examples of the theme reputation in the crucible

Don't come down. The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller. samples are real essays written by real students who kindly donate their papers to us so that Abigail begins to break Mary when she roars Why-? This is spoken by Reverend Hale expressing that he feels guilty for all the lives he has signed away now that he believes that life is more precious and that lying is a smaller sin to pay at this time. As Abigail tries to explain to him that they were not doing anything wrong, Parris does not believe her and instead asks her if anyone had seen them. Parris discovers Abigail and a group of girls doing a dance in the forest. People judge and view others based on a persons name and how they see that person. "(Miller 1.149-151.140). Every character has a different thing that they value. The Crucible is set in a town, year 1692, where religion plays a big role in society. In the story crucible Abigail had a previous affair with John Proctor, who is now married to Elizabeth and still has feelings for him. Arthur Miller emphasizes this theme through the careful examination of certain respected characters such as John Proctor, Reverend Parris, and others, particularly by analyzing their individual motives and distinct aspects of their character. In the Readings on The Crucible, Thomas Siebold states, -he sacrifices himself in order to save others and to stage a protest against his persecutors., To admit to witchcraft is to denounce his religion and God. Fear feeds fear. Tell them I confessed myself; say proctor broke to his knees and wept like a woman; say what you will, but my name cannot! Reputation is important in the theocratic Salem, where public and private moralities are one and the same. Even Rev. Another theme that the author is trying to portray is that reputation doesn't matter. One of the most notable themes is the importance of a good name. He confesses and even signs the confession, but he is unable to hand it over. John Procter publicly confesses to having an affair with Abigail willlimas damaging his reputation so that he can save his wife from death. He believes that life is not worth living if he is not going to have the freedom others receive due to their faith to God. To several of the characters the only matter of importance seems to be their name and what it seems to be associated with. Reputation can be viewed as the way you dress,the people you are associated with and sometimes people are given a reputation by the acts of the people in their family. Explore specific themes in the play, such as the fear of evil, fear of being caught, fear of being alone, and the fear of a. Reverend Parris has a false notion of reputation. Hardly any kid can, Approximately nineteen people hanged and one crushed by stones, yet all of this could have ceased if everyone showed a bit more integrity. However, Proctor didnt feel the same way and in turn Abigail blamed Elizabeth Proctor for that., He was terrified of being humiliated by the faction that is sworn to drive [him] from [his] pulpit (10). This vengeance came from the girls jealousness and from when she was kicked out of the Proctor house for having an affair with Elizabeths husband, John Proctor. Despite Parris being an ordained minister, he lies to the courts about what is niece had done in order to save himself from damnation. Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! It can lead people to commit dangerous acts in return for revenge. Reputation could corrupt someone's mind because someone's reputation can be manipulated. The amount of original essays that we did for our clients, The amount of original essays that we did for our clients. John Proctor is known as a good man with proper principles and integrity. Another universal theme in The Crucible is the importance of staying true to yourself. The main two who cared about their reputation would be Abigail and John. These were times when America was just beginning to become colonized. The play The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, tells a story of the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts. Your email address will not be published. "A man may think God sleeps, but God sees everything, I know it now. In act II, tension begins to rise between Elizabeth and John Proctor on the basis of the secrecy of the affair: Because it speaks deceit, and I am honest!, You have taken my soul, but leave me my name! John knows that if the judges post the confession to the door, He wont have anything left of his good self. The Crucible He is much more concerned about what the village will say if they found out that his daughter and niece have been doing witchcraft, rather than to know if they are ok. During the trials, he knows deep down that the people who have been accused being witches are actually innocent, but because he does not want to be known as the Reverend whose own family have been deceiving the church and killing hundreds of innocent people, he decides he is in far too much and cannot go back. The Salem witch trials were a perfect example of this. In The Crucible, the reputation of the church, the government, and the individual is called into question. It also links into the guilt that John proctor feels for having an affair. It is an invisible craft, evidence is hard to consider. The judges needed Proctor to create the false confession., He feels he does not deserve to stand next to Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey, and this almost causes him to save himself by confessing to lies. Oppression; an extended treatment of cruelty or injustice towards an individual or a group of people. It motivates a person to adjust their way of thinking. He could loose his job if he admits to knowing that these people are. John portrays the theme because he is trying to protect his name, and he knows he did something bad; however, witchcraft was not what he had done. She gulps. Amongst this dialog we find that because the hysterical environment of Salem causes persecution of calumny became a common fear of a good, respectable name to be tarnished., Reputations, to some they mean the world, and to others they dont matter at all. Reputation could be negative or positive depending how you are view, One of the common characteristics of Salem society throughout history is fearing the unknown which leads to protect ones self . The feeling of guilt can make it very difficult for people to think properly and enjoy their lives during their time of regret. But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it" (10). Anybody could be taken down and tried. Note: All essays placed on IvyMoose.com are written by students who kindly donate their papers to us. Required fields are marked *. For example, Reverend Parris is trying to defend his niece Abigail from being accused of lying about witches. Early in the play, Proctors desire to preserve his good name keeps him from testifying against Abigail. One great literary work is The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller. Lying so closely ties to reputation in the drama The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, that distinguishing between the two is almost impossible. Eventually John Proctor chooses to protect his integrity, damaging his reputation. The reader now knows that Proctor has wanted to die because he wanted to keep his name to himself instead of blacken it for Salem to see. The Theme of persecution is represented in the film The Crucible because the women are accused of witchcraft. "There is a misty plot afoot so subtle we should be criminal to cling to old respects and ancient friendships. More importantly, it illustrates his obsession with his good name. Thus, these essays are of lower quality than ones written by experts. Theme is the main topic, or subject, of a story. it may well be god damns a liar less than he that throws his life away for pride.'' In The Crucible, Arthur Miller uses having a good reputation, the character of Parris, and how reputation and The, literary work, there are themes. When Mr.Parris finds out about the dancing and possible witchcraft that was going he was more concerned about what people would say about him then the safety of his own daughter. He does not want, He only thinks about the affects this situation will have on him and his reputation, not her or her well being. The reputations of many characters in the crucible including Abigail, John Proctor and Reverend Parris were defined by the many actions and dialogues throughout the play, the Crucible. There is no doubt that many, Keeping a Reputation in Salem When enduring the pressure of harsh trial and suffering, one can make or break their reputation. No, I cannot, I cannot stop my mouth; it's God's work I do.- Oh please, Mary! As said in The Crucible, We cannot look to superstition in this. Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! She says they were just having fun in the forest and that they were not doing witchcraft at all. Though Miller wrote The Crucible for this purpose, its themes are quite appropriate when considering current events, as the audience is met with the ever-prevalent themes of the severity of false accusations, reputation, and integrity. While he is accused of being the Devils man, which he was not, he has to confess to being it because the fear of the community overshadows the truth. God vs Satan Community vs Individual freedom Appearance vs Reality . This further demonstrates the theme when she says, "My name is good in the village! This further demonstrates the theme when he says "you are the high court; your word is good enough! However, there are different types of reputation lies being told in the play; such as, Abigail lying to hurt others and boost her reputation, or Mary Warren risking her reputation by telling the truth in order to save John and Elizabeth until she realizes the truth is only putting her life at risk. Had Danforth postponed the execution and reevaluated the information he had been given, maybe John Proctor and Rebecca would have lived and been given justice., Many People will do crazy things to preserve their reputation. At this point it comes down to what is more important to him; his wife, name and being able to stay alive even if it is in jail, or his religion. Lies and deceit, respect and reputation, and, compassion and forgiveness are there major themes that show itself out in the play. Proctor utters these lines at the end of the play, in Act IV, when he is wrestling with his conscience over whether to confess to witchcraft and thereby save himself from the gallows. Names are held at very high stakes. You can order a custom paper by our expert writers. Proctor decides at the end to sign a document stating that he was involved in witchcraft. Your time is important. Reputation has caused challenges faced by humans according to how the other people perceived the situation. There would be no story without characterization. There are some characters in this play that do not care for their reputation in the community. Any subject. I beg you, sir, i beg you - see her what she is" this reveals that in this moment john proctor is willing to put his reputation on the line for his wife's life however when they ask his wife she says nothing about it, this makes the deputy governor suspect john of lying to protect his wife by making up lies that make the young girls not seem innocent. In the novel, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, the characters John Proctor, Abigail Williams, and Reverend John Hale are the characters most concerned about their reputations. On the other hand, some people died because they chose dignity over bad Get Access Related How Did The Salem Witch Trials Affect The Community Parris only caring about his reputation is when he say Abigail, I have fought here three long years to bend these stiff-necked people to me, and now, just now when some good respect is rising for me in the parish, you compromise my very character. and he didn't care about whether the girls were okay and only cared about his reputation.

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examples of the theme reputation in the crucibleAuthor:

examples of the theme reputation in the crucible

examples of the theme reputation in the crucible

examples of the theme reputation in the crucible

examples of the theme reputation in the crucible

examples of the theme reputation in the crucible