to construct the decision hyperplane that classifies data into distinctive groups. Given a center pixel at xc and yc, its LBP can be obtained as follows [75]:where ic and ip denote gray intensities of the center pixel and its neighboring pixels. The CCL is often followed by further property measurement operations on each region [57, 65]. . Song, X. Wang, and D. Chen, Study on the magnitude of reservoir-triggered earthquake based on support vector machines, Complexity, vol. In addition, the four co-occurrence matrices corresponding to the directions of 0o, 45o, 90o, and 135o are computed and each of which yields the four indices of the angular second moment, contrast, correlation, and entropy are acquired from one co-occurrence matrix. E. Fleming, Construction Technology: An Illustrated Introduction, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2005. The PoC set out to prove that machine learning computer vision techniques will deliver consistent, faster and cheaper corrosion detection on demand all year long. 10, Article ID e00865, 2018. This whole process of ROI extraction is displayed in Figures 6 and 7. The SVM machine learning method integrated with the DFP metaheuristic is utilized to construct a decision boundary used for classifying pipe surface images into two categories of noncorrosion and corrosion. Let r and denote a distance and a rotation relationship between two pixels. In your role, you will pursue the goal of automated detection and assessment of different types of corrosion on coated metal substrates using image processing. The first data subset is employed for model training; the later data subset is reserved for model testing. 8, pp. Extraction of region of interest (ROI) from image containing pitting corrosion: (a) one defective object and (b) multiple defective objects. Furthermore, you will gain knowledge and understanding of the various corrosion tests . Classification of Asphalt Pavement Cracks Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Image Processing and a Hybrid Computational Approach. The data classification process of a SVM model. N.-D. Hoang and V.-D. Tran, Image processing-based detection of pipe corrosion using texture analysis and metaheuristic-optimized machine learning approach, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. The neighboring pixel is coded as 1 if its gray intensity is greater than that of the center pixel. resources, reduction in efficiency and costly maintenance. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Accordingly, each image sample is characterized by a feature vector having 18+16+44=78 elements. L. Hamel, Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-470-37192-3. In addition, to alleviate the effect of randomness caused by data sampling and to evaluate the predictive capability of the newly developed method reliably, the training and testing data sampling process has been repeated 20 times. Since the computation of the threshold values based on the Otsu criterion is a computationally expensive image processing operation, metaheuristic approaches are often employed [60, 61]. Based on this statistical test, it is able to state that the proposed method is the most suited method for the task of interest. B. T. Pham, D. Tien Bui, and I. Prakash, Bagging based Support Vector Machines for spatial prediction of landslides, Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. Z. Petrovic, Catastrophes caused by corrosion military technical courier, 2016, View 2010, Detection of pitting corrosion in steel using image processing.pdf from COMPUTER CSIT at National Institute of Technology, Calicut. MathWorks, Image Processing Toolbox Users Guide, MathWork Inc., Natick, MA, USA, 2016, Duong, H.-D. You have 40 million free articles left to read. 1, Article ID 817473, 2010. N.-D. Hoang and Q.-L. Nguyen, Metaheuristic optimized edge detection for recognition of concrete wall cracks: a comparative study on the performances of roberts, prewitt, canny, and sobel algorithms, Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 10561072, 2018. A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms. The application of metaheuristic in this study is multifold. Accordingly, there are infinite possible solutions to the model selection problem and an exhaustive search to determine the optimal set of hyperparameters is infeasible. Structural Health Monitoring. The performance of the MO-SVM-PCD in the training and testing phases is reported in Table 2. The FPA-based global pollination and the DE-based local pollination operators are presented as follows:(i)The FPA-based global pollination:where g is the index of the current generation, is a trial solution, denotes a solution of the current population, represents the best solution, and L denotes a random number generated from the Lvy distribution [43]. This is an open access article distributed under the,,,, Use LSHADE to identify the set of optimal thresholds, Perform image cropping operation to obtain ROI. 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010). 341359, 1997. D. Grangier and S. Bengio, A discriminative kernel-based approach to rank images from text queries, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. It is proper to note that the numbers of image samples in the two labels of noncorrosion (negative class) and corrosion (positive class) are both 1000. In addition, the evolutionary process of the DFP metaheuristic-based SVM model optimization is illustrated in Figure 6 which shows the best and the average cost function values in each generation. 402, pp. Notably, in each generation, based on the computed cost function, the location of population members is updated and the stopping criterion is checked to verify whether the current generation number exceeds the allowable value. F. N. S. Medeiros, G. L. B. Ramalho, M. P. Bento, and L. C. L. Medeiros, On the evaluation of texture and color features for nondestructive corrosion detection, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2020, pp.1-19. 7553, pp. 9, no. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in This study puts forward an automatic method based on image processing and machine learning for pipe corrosion recognition. As deep learning is used to analyse images or sequential data (such as time series), it can be used for visual inspection such as corrosion, defects on the surface, or sensor data, as a type of sequential data, states Matias. Advertisement Z. Chen, L. Liu, L. Li, and H. Li, A two-stage model for project optimization in transportation infrastructure management system, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2013 Dec 26;8(12):e83554. As can be seen from this table, the dataset from Case 3 has helped to gain the most desired testing performance with CAR=91.80%, precision=0.91, recall=0.94, NPV=0.93, and F1 score=0.92. Thus, the optimal thresholding values can be attained by maximizing the between-class variances mathematically stated as follows: Connected component labeling (CCL) is an operation on a binary image. 151, pp. CrossRef Lin, J., Luo, S., Li, Q., Zhang, H., & Ren, S. (2009, 58 July 2009). D. Huang, C. Shan, M. Ardabilian, Y. Wang, and L. Chen, Local binary patterns and its application to facial image analysis: a survey, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), vol. 107, pp. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Within the first module, the image texture descriptors based on statistical analysis of color channels, GLCM, and GLRL compute numerical features from image samples. The equation of the Z-score data normalization is given as follows:where Xo and XZN represent an original and a normalized input variable, respectively, and mX and sX denote the mean and the standard deviation of the original input variable, respectively. Although the manual method can help to attain accurate detection results, its notable downsides are low productivity and effects of subjective criteria [14]. The BPNN- and RF-based classifiers have been developed in Visual C#.NET by the authors and trained with the mini-batch mode [100, 101]; the batch size is selected to be 32 and the number of neuron in the hidden layer is selected to be according to the recommendation of Heaton [102]; herein, DX and CN are the numbers of features and class outputs, respectively. 71, pp. The different levels of corrosion The first step is to understand how corrosion occurs (Figure 1). 2017, Article ID 3459704, 14 pages, 2017. 71, pp. The iterative algorithm includes an initialization step and a sequence of top-down label propagation followed by bottom-up label propagation repeated until no label changes is observed. In addition, the CNN model employed for corrosion detection is constructed by the MATLAB image processing toolbox [59]; the stochastic gradient descent with momentum (SGDM) and mini-batch mode are used in the model training phase. 69, pp. L. Petricca, T. Moss, G. Figueroa, and S. 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Zhang, A multi-level image thresholding approach using Otsu based on the improved invasive weed optimization algorithm, Signal, Image and Video Processing, vol. SURFACE DEFECT DETECTION (CORROSION) PART-1 Using Image Processing | CORROSION AND DIMENSION DETECTION | PIC18F4520 MICROCONTROLLER | Conveyor Belt | LCD 16*. This module can compute texture of one image for illustration purpose and can extract features from a batch of image samples to construct the training and testing numerical datasets. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Experiments with the newly developed LSHADE-SVC-PCD model are performed on the ASUS FX705GE - EW165T (Core i7 8750H, 8GB Ram, and 256GB solid-state drive). Han, J., & Kamber, M. (2006). 33, pp. Hunter, P. Dickinson, and H. Meng, Accelerated hardware video object segmentation: from foreground detection to connected components labelling, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. S. Theodoridis and K. Koutroumbas, in Pattern Recognition, Academic Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2009. Moreover, pits can be covered by a membrane of corrosion products. J.-S. Chou and T. T. H. Truong, Sliding-window metaheuristic optimization-based forecast system for foreign exchange analysis, Soft Computing, vol. Pitting corrosion can lead to critical failures of infrastructure elements. iJSRED Journal. This study aims at developing a computer vision and data-driven method for automatic detection of pitting corrosion. Of new search results prevented by detecting rusting in earlier stage Lgray 0! Of an image sample to extract texture-based features from images of pipe surface to characterize the corrosion.! Based multi-spectral image Fusion method, Entropy, vol processing from an perspective. Comparison [ 61 ] profile prior, Signal processing: image Communication vol. And Pattern recognition, Academic Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, June.. 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corrosion detection using image processing

corrosion detection using image processing

corrosion detection using image processing

corrosion detection using image processing

corrosion detection using image processing