hamlet quotes about his mother and claudius

(1.2.161-132). However, this quote suggests that he is also a misogynist (someone who hates women). But surely if anyone was to be respectful of others grief it should be Hamlet? Craven, Jackie. Some may say that the daughters actions against their fathers was cruel, atrocious, and wrong; however, an argument could be made that their actions were justified by how their father had previously treated them. Hearing of Fortinbras leads to a further resolution to get revenge for once & for all. Designed by GonThemes. You cannot call it love, for at your age/ The hey day in the blood is tame, its humble/ And waits upon the judgement, and what judgement/ Would step from this to this?. Thou wilt not murder me? Ruminating over the certainty of death/inconsequentiality of life. Marcellus. ', 2.2 Hamlet Soliloquy 3 (Rogue & peasant slave), pious action we do sugar o'er / The devil himself, 3.1 Hamlet (4th soliloquy - To be, or not, to be), as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. Unsure whether he is prolonging the revenge act because he is forgetful, or cowardly. Native and induced unto that element meaning that she looked natural in the water? Ophelias madness is very obvious on the surface, like Hamlets. His response may suggest that he views this new Ophelia as a stranger. Hamlet's feelings towards his mother in this quote also represents the Oedipus Complex. Confession is clear and frank. Forgotten his own struggle? What is he whose grief bears such an emphasis?. And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. Hamlet. Wears his crown- power struggle? His love-interest, Ophelia, suffers a complete mental breakdown and commits suicide. Gertrude is killed by Claudius and Claudius is stabbed and poisoned by Hamlet. To cut his throat ith church.-4.7.125. more than kin highlights incestuous nature of marriage. She becomes convinced that he is truly mad. My wits deceased Sir, I lack advancement Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?. ', 4.7 Gertrude introducing a climax (Ophelia's death), a gentlewoman, she should have been buried out of Christian burial. A bloody deed almost as bad, good mother/ As kill a king and marry with his brother Hamlet to Gertrude. Knows he cannot escape divine judgement. I am myself indifferent honest; but yet I could accuse me of such things that it, were better my mother had not borne me: I am very, proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offenses at. A Study Guide for William Shakespeare's 'Hamlet,' Act 3, 'To Be, or Not to Be:' Exploring Shakespeare's Legendary Quote, The Prevalent Social and Emotional Themes in the Play "Hamlet", What Is Drama? The parallel structure presents an antithesis, or a contrast, between two opposing ideas. (3.4.12-13) This is basically Hamlet saying, "Ugh, mom. The biggest argument that Hamlet has as a result of his charade is the fight with his mother in the infamous chamber scene. Hamlet to Rosencrantz & Guildenstern, revealing his disillusionment with the world. Mother, thou hast thy Father much offended-3.4.10. Similar to his callous comments about Poloniouss death (Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell.3; 4. (I,III) Hamlet is saying that she was very reliant on King Hamlet, This shows that Hamlet views her as nothing without something to support her and without that support she would be unsubstantial and have no structure. And it must follow, as the night the day, Buffoons like Polonius provide dramatic foils for the brooding Hamlet, illuminating Hamlet's character and highlighting his anguish. As Hamlet becomes more driven in his revenge, his actions lose morality and gain consequences. Copyright 2022 IPL.org All rights reserved. In this context, the word "conscience" means "conscious thought." Hamlet suspects that her father, Polonius, has something to do with this, so he asks her where is her father. The soliloquy gives Claudius a new dimension. This prompts Hamlet to question Am I a coward? because he feels that he is not avenging as the player would if the player were in Hamlets position. This is a long way from his to be, or not to be dilemma. - has not been given the time to mourn. Quotes Gertrude Do not forever with thy vaild lids Seek for thy noble father in the dust. In this scene Hamlet's mother calls Hamlet into her chamber to discuss the way that Hamlet has been acting. to incestuous sheets!'. Acting on the assumption his mother is completely ignorant of Claudius' deceitfulness, he seeks to protect her as well as can be done. First, that reflecting on the implications of an action can make us afraid of performing it (as hes afraid of killing Claudius) or secondly, that our moral voice makes us fear doing what we know is morally wrong (committing murder). He finally seems to accept himself after learning of Ophelias death. Ophelia has been sent by Polonius/Claudius to speak to Hamlet so that they can test the theory that his madness is due to unrequited love. Consumed with rage, he seems to wallow in deep-seated hatred. Rotten holds connotations of being rotten to the core. After life perceived as sharply as present one. Confess yourself to heaven. The time is out of joint. He's not simply angry at his mother. Even though the Ghost tells him to not .let thy soul contrive Against thy mother aught. However, in the end, they will be cast aside: When he needs what you have gleaned, it is but squeezing you, and sponge, you shall be dry again. Give me your pardon sir, I have done you wrongWhat I have doneI here proclaim was madness. Is he regretful of her actions? He is so disgusted by his mothers behaviour that he loses faith in all women. One of the skulls belongs to Yorick, a beloved court jester who died long ago. Shakespeare portrays Ophelia as a pure character, so Hamlets mocking is likely to make her uncomfortable/objectified. The play is well-known for its powerful quotations about corruption, misogyny, and death. Claudius concerned that Hamlet is plotting to overthrow him? He compares him to some very impressive figures from classical mythology, the Titan Hyperion, king of the gods in Roman mythology Jove, Roman god of war Mars and the messenger god Mercury. In Elizabethan English, "nunnery" is also slang for "brothel." With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage-1.2.12. Barnardo. Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? Tells Claudius that he is willing to kill Hamlet in a church. Claudiuss speech seems slimy and rehearsed- insincere? "Alas, poor Yorick! His opinion of women has plummeted following his mothers hasty remarriage. Although not significant to the story, it's also interesting to note that for Elizabethan audiences, Marcellus' line is a crude pun: "rotten" references the smell of flatulence. To die, to sleep, , The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks, That flesh is heir to, tis a consummation. Hamlet. Repent what's past, avoid what is to come ". Juxtaposition between bad and good mother. Likely to be performed as short, staccato exchanges which add to nervous, gripping mood. The expression implies a suspicion that someone in power is corrupt. "My father's spirit - in arms - all is not well. However, he makes a mistake when he makes the murderer in the play the Kings nephew. The most repulsing action though is Hamlet not taking responsibility for his actions. He reveals part of the reason for his hesitancy (afraid to trust the ghosts word), and resolves to have firmer evidence of his uncles guilt before he inflicts punishment. But I have that within which passes show. This statement basically embodies Hamlets hamartia: his chronic inability to act. To be, or not to be, that is the question 3.1.56. I shall in all my best obey you, madam Hamlet to Gertrude. Horatio. Both sets of sisters eventually end up retaliating against their fathers after they are given his land. QUEEN What wilt thou do? is also an apostrophe. "Thous incestuous, murderous, damned Dane, drink off this potion.follow my mother" Hamlet Finally getting his revenge Look at the listing and the order - 'incestuous' comes first "I his sole son do this same villain send to heaven" Hamlet Justifying his actions in not being able to kill Claudius "Revenge should have no bounds" Claudius While Hamlet delays in killing Claudius, it is not because he is incapable of murder. Laughing and shouting crude jokes, they toss rotting skulls into the air. As one incapable of her own distress, or like a creature native and induced unto that element.-4.7.177. / I took thee for thy better. he may also suspectsudden change of heart was motivated by Polonius accusation that he only wanted her so he could steal her virginity and he is insulted that she thought so little of him. His fatal flaw (hamartia (AO1)) as a protagonist is his tendency to agonise over every decision. Almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king and marry with his brother.-3.4.28. His madness. -Hamlet). - mocking Claudius' use of 'my son'. He now believes in a divine purpose behind everything that human beings do, in the idea that (even if we dont know it at the time) there is a grand pattern. your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?". all throughout the play, she is questioned for being immortal due to the quickness of her marriage; it seems as though she has no sympathy towards the death of her husband and could not wait to jump into another marriage with Claudius. He has my dying voicethe rest is silence. Hamlet's assessment of Claudius' character, designed to torture his mother with guilt. "If Hamlet from himself be taken away, And when he's not himself does wrong Laertes, Then Hamlet does it not, Hamlet denies it." - Hamlet, Act 5, Scene 2. Hamlet describing Denmark. The spirit that I have seen/ May be a devil/Ill have grounds/More relative than this Hamlet soliloquy. https://www.thoughtco.com/hamlet-quotes-explained-4177463 (accessed November 8, 2022). Craven, Jackie. The hypocrisy and falseness of Elsinore and its newly minted King Claudius are laid bare. Similar to the way Vindice loses hope in women after his mother essentially prostitutes his sister. I doubt some foul play/Foul deeds will rise/ Though all the earth oerwhelm them to mens eyes Hamlet. An Analysis Of Hamlet's Fight With His Mother '. Hamlet. To the contrary, his callousness is displayed when he brutally stabs Polonius hidden behind the arras and "when he deliberately, and even craftily, with complete unscrupulousness of a prince" (Freud 86) orders the deaths of . But he expresses his disapproval of Claudius marrying his mother hastily by saying that it was not a . nay it is; I know not 'seems.' The scent of decay is a metaphor for a breakdown in morality and social order. She becomes convinced that he is truly mad. ', my husband dead, / When second husband kisses me in bed. He sees his mother's fast marriage to Claudius as a sign of weakness- perhaps specifically, weakness in her susceptibility to Claudius/ 'She married. Hamlet. I.ii, 64. Whats Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, that he should weep for her?-2.2.511. Visit her face too roughly. He states that she seeks out the "incestuous pleasure of his bed" (3. He's so upset that he breaks the formal metrical pattern of blank verse. He assumes that they knew about the plot to have him killed. The actors used the skull in 22 performances of Hamlet before deciding that the prop was too realand too disturbing. His way of mocking her. Ill lug the guts into the neighbour room. He is so obsessed with the crimes of his uncle and mother, that he feels his own (he has just killed Polonius)pale into insignificance. - Hamlet. Hamlet. God hath given you one face and you make yourselves another.-3.1.137. Has this behaviour been prompted by the feelings of betrayal which he gets from his mother? Similarly, two clownish gravediggers provide comic relief during a painfully ironic churchyard scene. Perhaps implies that the country cannot grow or become great until the rot is cut out. Even though Romeo advances from a family of Montagues and Juliet appears from a family of Capulets, who totally loathe each other, he will not let that stand in the way of love. in King Henry VI, part 3 I can smile, and murder whiles I smile). In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet is obsessed with his mother. If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart/ Absent thee from felicity awhile/ And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain/ To tell my story. These but the trappings and the suits of woe" (I.ii.82-86) this quote shows the depression that Hamlet was engulfed by, making the sorrow that he felt over his father's death, obvious to the readers. Hamlet is one of the most quoted (and most parodied) plays by William Shakespeare. ', you shall nose him as you go up the stairs', guilt, / It spills itself in fearing to be spilt. Our natural hot blooded reaction is cooled by over-analysing the issue. . ', 2.2 Gertrude to Claudius (cause of 'Hamlet's lunacy'), 2.2 Polonius recounting his speech to Ophelia (to Gertrude & Claudius), prince out of thy star / This must not be'. Hamlet's first words in the play and one of his ironic witticisms. Hamlet. He has achieved moral certainty- but is it too late? Act 5, scene 1 the graveyard scene, where Hamlet muses on the nature of life and death, accidentally comes across Ophelias funeral, and fights with Laertes. Hamlet. This quotation, Hamlet's first important soliloquy, occurs in Act I, scene ii ( 129-158 ). Shows how his opinion of women is changed by his mothers actions. Or perhaps Hamlet is so poisoned with anger that he's no longer capable of feeling love. Up sword, and know thou a more horrid hent, when he is about some act that has no salvation int-3.3.88. Hamlet. Laertes confronts revenge clearly, boldly and swiftly whereas Hamlet does the opposite. When Hamlet accidentally kills him in Act III, Polonius states the obvious: "O, I am slain!". The contrasting characters of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and Hamlet show the importance of loyalty in friendship. To be or not to be, that is the question/ Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles/ And by opposing, end them Hamlet wonders which is preferable, life or death. Confused, indecisive, and hopelessly philosophical, he ponders whether he should kill his murderous uncle Claudius. He cannot understand how she could be satisfied with the pathetic replacement she has found. Hamlet: Claudius Quotes (Corruption & Manipulation) "we with wisest sorrow think on him / Together with remembrance of ourselves". Laughter in the midst of death isn't a modern idea. With wings as swift as meditation-1.5.29. Hamlet Characters Hamlet Plot Summary / Synopsis After the death of its king, the land of Denmark is left in a state of disorder and mayhem. We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. Hamlet to Ophelia Tis brief my Lord Ophelia to Hamlet As womans love Hamlet to Ophelia. You go not till I set you up a glass 25 Where you may see the inmost part of you. Instead he just accepts what will happen. It's not like he's my real dad"only classier. Act 5, scene 2 the fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes, which ultimately leads to the completion of Hamlets revenge, and the death of all of the major characters in the play. He cannot bear the thought that he may have contributed to the death of this woman he loved and so lashes out. Heaven and earth. This quote shows that Hamlet was jealous of the things that Claudius has done because it the things that he wanted to do. Act V, Scene i Laertes LAERTES O, treble woe Fall ten times treble on that cursd head, Whose wicked deed thy most ingenious sense Hamlet. A bloody deed? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all/ And thus the native hue of resolution/ Is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought/ And enterprises of great pitch and moment/ With this regard their currents turn awry/ And lose the name of action Hamlet soliloquy. Hamlet realizes this and says "O, most wicked speed, to post/ with such dexterity to incestuous sheets!" But, he argues, it's also desirable (a "consummation devoutly to be wish'd") to flee misfortune and heartache. 1. A murderer & a villaina vice of kings/ A cutpurse of the empire & the rule. While Hamlet philosophizes and mulls, Polonius makes trite pronouncements. When he ponders "[t]o be, or not to be," he's weighing life ("to be") versus death ("not to be"). Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended Gertrude to Hamlet. I essentially am not in madness-3.4.188. (Que sera, sera, whatever will be will be). 1.2 Gertrude. Indeed, Hamlets exterior madness is actually only an act his real deterioration is internal- but does he even recognise it? Hamlet rails against his mother's sexual "appetite" and her apparent inability to remain loyal to his father. Ophelia. Hollywood film director Mel Brooks referenced the famous lines in his World War II comedy, To Be or Not to Be. All of his recent good luck appears to Hamlet as proof that he has been saved from death for a greater purpose to get revenge on Claudius and thus serve him with the divine justice he deserves for his crimes. That skull had a tongue in it, and could sing onceThis might be the pate of a politician, which this ass now oer-reaches; one that would circumvent God. O most wicked speed, to post/ With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!/ It is not nor it cannot come to good/ But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue Hamlet, soliloquy. Hamlet is enraged after the Ghost's revelation that his father was murdered by his own brother Claudius, who took the crown and Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, as his Queen. O most pernicious woman/ O villain, villain, smiling damned villain!/ One may smile, and smile and be a villain/ At least I am sure it may be so inDenmark Hamlet to himself He equally blames his mother (for her betrayal) and Claudius (for the crime) and reiterates an idea from Marcellus earlier on that something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Gertrude: 'Good Hamlet, cast thy nightly colour off,/ And let thine eye look like a friend on . 4. l. 90). ', 3.4 Hamlet in response to Gertrude (mocking), Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King. In Shakespeare 's play, King Lear, it is brutally obvious that Lear is strongly disliked, or even hated by his two older daughters, Goneril and Regan. Hamlet. Hamlet Quotes. He decides that the best way to test Claudius guilt is to make him face his own crime in the form of a play, and then watch for his reaction. Throughout Hamlet, the tedious busy-body Polonius spouts aphorisms, or snippets of wisdom, that come off as silly and trite: For loan oft loses both itself and friend. Leave her to heaven, And to those. He is repulsed by women. In his madness has he lost his compassion? They introduce a group of players to cheer him up, and he comes up with a plan to prove Claudius guilt. He is filled with a sense of foreboding, his spirit is troubled, but he suspects this is no more than womanly cowardice and superstition. ', - semantic field of transaction (Her father speak to her as if she was a commercial good to be traded with - daughters practically were typically sold in exchange for family power and social profit), sting thy father's life / Now wears his crown', distilment / swift as quicksilver', Of life, of crown, of queen at once dispatched', bed of Denmark be / A couch for luxury and damned incest', in heaven and earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in our philosophy. Hamlet then compares himself unfavourably to Fortinbras (although Shakespeare doesnt necessarily agree he seems to be ridiculing Fortinbras meagre justification for waging war). Throughout the play we see that Hamlet has disgust with his mother for her lack of character and strength. - sibilants creating hissing sounds. between earth and heaven? It is fitting that Claudius is killed with the weapons he himself poisoned in order to kill Hamlet. If it be now tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come. Does the audience believe him? By comparison, Hamlet sees his own inaction, when he has every reason to seek revenge, as pathetic. Again, Hamlet feels offended by what he sees as false and over the top protestations of grief. Horatio. i'th' sun.'. "Thus," he concludes, "conscience does make cowards of us all.". A little more than kin and less than kind Hamlet, aside. He describes his mother as wicked, and Claudius as a smiling villain. The Ghost of Hamlet's father is talking about his brother Claudius, expressing deep anger towards him for marrying the old king's widow and convincing a seemingly virtuous queen to give in to his shameful lust. Hamlet mocks Laertes hyperbolic show of grief at Ophelias funeral. Hamlet realises that he will eventually be punished for his crime, but he is also convinced that it is the will of the Gods that he be their instrument of vengeance and punishment. Hamlet forces his mother to look at two portraits of her lovers one of his father, one of Claudius. Craven, Jackie. The appearance of his fathers ghost makes him suspicious, but he is confident that he will discover the truth. Senselessly, Romeo risks his life by encountering Juliet. This quotation means that he thinks she was disrespectful to his father's memory by marrying so soon (within a month) after his death. Adds to theme of corruption and disease. tis an unweeded garden things rank and gross in nature possess it merely.1.2.135. The opening sentence can mean two things. When Juliet said this, she was obviously weary of the fact that the Capulets didnt think of her as a, In Hamlet, the state of family dynamics as well as the concept of trust is challenged through Hamlets external conflict with his mother, Queen Gertrude. Gertrude. Indeed, this scene is the best known example of momento mori (latin for remember you are mortal, dont forget that you, too, will die) in the history of literature. He knows that there is more to life than serving ones bodily desires, otherwise we are no better than animals. O, most wicked speed, to post/ With such dexterity to incestuous sheets.' He is literally saying she should sell herself at the highest price. His madness has always seemed like a convenient fiction which he has shared w/ audience.. until now, I am justly killed with mine own treachery.-5.2.287, Laertes. Hamlet has a problem with his mother's sexuality. Indeed, this particular soliloquy end with a rhyming couplet which could reflect Hamlets regained momentum on his quest. . (III.iii.) In the animated TV show The Simpsons, Bart exclaims, "Comedy, thy name is Krusty.". "'Hamlet' Quotes Explained." Here Hamletdistinguishes between genuine grief (his own) and false grief (Gertrude/Claudius). Why, she would hang on him, By what it fed on, and yet, within a month , Let me not think on't Frailty, thy name is woman! Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 5. He engages in sexual inuendo, suggesting that she, not he, is the one fixated on sex. Good mother = sarcastic, another way Shakespeare portrays Hamlets anger. Daisy=love violets=sweetness. Merely = completely. Hamlet is cruel and cynical towards her, either (a) because he realises shes in league with Polonius/Claudius or (b) because hes so disgusted with the idea of love/marriage following his mothers betrayal of his fathers memory. While to my shame I see/ The imminent death of twenty thousand men/ That for a fantasy or trick of fame/ Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot/ Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause. Polonious to Ophelia. Hamlets admiration for his father is clear. Hamlet describing Denmark. These words come at the end of the scene after Hamlet, who enters with a sword intending to kill Claudius, decides not to murder his uncle while he's praying and exits. There's nothing lighthearted about Hamlet's accusation, however. Shakespeare fond of puns. Suggest private tensions in the relationship which are not displayed publicly. Get you to my ladys chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favour she must come. He wants to test Claudiuss (and Gertrudes?) He emphasises this here, telling Claudius of his position - 'less than kind.'. Oh my offence is rank Pray can I not-3.3.36. Let me be cruel, not unnatural; I will speak daggers to her, but use none Hamlet in soliloquy resolves not to put his feelings into action he has promised the ghost of his father that he wont punishGertrude for Claudius crime. "To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. He also seems to overthink everything and consider every possibility. For example, in the Star Wars episode, The Empire Strikes Back, Chewbacca imitates Hamlet when he lifts the head of a droid. I loved you not.. Lady Capulet neglected to care that Juliet wanted true love, instead of money. That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet (2.2.40). Hamlets assessment of Claudius character, designed to torture his mother with guilt. Claudius has broken the royal bloodline, disrupted the monarchy, and shattered the divine rule of law. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Clearly, suicide is a message in the soliloquy to be or not to be in the play. Hamlets disgust springs from the religious belief that the marriage of such close relatives as Gertrude and Claudius is wrong and incestuous. Heaven make thee free of it Hamlet offers Laertes forgiveness as he lies dying. oft it chances in particular men/ the stamp of one defect/ his virtues else be they as pure as grace/ shall in the general censure take corruption/ from that particular fault Hamlets soliloquy revealing his intellectual side commenting on the reputation of Danes for being drunkards, he notes that men may be blessed with many gifts, abilities and virtues, but their one fault may be their downfall. Hamlet. Hamlet isn't really talking about suicide, but about his inability to take action against the "sea of troubles" in his kingdom. My words fly up; my thoughts remain below. Your majesty, and we that have free souls, it touches us not Hamlet during the play. Marcellus warns Hamlet not to follow the ominous apparition, but Hamlet insists. Then trip him that his heels may kick at heaven/ And that his soul may be as damned and black/ As hell whereto he goes Hamlet soliloquy. Does Gertrude believe she went mad because she could deal with her grief? There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio/ Then are dreamt of in your philosophy Hamlet to Horatio. Hamlet. Act 3, scene 4 Hamlets meeting with Gertrude, where he accidentally kills Polonius. He seems unaffected by the fact that he has murdered a (largely) innocent man, and suggests that Polonius got what he deserved for being a meddlesome fool! Repetition of smile = exacerbate natureof Claudiuss deception? Today, this Shakespeare quote is often adapted for humorous effect. To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand-2.2.177. Trying to convince Gertrude he isnt mad. Hamlet believes that he is irreplaceable. However, the audience may be less sure of the righteousness of Fortinbras actions he is, after all, causing the imminent death of 20,000 men for a fantasy or a trick of fame. He no longer worries what is right and wrong he has convinced himself that getting revenge is what God wants him to do. The ghost describes a "[m]urder most foul" and a "strange, and unnatural" marriage. Later in the long soliloquy, Hamlet observes that fear of consequences and the unknownthe "undiscovere'd country"makes us bear our sorrows rather than seek escape. This can shown after Hamlet is sent away to England. You are the queen, your husbands brothers wife/ And would it were not so, you are my mother Hamlet. 20 You are the Queen, your husband's brother's wife, And (would it were not so) you are my mother. Rambling beyond the traditional 10-syllable line-length, Hamlet cries, "Frailty, thy name is woman! When Hamlet encounters Ophelia in the nunnery scene, she hands the letters back to him.

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hamlet quotes about his mother and claudiusAuthor:

hamlet quotes about his mother and claudius