study of waiting time of patients in opd

Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Medicine I of. Director general of health service. [8] Various factors may influence the comparability of our findings to other studies. This is a Time-Motion study, conducted in the OPD section of hospital. A study of scheduled model found that patients who were given an appointment time and arrived at the appropriate time had shorter waiting time than those who walked in without an appointment.21 Applying a more effective scheduling system may also improve waiting time such as scheduling appointments according to expected consultation time.22, Scheduling should reflect the needs of the clinic and the type of patients attending the clinic to attain the best waiting time results.23, With regards to the consultation time, the study found that the average consultation time was 18.21 minutes and 41.8% of patients saw the doctor for 1020 minutes. Over the years, healthcare organization and processes have been viewed within the context of queuing systems in which patients arrive, wait for service, obtain service, and then depart (Fomundam and Hermann, 2007). We added an extra 10% for incomplete answers, and 13 participants in the pilot were added to the selected sample, resulting in a final sample of 406 patients. Here are the few simple recommendations quoted with the evidence of previous studies. We typically think of the Internet of things (IoT) in terms of autonomous cars and smart homes, but some of the best and innovative applications of IoT technology are in fields that are intensely practical. On an average 10 minutes of waiting time outside the various O.P.D. The automation in the hospital and creating Realtime waiting period facilities by digitalization, will help the system immensely. One explanation of this association is that the family medicine department is a separate unit with more clinics and a lot of medical staff, doctors, nurses, and unit assistants. (2012) indicated median time of 24 min between arrival to OPD and leaving the registration desk.3 He also observed median waiting time of 42 min for doctor consultation room where as in our study almost 49% had waiting period of more than 30 min. In a study conducted in the United States, the average outpatient waiting time was over 30 min,[6] which suggests waiting times exceeding 30 min is not uncommon. This longer waiting time was having a cascading effect on other hospital processes, including the admission of patients to various in-patient departments and the different tests to be performed in the pathology department. You may notice problems with Due to lack of planning and haphazard uncontrolled land usage various problems started to grow in these towns. A study was carried out in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Pune to determine the average time spent by the patient in the OPD, to identify the factors leading to high waiting time and. The contribution of Artificial Intelligence in the arena of Healthcare is one of the most pivotal domains of study not only in the past but also in the recent times as well as in the future times also since we all want to revolutionize and upgrade ourselves positively and in-order to achieve this man will always work to find out newer algorithmic procedures and technologies to meet his needs. [4] Waiting time can affect patient utilization of health services adversely because it affects the patient's willingness to return to the clinic, which ultimately has an impact on continuity of care. By creating a healing space, one evokes the feelings of serenity, calm, and relaxation and can contribute to an environment that facilitates the natural healing process-a process of repair, recovery, and return to wholeness in mind, body, and spirit. As per the definition given by the World Health Population, health alludes to the condition of complete physical, mental and social prosperity and not just the nonappearance of sickness or infirmity. This work has been done with the help of a doctor as a human expert. It is descriptive study which was aimed to analyses the waiting period in various OPD and suggest measures to improve the healthcare system in resources crunched, over stretched tertiary hospital in a government setup. The consultation waiting time was recorded by the doctor (FMS or MO). Figure 2 shows that the majority of patients (91.93%) waited for less than 90 minutes in total to see the doctor. Neuro OPD was chosen as it is considered to be difficult department in term of diagnosis of the patients and amount of time spent by the patients in this OPD. to 10 minutes, while 40 (29.63% )patients waited more than 20 minutes outside the OPD while seeking for medical care in concern OPDs. Cape J. Consultation length, patient-estimated consultation length, and satisfaction with the consultation. Average waiting time in a territory hospital were 30 min. Furthermore, results may be affected by probable selection bias and unreliability of the measures used in the study. [17], In this study, there is an implication that in clinical practice, longer waiting time is associated with a negative impact on patient's satisfaction. With the help of data, we intend to predict the COVID-19 susceptibility and health monitoring of its patients. 6 f Time and motion study are two broad groups of A study of queues and appointment systems in hospital outpatient departments with special reference to waiting timesJ R Stat Soc20181418599. Distribution of Patient view on Waiting Time spent in OPD for Consultation. The receptionist staff must be trained to attend phone calls efficiently. Patient satisfaction with primary health care in Jubail City, Saudi Arabia. Almost half of the patients reported that they were satisfied but the rest were not. Consultation time varies from country to another. The standard for this audit was defined according to the recommendation of the Malaysian Ministry of Health's patient charter, which stated that the waiting time for patients to be seen by the first provider in hospital outpatients and public health clinics should not exceed 30 minutes upon arrival with a standard of 80% target of achievement. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in family medicine clinics and the main outpatients department for specialized clinics comprising general surgery; orthopedics; ear, nose, and throat (ENT); urology; internal medicine; nephrology; gastroenterology; neurology; cardiology; pulmonology; infectious diseases; endocrinology; and rheumatology clinics at King Abdulaziz Hospital in Al-Ahsa city, Saudi Arabia. et al. while 37% patients did not go through radiology test. As well as we collected data from public datasets, local hospitals, and repositories that can be used for further work to track COVID-19 symptoms, spread, and mitigation strategies. The Laboratory and radiodiagnosis is always a common area of maximum clientele dissatisfaction. As shown in Table 2, the satisfaction score differed significantly by waiting time. 10: Waiting Time in OPD. To assess the services of outpatient departments & suggests new ways to improve the health care system through research. Patient satisfaction is the extent to which a patient is content with the health care received from their provider. The methodology for data collection is a balance of primary and secondary sources. Ltd. ( Other studies report findings that are consistent with the one presented in our study with regard to the association between waiting time and satisfaction. [17] Only 38.5% of the patients in a recently published study, rated the waiting time as average. Conclusions: Although the waiting period in this study seems long, there is a high level of satisfaction with the health-care services across units with a third of the responders dissatisfied with the long waiting time. [Accessed Jan 11;2017 ]; Bielen F, Demoulin N. Waiting time influence on the satisfaction-loyalty relationship in services. In contrast dissatisfaction were 46.9 % reported who spend time to see a doctor. Compute the average time. Several studies have also reported low satisfaction. 2. Not advised properly when to return for follow-up 37 9.2 . 1. There have been various unpublished audit on waiting time done in primary care settings; however, the agreed and acceptable standards of practice were difficult to ascertain. Figure 3 shows the consultation time with the doctor and that most patients (41.90%) spent between 11 and 20 minutes with the doctor and 19.05% spent between 21 and 30 minutes. A. Managing a mixed registration-type appointment system in outpatient clinics. This audit was conducted at a primary care clinic for 4 weeks using the universal sampling method. The study recommended that in order to reduce overcrowding of patients, the type of cases, their contact time and the frequency of visits needed to be identified. Future studies may explore alternative methods to reduce this potential risk to validity. 2 in comparison, this clinic achieved a It is evident from the above table that the maximum time spent by the patients in the reception for registration. The results of the study were decent enough to match any tertiary care hospital of the country. Waiting time in hospitals imparts a major role in the patient satisfaction who seek health access. 4.1. Patience is so valuable I'm willing to wait forever to achieve it. Assessment of patients waiting time and satisfaction is cost effective way for evaluation of heath care services. 2.Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, 3.Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, 1.Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selayang Campus, Jalan Prima Selayang 7, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia E-mail: ym.ude.mtiu.malas@azanraf, Demographic details of the patients in this study, Definition of waiting and consultation time and the average patient waiting time for each clinic process and the percentage achievement according to the set criteria, An assessment of patient waiting and consultation time in a primary healthcare clinic, Malaysian Family Physician : the Official Journal of the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia. Patients attending family medicine clinics were more likely to report that they were satisfied than those attending other clinics (61.2% vs. 40%, P < 0.01). [Accessed Jan 11;2017 ]; Manaf NHA, Phang SN. The dissertation has a framework with the chapters divided into different sections. All patients who attended the clinic during this period was included in the study except for those who required more time to be seen such as those who were critically ill, aggressive or those who came for repeat medication or procedures only without needing to see the doctor. Quality management in Malaysian public health care. Gender and clinic type were significantly associated with satisfaction score; those who attended the family medicine clinics were more satisfied than those attending other specialized clinics. [2] Pascoe GC. In this study the findings shows that the way doctor's services were 82.7% compared with overall satisfaction which was only 77% with the other services waiting time. Corporate treatment for ills of academic medicine. Medical profiles or pathological data where it has been extracted from the data mining technique has been used to predict the specific disease like heart disease, cancer disease, diabetes disease and tried this approach to predict the recurrence of disease. In this paper, we attempt to collect the various COVID-19 biomarkers readings and analyze data with data science techniques, where we define data science broadly to encompass the various methods and toolsincluding those from machine learning (ML), modeling, simulation, statistics, data visualizationthat can be used to store, process, and extract insights from data. [16] Another study reported a 62.5% satisfaction rate among patients who waited for >30 min. "Patient Waiting Time In Outpatient Department Using Lean Six Sigma Methodology" addresses the issue of longer patient waiting time in the outpatient department (OPD) of a super specialty hospital attached to a manufacturing company in India. (2017) found that waiting time may be affected by many factors such as the number of registration counters, timing of hospital visits, and the day of the hospital visit.[22]. Our observation reveals that many patients face the difficulties in finding the various OPDs. of Medicine, Command Hospital (WC) A total of 820 patients data who attended the clinic during this study period were collected and out of this, 64 fulfilled the exclusion criteria, therefore, a total of 756 patients were included in the study. Evaluation and Program Planning. There is insufficient published data to support the acceptable waiting and consultation time in primary healthcare clinics in Malaysia. It is one of the important key factors in the United states to assess the quality of the health care system.1, 2 The impact of restructuring the delivery of health care will cause significant changes in the entire health care system. Data analysis was taken retrospectively of the existing patients records from June 2017 to Dec 2017, and the data was audited. In this study, the OPD is defined as the hospital\'s department where patients received diagnoses and/or treatment but did not stay overnight. [Accessed Jan 11;2017 ]; Feddock CA, Hoellein AR, Griffith CH III. Scores of 1 and 2 were classified as dissatisfied, while scores of 3 and more were classified as satisfied.. It can be used to promote basic nursing care in the hospital environment by improving the quality of medicare and patient safety. large number of patients suffer from long waiting time to receive the required medical care at emergency departments despite the modern state of medical services and the society which. Overall, we found that half of the patients reported that they were satisfied. Technology has been more advanced in health industry to give solutions for the patients by giving suggestions of doctors and hospitals where to admit and which doctor need to be consulted for the particular disease. How long do patients wait to receive care at the Assessment centre? longer waiting time at OPD may causes a negative impact on patients satisfaction. One of these studies is the one conducted by Service et al., which concluded that patients would say they were satisfied if they waited <37 min if they came on time, and about an hour if they came late. Other studies report findings that are consistent with the one presented in our study with regard to the association between waiting time and satisfaction. Patients waiting time at our patients department at the National Hospital Sri LankaJ Community Med Public Health2012110.29011/2577-2228, L M D Santos The use of manual recording due to incomplete recording by the electronic system might have introduced bias to data collection due to recollection error by the person who filled in the timing chit. Technology is expanding its horizons day by day. and other departments. Andersson SO, Mattsson B. 4. An outpatient service is the most important services provided by all the hospitals as it is the point of contact between a hospital and the community. The primary care clinic has an average of 60 patient attendances per day. Secondary outcomes based upon the information collected through questionnaire. Patient Satisfaction in Primary Health Care: A Literature Review and Analysis. When the patient was called to the registration counter by the QMS number, he would then be given a timing chit containing his demographic details and time in and out to be filled by the dedicated staff at every station. Aldaqal SM, Alghamdi H, AlTurki H, El-deek BS, Kensarah AA. A cross-sectional study was conducted at family medicine and other specialized clinics. OPD is considered as the doorway to hospital This audit was conducted at a primary care clinic in Gombak District from 28 July 2015 until 24 August 2015. Considering a patients interaction with nature or how nature effects the mood and boosts the comfort level of a patient. 5 fHow it Works Step-by-Step 1. Difference between satisfied and dissatisfied patients was explored using a nonparametric test chi-squared test. Pekililing Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Malaysia Bil 2/2008, Pemantauan Waktu Menunggu Dalam Tempoh 30 Minit Di Jabatan Pesakit Luar Hospital Dan Klinik Kesihatan. As it is expanding widely, it is providing the mortals with many supernatural powers. Large patients, poor . 2007;2(2):13-7. Patients waiting time has been defined as, the length of time from when the patient enters the out-patient clinic to the time patient actually leaves the OPD. The selected diseases are Malaria, Tuberculosis, Stroke, Fever, Diabetes, Heart disease. 12.59% of patients told that they were not examined by doctor and 103 (76.3%) told that they were examined in less than 5 minutes for their complain (Table 3). The data was collected using both by primary data collection methods as well as secondary sources. Garber AM. To identify the factors those are responsible for high waiting time in the hospitals. Workload and job satisfaction among general practitioners: A review of the literature. Following the family doctor concept, NCD or follow-up patients were given a specific appointment to see a named doctor who follows them up throughout their care. Patients treated at the family medicine clinic were more likely to be satisfied than those seen in other specialized clinics (61.2% vs. 40%, P < 0.01). In this regard, we recommend that hospital management should deal with the issue of waiting time to raise patient satisfaction. The mean satisfaction score was 38.4 6.6 (mean SD) with a range of 29100. Camacho F, Anderson R, Safrit A, Jones AS, Hoffmann P. The relationship between patient's perceived waiting time and office-based practice satisfaction. What are the possible factors that may lead to excessive patient waiting times. View Certificate. Quality assessment in health.BMJ198428864281470210.1136/bmj.288.6428.1470, Committee on quality of health care in America; Institute of Medicine, Crossing the quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century (National Academies Press, 2001), D B A S Jayawardena The walk-in patient who attended the clinic would be seen by any of the MO available. Well-designed hospitals enhance the satisfaction level and promote a speedy recovery and life expectancy of the patient. While 25% patient waited for 20-30 min.18% patient waited for 15-20 min and 20% patient waited for more than 40 min in the OPD for consultation. The healthcare sector plays a key role in empowering the industry. There has not been any study in the Eastern region of Saudi Arabia to explore this topic. Independent T-test showed significant results (p < 0.001) for psychiatry versus non-psychiatry and oncology versus non-oncology (p < 0.005). Indian J Community Medicine. The reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha was 0.9 (Lance, Butts, and Michels, 2006). For instance, in Britain, the average consultation time for family medicine is between 5 and 8 min,[12] whereas consultation time is 1020 min or more in Sweden and the United States. STUDY DESIGN: In present study, the two types of research work were done on waiting time and OPD congestion. Specifically, the aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between waiting time and patient satisfaction at King Abdulaziz Hospital in Al-Ahsa and assess factors affecting patient satisfaction and waiting time, which could guide future research and quality improvement programs. 13% patients had to wait for 15-20 min while for the other 29% patients, it took more than 30 min and for 14% patients; it took 20-25 min. The first stage was the clinic selection: For the family clinic, there is one registration office with two peoples. Waiting time is defined as the total time that a patient spends in a facility from arrival at the registration desk until the time she/he leaves the facility or last service. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Majority of patient 95 (70.37%) were waited up to 10 minutes, while 40 (29.63% )patients waited more than 20 minutes outside the OPD while seeking for medical care in concern OPDs. The 55% were local and 45% were from out station. Fig.9: Briefing Regarding Workflow in OPD. The ultimate aim of such efforts is to improve relationships between client expectations and actual service experience. Profdoc HIS. Abstract In this study, the OPD is defined as the hospital's department where patients received diagnoses and/or treatment but did not stay overnight. Deveugele M, Derese A, Brink-Muinen AVD. India, Dept. the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. Wilson A, Childs S. The relationship between consultation length, process and outcomes in general practice: a systematic review. Step 2: Time spent between leave at registration desk and enters to the doctor's consultation room: Median = 42 minutes. The waiting time for registration, pre-consultation, consultation, appointment, payment and pharmacy were recorded as well as consultation time. 2006; 18(5):359-64. Malays Fam Physician. Patient satisfaction as an indicator of service quality in Malaysian public hospitals. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. The ground floor sample collection center along with the OPD and waiting area further helps. A four-week study period was perceived as sufficient for data collection to include clinics run by family medicine specialists (FMS), medical officers (MO) and a mixed sample of follow-up for non-communicable disease (NCD) patients and acute walk-in patients. Medical tourism is also known as wellness tourism. The positive outcome from this study was that the clinic achieved the target adopted from the Ministry of Health patient charter. Keeping patients waiting unnecessarily can be a cause of stress for both patient and doctor. It is often one of the most frustrating parts about health care delivery system. The research design used in this study is both Descriptive and Exploratory. One of the major is health care monitoring system. Setting standards based on patient's views on access and continuity: secondary analysis of data from the general practice assessment survey. Camasso MJ, Camasso AE. Theoretical Background of Waiting Time in Healthcare. ePub File, Article DOI By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Determinants of patient satisfaction in the surgical ward at a university hospital in Saudi Arabia. Farley H, Enguidanos ER, Coletti CM, Honigman L, Mazzeo A, Pinson TB, et al. Queue modeling can be applied in the areas such as rationing, scheduling, Bed allocation, laboratory design, and so on. A structured, self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the respondents. It acts as a crucial parameter in the country's development. The completed timing chit was then kept by the staff at the payment counter and collected for data entry. This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. [8] Another Saudi study showed that the perceptions of the patients regarding the waiting time for service were significantly lower than the neutral perception level, at 1% level of significance. The clinic needs to improve its waiting time and to make the recommended changes to improve its services to patients. So, remote monitoring and guidance awareness by sharing information in an authenticated manner are the main objectives of our project. Table 3: Distribution of patients as per examination time spent by doctor.,,,,,,,, The time of arrival at the clinic to the time of registration at the registration counter, The documented waiting time should be <15 minutes, The time taken from registration at the registration counter to being assessed by the staff nurse at pre-consultation room, The documented waiting time should <30 minutes, The time taken from completed assessment by the staff nurse to consultation by the MO or specialist in the consultation room, The documented waiting time should be <30 minutes, The time taken from acknowledgement of medication prescription to dispensing medication, Total waiting time from registration to consultation, The time from registration to consultation by the MO or specialist in the consultation room, The documented total should be <90 minutes, The time from completed consultation by the MO or specialist to being called at the appointment counter, The documented waiting time counter should be <15 minutes. Azraii AB, Kamaruddin KN, Ariffin F. An assessment of patient waiting and consultation time in a primary healthcare clinic. Aims : To evaluate factors affecting waiting times at the Out-patient department (OPD) of Kopanong Hospital Methodology : The setting of this study was Kopanong Hospital, in the Sedibeng District in the Gauteng Province. The prior appointments, investigations, medical clerks or physician assistants and counsellors can improve the scenario. Soft Copy of Certificates- Within 04 Hours, Authors helpline No: +91-8813907089(Whatsapp), UGC Approved Journal: IJRASET- Click here to Check, Descriptive statistics were calculated including means and standard deviations. (N = 756), The time from completed consultation by the MO or specialist to acknowledgement at the payment counter, The documented waiting time should be <15 minutes. However, the majority of the participants (68%) were unemployed, 20.0% were employed and the remaining 12.1% were military personnel. Patient Satisfaction of Primary health care service. Panchkula, Haryana Assessment of patients waiting time and satisfaction is cost effective way for evaluation of heath care services. Figure 4 shows the mean consultation time for diagnoses categorised by systems and it was found that the longest consultation was for patients consulting for psychiatry problems followed by oncology. The prediction of a disease is measured with the prediction of a doctor before laboratory tests to get the systems accuracy. The pre-consultation waiting time was recorded by the nursing staffs in the vital signs assessment room. The purpose of this audit is to assess patient waiting time and doctor consultation time in a primary healthcare clinic and to formulate strategies to improve the clinic waiting time and consultation time. It also stated that the dispensing of medication from the time the pharmacy received the patient's prescription should not exceed 30 minutes with a standard target of 95%.19,20. Patient satisfaction with birthing center nursing care and factors associated with likelihood to recommend institution. Over 90% of dissatisfied patients waited >20 min between arrival and registration (P < 0.01). The Institute of Medicine acknowledged that patient dissatisfaction was related to long waiting time and had, therefore, recommended that no fewer than 90% of patients must be attended to within 30 min of their scheduled appointment. The duration of waiting time varies from country to country, and even within a country it varies from centre to centre. A Study on Out Patient Satisfaction at a Super Specialty Hospital in India.

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study of waiting time of patients in opdAuthor:

study of waiting time of patients in opd