empires in europe timeline

Although European civilization appropriated elements of both Greco-Roman . ), New Laws are passed in Spain, in an attempt to protect the Indians on the encomiendas of Spanish America, Go to encomiendas in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), Robert Mugabe and Ndabaningi Sithole split from ZAPU to found ZANU, the Zimbabwe African National Union, Go to ZANU in A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. ), Tunisia wins independence from France, with Habib Bourguiba as prime minister, Go to Tunisia in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), More than 300 die when British troops fire on a peaceful demonstration in Amritsar, Go to Amritsar Massacres (1919) in ), John Cabot, searching for a trade route to China, probably reaches Newfoundland, The Portuguese establish trading posts in east Africa, on the coast of Mozambique, Go to Mozambique in ), The first shot of the American Revolution is fired in a skirmish between redcoats and militiamen at Lexington, on the road to Concord, Go to Lexington and Concord, Battle of (19 April 1775) in A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. ), Vasco da Gama wins a trading treaty for Portuguese merchants after bombarding the Indian port of Calicut into submission, Go to da Gama, Vasco (c. 14691524) in ), British troops invade China after the Chinese authorities seize and destroy the opium stocks of British merchants in Canton, Go to Opium Wars (183942) in ), France and Spain agree that Spain shall become the colonial power in the north of Morocco and France in the south, The South African National Native Congress (subsequently the ANC, African National Congress) is set up in Cape Province, Go to ANC in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. Discovery of the Solomon Islands by a Spanish ship prompts interest in a possible, Francis Drake returns to England after his three-year voyage round the world and is knighted by Queen Elizabeth on board his, The Pilgrims (or Pilgrim Fathers), a group of 102 English settlers, sail in the, Ten days after their first landfall, at Cape Cod, the adult males on the, William Bradford begins a journal of the Pilgrims' experience in New England, subsequently published (in 1856) as, William Bradford, one of the Pilgrims from the, John Winthrop, arriving in Massachusetts, begins the journal that is eventually published as, A French expedition from St Malo, founding a colony on East Falkland, name the islands, The Spanish, now in sole occupation of the Falkland Islands, call them, The parish priest of Dolores sparks a rebellion against the Spanish authorities in Mexico with his, The newly independent republic of Argentina takes possession of, Edward VII, the first British monarch to travel to India, holds a great coronation, Mahatma Gandhi, on a visit to India, publishes a pamphlet entitled, The British monarch George V holds a great, Two French generals, Raoul Salan and Edmond Jouhaud, form the OAS (, Santo Domingo (Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua), La Paz (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Philippines, Uruguay, USA), Baltimore, George Calvert, 1st Lord (c. 15801632), La Salle, Ren Robert Cavelier, Sieur de (164387), Lexington and Concord, Battle of (19 April 1775), Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquis Cornwallis (17381805), Toussaint L'Ouverture, Pierre Dominique (c. 17431803), Freetown (Antigua, The Bahamas, Canada, Jamaica, Sierra Leone, USA), SpanishSouth American Wars of Independence (181025), Cochrane, Thomas, 10th earl of Dundonald (17751860), Blood River, Battle of (16 December 1838), Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th earl of (18471929), Hasan, Muhammad Abdille Sayyid (18641920), Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paulus (18251904), Katanga (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Lettow-Vorbeck, Gen Paul Emil von (18701964), EOKA (National Organization of Cypriot Fighters), Nkomo, Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo (b. For the first time an Asian people had comprehensively defeated a number of European colonial regimes. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), Christopher Columbus, together with the brothers Martin and Vicente Pinzn, sails west from Palos in Spain, Go to Columbus, Christopher (c. 14511506) in The acquisition of such lucrative real estate by European powers inevitably increased the rivalry between them. ), The Pilgrims (or Pilgrim Fathers), a group of 102 English settlers, sail in the Mayflower to the new world, Go to Pilgrims in ), Spain sells Florida to the USA for $5 million, in return for the waiving of any American claim to Texas, Go to Florida in The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea (2 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. Subscribefor more great content and remove ads. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. ), France brings Cambodia and Vietnam into a federation of protectorates under the title French Indochina, Go to Indochina in With its smaller population, Portugal was unable to effectively defend its overstretched network of trading posts, and the Dutch were the first to take full advantage of this to grab the spice trade for themselves. ), Zululand, annexed by Britain in 1887, is now merged with the colony of Natal, Go to Zululand (KwaZulu-Natal/South Africa) in In the previous decades, France had been making an exerted effort to build up its power in both North America, but a network of forts and trading posts from the St Lawrence, down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to the Gulf of Mexico, hemming in the English colonists on the Atlantic coast. timelineTypesChecked.push(this.value); Select: all / none. The Oxford Companion to German Literature (3 ed. ), The Dutch expel the Portuguese from the last of their trading posts in Sri Lanka, Go to Sri Lanka in A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. They also saw imperialism as a way of spreading superior Christian European civilization to peoples previously denied its benefits. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. The empire had ceded territory in two costly wars with Italy and Balkan states, and by the time the dust cleared on WWI, the borders of the newly minted nation of Turkey began at the furthest edge of continental Europe. ), Kaiser Wilhelm II visits Tangier in support of Moroccan independence, causing a diplomatic crisis with the colonial powers France and Britain, Go to Moroccan Crisis, First (1905) in ), The Portuguese force the local ruler to cede to them the island of Bombay, Go to Bombay in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. Until the late 19th century, there was very little expansion of European power into the interior of sub-Saharan Africa. empire builders pilot The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. ), The French colony of Ubangi-Shari becomes independent and takes the name Central African Republic, Go to Central African Republic in It then suffered civil wars, until, in year 313, Emperor Constantine officially embraced the Christian Church. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. From their colony, French traders fanned out and established a number of trading posts over a vast area in the St Lawrence and Great Lakes region. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), Ranjit Singh, maharaja of the Punjab, agrees an eastern boundary between himself and the British in the Treaty of Amritsar, Go to Ranjit Singh (17801839) in World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), Peter the Great makes an unexpected raid down the river Don and captures Azov from the Crimean Tatars, Go to Peter I (16721725) in World Encyclopedia (1 ed. The empire . The shipments of silver and sugar greatly added to the wealth of the home countries of Spain and Portugal. Tamerlane king of Samarkand builds up a great empire in Asia. ), Tanganyika becomes an independent nation with Julius Nyerere as prime minister, Go to Tanzania in ), The British establish Fort James on an island in the Gambia river, Go to Gambia River in Even though the most decisive of these was in European waters, it ensured that Britain controlled the routes to and from America and India. Who's Who in the Twentieth Century (1 ed. Charlemagne, a Frank ruler, became the Roman Emperor. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout, Merlot II, OER Commons and School Library Journal. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. Through this network of outposts they dominated the sea-borne trade of spices and other goods to Europe. It freed the colonists in British North America from the threat of invasion from French-held territory in North America. Rome wins and gains Sicily. ), Zulu tribesmen surprise and annihilate a British army encamped near Isandhlwana, Go to Isandhlwana, Battle of (22 January 1879) in 800 (year) - The great Roman Empire had been weakened by various conflicts. ), Britain passes the Sugar Act, levying duty on sugar, wine and textiles imported into America, Go to Sugar Acts in From the end of the 16th century Dutch merchants were forming companies to trade in the East Indies. ), O'Higgins is elected the 'supreme director' of independent Chile after San Martn declines the post, Bolvar returns to Venezuela and builds up an army of liberation in a remote region up the Orinoco, Bernardo O'Higgins introduces liberal reforms in Chile, reducing the privileges of aristocracy and church, Thomas Cochrane arrives in Valparaiso to take command of the Chilean navy, Go to Cochrane, Thomas, 10th earl of Dundonald (17751860) in ), Captain James Cook sails from Plymouth, in England, heading for Tahiti to observe the transit of Venus, Go to Cook, James (172879) in ), Theodore Roosevelt fights against the Spanish in Cuba with a volunteer regiment of cavalry, the Rough Riders, Go to Rough Riders in ), The South West Africa People's Organization is founded to fight against South African control of Namibia, Go to South West Africa People's Organization in ), Mahatma Gandhi is arrested by the British in India as an agitator and is sentenced to six years in prison, The League of Nations gives France and Britain mandates to govern separate areas of the German colony of Cameroon, France and Britain are given a League of Nations mandate to govern separate areas of the German colony of Togoland, The African National Congress (ANC) is formed in South Africa by renaming the South African National Native Congress, Rhodesia becomes a self-governing colony with political power exclusively in the hands of European settlers, The League of Nations grants Belgium a mandate to administer the former Germany colony of Ruanda-Urundi, The British government takes on the administration of Northern Rhodesia from the British South Africa Company, The Balfour Report, by former UK prime minister A.J. ), Mohammed Ali Jinnah puts forward the concept of independent Muslim states within India, January 22 - Archibald Wavell's Allied divisions, after a rapid desert campaign, drive the Italians from the Libyan port of Tobruk, Go to Tobruk, Siege of (Apr. ), Patrice Lumumba becomes prime minister of the newly independent Democratic Republic of the Congo, previously the Belgian Congo, Go to Lumumba, Patrice Emergy (b. ), Leander Jameson, finding a pretext for war, drives Lobengula out of his kingdom in Rhodesia, Go to Lobengula (c. 183694) in Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. Europe is the world's second-smallest continent in terms of area, covering about 10,400,000 square kilometres (4,010,000 sq mi) or 2.0% of the Earth's surface. Cities & Buildings ), The island of Corfu is ceded by Britain to the kingdom of Greece, Go to Corfu (Greece) in Neither of these, however, was able to break into the Dutch hold on the East indies, and had to content themselves with establishing trading posts on the coasts of India. Rome collapses. An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age (1 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. British global interests continued to expand in India, as we have seen, and also with the discovery and settlement of Australia and later New Zealand, both under British auspices. ), Hostility to foreign intrusion erupts in China with the Boxer Rising, Go to Boxer Rising (18991900) in ), The second Anglo-Sikh war begins when a British army invades the Punjab to suppress a local uprising, A British victory at the Battle of Gujarat effectively ends the second Anglo-Sikh war, and is followed by annexation of the Punjab, Vancouver Island is given the status of a British crown colony, to be followed by British Columbia in 1858, Go to Vancouver Island in These companies amalgamated to form the Dutch East India Company in 1602. Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. The Oxford Companion to Military History (1 ed. It is no wonder that Japan and the United States joined their ranks by acquiring empires of their own (Japan in Korea and northern China, the USA in the Philippines and the Caribbean, both taken from Spain in a short war in 1898). Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. Encyclopedia of Africa (1 ed. Germany conquers Yugoslavia and Greece and invades Russia. ), Algerian nationalist Ferhat Abbas produces a manifesto demanding independence from France, Go to Abbas, Ferhat (b. ), The British monarch George V holds a great durbar in Delhi to celebrate his coronation as emperor of India, Go to George V (18651936) in A Dictionary of Political Biography (1 rev ed. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), The first Anglo-Sikh war breaks out between Sikh forces in the Punjab and encroaching forces of Britain's East India Company, Go to Sikh Wars (184549) in ), Delegates from the states reassemble in Philadelphia, with hostilities against the British already under way in Massachusetts, Delegates in Philadelphia select George Washington as commander-in-chief of the colonial army, Go to Washington, George (173299) in ), The British destruction of Cetshwayo's kraal at Ulundi ends the Zulu War, Go to Ulundi, battle of (1879) in In the first few decades of the 16th century, however, the situation was completely transformed by two expeditions into the interior of the Americas. Only Japan remained truly independent. ), European diseases bring death on a massive scale to an American population that has no immunity, Go to Aboriginals and European diseases in ), After a six-month siege, the Dutch capture Colombo from the Portuguese in Sri Lanka, Go to Colombo in From the point were European empires almost covered the world, the 20th century saw the near-complete disappearance of Europes overseas empires. Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World (1 ed. ), The two Rhodesias and Nyasaland are merged in the self-governing Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Go to Central African Federation in French Empire: 1814 Principality of Andorra: 1933 French Republic: 1940 Principality of Andorra: Andorra: Malta: 870 Aghlabids: 1091 County of Sicily: 1130 Kingdom of Sicily: 1194 County of Malta: 1266 Kingdom of Sicily: 1283 Crown of Aragon: 1479 Catholic Monarchy (Castile and Aragon) 1516 Kingdom of Spain: 1530 . ), The French build a trading station on the estuary of the Senegal river in west Africa, Go to Senegal River in ), San Martn and O'Higgins lead an army through the Andes into Chile and capture Santiago, Go to O'Higgins, Bernardo in World Encyclopedia (1 ed. 4. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. 1912Morocco becomes a French protectorate. ), The British general Charles Cornwallis, isolated at Yorktown, is forced to surrender in the final engagement of the Revolutionary War, Go to Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquis Cornwallis (17381805) in He told of peoples in need of civilization, of protection against Arab slavers, and of course of Christianity. ), The city of Hobart is founded on the southern coast of Tasmania, Go to Hobart in 1444. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University and University of Missouri. Ottoman Empire. ), Charles II grants William Penn the charter for the region that becomes Pennsylvania, in settlement of a debt to Penn's father, Go to Penn, William (16441718) in The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea (2 ed. ), Piet Retief reaches a provisional agreement with Dingaan, the Zulu leader, for a Boer settlement in southern Natal, Go to Dingaan (1843) in ), The First Fleet (eleven ships carrying about 750 convicts) leaves Portsmouth for Australia, Go to First Fleet in Then, under the direction of a leading member of their royal family, Prince Henry the Navigator, Portuguese sailors began sailing down the coast of Africa and out to the Atlantic islands. ), American campaigners against the Stamp Act organize themselves as the Sons of Liberty in Massachusetts and New York, Go to Sons of Liberty in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. Canada passed from French to British rule, and in India the British took effective control over Bengal, which had been under a pro-French prince. 224 ADIn Persia a member of the Sassanid family kills the last Parthian king and founds the Sassanid Empire, C. 300 The Ghana Empire arises in Western Africa, 395The Roman Empire permanently splits into two parts, East and West, 407Germanic tribes overrun Gaul (France), 476 ADThe Western Roman Empire ends completely, 527-565Justinian rules theByzantine Empire(the Eastern Roman Empire). Italy finds a reason to invade Libya, a province of the Turkish empire. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. ), The French colony of Gabon becomes independent with Lon M'ba as president, Go to Gabon in European TIMELINE Tommy Kohler World Cultures B.C's 27 B.C. ), A French official travels down the Ohio valley, placing markers to claim it for France, Benjamin Franklin proposes to the Albany Congress that the colonies should unite to form a colonial government, Go to Albany Congress (1754) in 1941June 1942) in Italy conquersLibya. Nature & Climate ), John Hancock is the first delegate to sign the Declaration of Independence, formally written out on a large sheet of parchment, Go to Hancock, John (173793) in The Oxford Companion to Military History (1 ed. Defeat of France in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815) left Britain as the predominant naval and colonial power, a position it kept throughout the 19th century and beyond. Rulers & Politics ), Britain's new Coercive (or Intolerable) Acts include the requirement that Massachusetts citizens give board and lodging to British troops, The Spanish, now in sole occupation of the Falkland Islands, call them Las Islas Malvinas, In the treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji, ending the recent Russo-Turkish war, the Ottoman empire cedes the Crimea to Russia, Go to Russo-Ottoman Wars in ), Edward VII, the first British monarch to travel to India, holds a great coronation durbar in Delhi, Go to Edward VII (18411910) in the English and French followed their example in the middle and later 17th century, both by occupying Caribbean islands and capturing or establishing forts along the coast of West Africa to act as bases for the slave trade. Have a look at the key dates of events that shaped Europe. ), Nigeria wins independence, with Abubakar Tafawa Balewa as prime minister, but its stability is threatened by tribal and regional factions, Go to Nigeria in The most powerful man in Europe at the time carved out an empire that comprised almost all of modern Europe and whose legacy reaches into our very day. Test 2 Study Guide. Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (1 ed. ), Britain annexes the Boer republic in the Transvaal, Go to Transvaal in A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. 1500-present In fact, Britain was now by far the largest imperial power. Who's Who in the Twentieth Century (1 ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance (1 ed. ), The French exile the queen of Madagascar and claim the island as a French colony, The British burn Benin City in a punitive expedition after members of a British delegation are murdered, Go to Benin, Kingdom of in Specify between which dates you want to search, and what keywords you are looking for. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. Peace was concluded with the Treaty of Paris on 30 March 1856. ), Italian troops occupy Eritrea, a province of Ethiopia, Go to Asmara, Eritrea in ), A sudden uprising by the Wampanoag Indians against the new England settlements begins the conflict known as King Philip's War, Go to King Philip's War (167576) in function tl_categories_checked() { European Empires And Conflict Timeline | Preceden European empires and conflict PDF Image Wars/conflicts Reconquista 711 - 1492 The Crusades 1095 - 1291 War of Scottish Independence 1296 - 1357 Byzantine-Ottoman wars 1301 - 1453 Hundred Years' War 1337 - 1453 Thirteen years' War 1454 - 1466 Italian wars 1494 - 1559 Habsburg-Valois Wars 1522 - 1559 The Oxford Companion to Architecture (1 ed. The empires of Asia were expansive both in geography and in tenure. It also spread to North America. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), Pocahontas fascinates Londoners when she arrives with her husband to publicize Jamestown, John Smith publishes A Description of New England, an account of his exploration of the region in 1614, Go to Smith, John (15801631) in Already in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, European powers put their stamp on the Americas. Meanwhile, another small expedition, under Francesco Pizzaro, had achieved similar success in South America, against the huge Inca Empire. ), The French Congo becomes independent as the republic of Congo, with Fulbert Youlou as president, Go to Congo, Republic of the in For the next 60 years Portugal and its far-flung network of overseas possessions would be ruled from the Spanish capital, Madrid. Specify between which dates you want to search, and what keywords you are looking for. 149-146 BCThe Third Punic War is fought between Rome and Carthage. ), Bernardo O'Higgins, Chile's first liberal reformer, is so unpopular that he has to resign, Guatemala declares independence following the example of neighbouring Mexico, Go to Guatemala in More : Persian Empire, Achaemenid. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. 2022 TimeMaps Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on new articles, lesson plans and special offers. (c) Copyright Oxford University Press, 2021. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. ), Libya wins independence from Italy, as a kingdom with Idris I as head of state, Kwame Nkrumah, recently released from gaol, becomes prime minister of the British colony of the Gold Coast, Go to Nkrumah, Kwame (c. 19091972) in Rulers & Politics World Encyclopedia (1 ed. In the war that followed, the French sent a powerful fleet to support the colonists, and the unprepared Royal Navy temporarily lost control of the waters off the North American coast just long enough for the Americans to defeat the British army there. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. Nationalism in Europe Timeline; So, here we go All the Important Dates of History Chapter Nationalism in Europe. ), Kenneth Kaunda becomes president of the independent republic of Zambia, previously Northern Rhodesia, Go to Zambia in Timeline: European empires in Africa. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. Categories: World Encyclopedia (1 ed. Cities & Buildings The Oxford Companion to British History (1 rev ed. There are many greatest empires in the history timeline. It was not until the drug quinine became widely available, from the 1840s, that this could change. ), The League of Nations makes South West Africa (Namibia) a mandated British territory, to be administered by South Africa, June 28 - German East Africa is to be governed by Britain as Tanganyika, under a League of Nations mandate, Go to Tanzania in A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. The long process of expanding its power across most of South America took Spain well into the 18th century. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. - Roman Era: The Roman Empire reached it's max extant, spanning through three continents. ), An Indian uprising in Spanish Peru is led by a descendant of the Incas, Tupac Amaru II, Go to Inca noun in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. In the first half of the 19th century she expanded her empire with new acquisitions in South East Asia (Singapore, Malaya) and New Zealand; and by pushing out the frontiers of white settlement in Canada and Australia. The Iron Age has spread throughout the region, and has given rise to the brilliant civilization of the Ancient Greeks. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. Known more as traders than warriors, the trade route from Portugal to India, founded by Vasco da Gama in 1498, introduced spices and other exotic new foods to Europe. Middle Ages ), Cortes and his tiny force capture Montezuma, ruler of the mighty Aztec empire, in his palace at Tenochtitlan, Go to Corts, Hernn (14851547) in The timeline below primarily outlines specific events that transpired in Europe during the Middle Ages. The Oxford Companion to Military History (1 ed. The Oxford Companion to Military History (1 ed. After his death, his empire splits up. The Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military (1 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), Germany causes international alarm by sending a warship to Agadir, a port in French-controlled Morocco, Go to Agadir crisis (1911) in The Portuguese were the first Europeans to venture out into the Oceans. These expeditions little-by-little charted the Caribbean islands and Atlantic coasts of the Americas (named after one of the explorers, Amerigo Vespucci). ), In the Treaty of Paris, ending the Spanish-American War, Spain cedes Puerto Rico and Cuba to the USA, Go to Paris, Treaty of (1898) in Belgium takes the Congo. ), Henry Hudson, after wintering in Hudson Bay, is set adrift in an open boat by his mutinous crew, The British East India establishes a 'factory' (a secure warehouse for the storing of Indian goods) at Surat, on the west coast, The American Indian princess Pocahontas is taken hostage by Jamestown colonists in the first Anglo-Powhatan war, Go to Pocahontas (c. 15951617) in ), The Dutch expel the Portuguese from their trading posts in Malacca, The British East India Company completes the construction of Fort St George in Madras, Peter Stuyvesant begins a 17-year spell as director-general of the Dutch colony of New Netherland in North America, Go to Stuyvesant, Peter (161072) in All Rights Reserved. ), February - British and French forces invade and capture the German colony of Cameroon, Go to Cameroon in 22 Nov. 1890) in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. Encyclopedia of Africa (1 ed. ), British explorer Captain James Cook is killed in a skirmish with natives in Hawaii over a stolen boat, Joseph Banks tells a committee of the House of Commons that the east coast of Australia is suitable for the transportation of convicted felons, Go to Banks, Sir Joseph (17431820) in ), Germany takes direct control of German East Africa as a protectorate, Go to Tanzania in The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. ), The Jesuits establish a mission at Sault Sainte Marie which becomes the starting point for French exploration south of the Great Lakes, Go to Sault Sainte Marie (Canada, USA) in War(fare) & Battles Narrative, translated into English for the first time, restores them their!, under pressure from a popular campaign, had outlawed the slave trade 1807! And 60s more than fifty new sovereign nations emerged from imperial domination 1900 Bell. 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empires in europe timeline