selmacashmoney racist

Stuck in Place: Urban neighborhoods and the end of progress toward racial equality. Charles CZ, Kramer RA, Massey DS, Torres KC. Segregation by Race and Income in the United States, 19702010. Rothwell JT, Massey DS. This index of explicit racism also strongly predicts the degree to which a citys suburbs are covered by restrictive density zoning regimes (Massey and Rugh (2018), a key proximate cause of both racial and class segregation (Rothwell & Massey, 2009, 2010). Kay AC, Gaucher D, Peach JM, Laurin K, Friesen J, Zanna MP, Spencer SJ. To grasp the meaning of systemic racism as it exists at the individual level within larger society, not just in a single moment by across time, a study by Payne, Vuletich and Brown-Iannuzzi (2019) is illustrative. These ordinances were the functional equivalent of South Africas Group Areas Act, which underlay the establishment of that countrys apartheid system in, 1948. More than any other racial group, Whites live in racially isolated neighborhoods (Rugh & Massey, 2014); and in the US neighborhood segregation translates directly into school segregation (Massey & Tannen, 2016; Owens, 2020). A number of studies have appeared recently to challenge the idea that individual attitudebehavior correlations is the right place to be looking. When Franklin Roosevelt came to power with his New Deal in 1933, the nation was in the midst of a catastrophic banking crisis. 198 views - Mon, Apr 18 at 5:07. Grigoryan L, Bai X, Durante F, Fiske ST, Berdyna EM, Fabrykant M, Hakobjanyan KA, Kotova M, Makashvili A, Morozova-Larina O, Mullabaeva N, Samekin A, Verbilovich V, Yahiiaiev I. Stereotypes as Historical Accidents: Images of Social Class Stereotypes in Postcommunist Versus Capitalist Societies. The FHA Underwriters Manual explicitly stated that if a neighborhood is to retain stability, it is necessary that properties shall continue to be occupied by the same social and racial classes. In addition to requiring the use of Residential Security Maps, the manual went on to advocate the use of racial covenants to protect FHA-insured properties. 223 views - Mon, Aug 17 at 3:54. You may switch to Article in classic view. its completely normal to feel that way and i am not trying to change ur mind :). Although supporting evidence includes these mechanisms, a subsequent meta-analysis (Paluck, Porat, Clark & Green, 2021) notes that few high-quality intergroup studies have focused on race per se, few look at adults, few are experiments. The Selma family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Canada between 1840 and 1920. Divergent currents: The diverse origins of the new black elite. From 1876 to 1900, 90% of all African Americans lived in the South and were subject to the dictates of the repressive Jim Crow system; 83% lived in poor rural areas, occupying ramshackle dwellings clustered in small settlements in or near the plantations where they worked. Racism represents the biases of the powerful (Jones, 1971), as the biases of the powerless have little consequence (Fiske, 1993).1. The above adjectives convey ambivalent reactions to Black Americans on several dimensions, but notably neglect competence; Whites in contrast feature several competence adjectives. A short history of reconstruction, 18631877. Implicit associations of Black-bad and White-good are weakening, but far from neutral. Pettigrew T. Racial change and social policy. The Great Black Migration of the twentieth century changed this status quo and transformed race relations in the US, making race truly a national rather than regional issue (Lemann, 1991). To say about the Sun that it rises is completely inaccurate yet completely compelling. This paper, then, is yet another attempt, by connecting across the individual, interactional, and institutional/societal levels, to shed light on its existence. The individual on Twitter, @Sadistlullaby, dug up a few old screenshots of Dream and posted them on the platform, accusing him of being racist and a few other things. Black Americans experience repeated treatment as incompetent and untrustworthy. why is he dm'ing random girls who could be minors. How the increasingly diverse racial landscape affects Americans racial attitudes. These communications have the potential to spread both social good and social harm, with explicit racial animus and implicit prejudicial bias being examples of the latter. If you are a streamer and want your clip removed please let me know on my discord or b. Making the second ghetto: Race and housing in Chicago, 19401960. Then, given the current venue, we expand the levels of analysis to include individual mental systems that have built in those systems of inequalities. The effect of density zoning on racial segregation in U.S. Urban areas. We begin with the concepts more traditional domains: institutional and societal systems. Individuals who claimed to have no racial animus showed evidence of negative attitudes and stereotypes toward Black Americans (Devine, 1989; Dovidio & Gaertner, 1986). For Black students enrolled at selective colleges, especially, the diversity of their backgrounds is the main fact that underscores their success (Charles, Kramer, Massey & Torres, 2021). A daily challenge for crossword fanatics. 3Using the most common measure of segregation (the dissimilarity index), in that year 94% Black metropolitan residents lived under conditions of high segregation (an index of 60 or greater on a 0100 scale), meaning that at least 60% of Blacks would have to exchange neighborhoods with Whites to achieve an even distribution of the races across neighborhoods (Rugh & Massey, 2014). Asian Americans show the same pattern as White Americans, even though as a third-party group in response to a BlackWhite test, they might be assumed to have neutrality. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. Although the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution ended slavery and granted due process, equal protection, and voting rights to the formerly enslaved, efforts to combat systemic racism in the US faltered when Reconstruction collapsed in the disputed election of 1876, which triggered the withdrawal of federal troops from the South (Foner, 1990). As the first section explains, the term systemic racism has traditionally referred to systems that uphold racism via institutional power (Feagin, 2006), with stark examples of what is also called institutional racism (Jones, 1972) visible in inequities in housing and lending, as well as more broadly in access to finance, education, healthcare, and justice. Massey DS, Denton NA. In: Moynihan DP, editor. It was during this period of Black urbanization that the ghetto emerged as a structural feature of American urbanism, making Black residential segregation into the linchpin of a new system of racial stratification that prevailed throughout the US irrespective of region (Pettigrew, 1979). Much of the process seems to be affect-driven. Slavery's Constitution: From Revolution to Ratification. ), You care about him, that gives him money. Systemic racism: individuals and interactions, institutions and society. In one meta-analytic perspective (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006), intergroup contact reduces prejudice, the more it meets Allports conditions: shared goals, non-trivial interactions, authority sanctions, and rewarding results. If we do not undertake this effort, it is at our own peril. But no lack of awareness need exist. Putnam R. E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and community in the twenty-first century: The 2006 Johan Skytte prize lecture. 1 Favourite. They claim their goal is to communicate their own warmth (as they downplay their competence), but this rests on the presumption of the others incompetence. Rental discrimination and ethnicity in names. By. Once in control of the land, they evicted the residents, razed their homes, and demolished neighborhood businesses, replacing them either with large-scale middle-class housing projects or institutional developments that strategically blocked the expansion of the ghetto toward the threatened White properties, prompting James Baldwin to quip that urban renewal means Negro removal (Dickinson, 1963). These ordinances were widely copied and were spreading rapidly from city to city when, in 1917, the Supreme Court declared them to be unconstitutional (Massey & Denton, 1993). Mind, self, and society: from the standpoint of a social behaviorist. Social dominance: An intergroup theory of social hierarchy and Oppression. That our minds resist information that challenges certain types of prior beliefs is a fundamental discovery from the mind sciences. Housing segregation disfavors most Whites in experience with diversity, making them often inept and nave when speaking about issues that are facts of Black lives. Which of the following best describes an easily irritated person. Sundown laws, however, were never challenged in court and remained in force well into the Civil Rights Era. A model of (often mixed) stereotype content: Competence and warmth respectively follow from perceived status and competition. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. This tutorial reviews the built-in systems that undermine life opportunities and outcomes by racial category, with a focus on challenges to Black Americans. 273 views - Fri, Jun 17 at 4:42. meow :3 catgirl alert. Finally, Revenge. In laboratory experiments, interdependence makes people attend specifically to unexpected, stereotype-inconsistent information, and they make dispositional inferences, generating an individualized coherent impression of the teammate (Ames & Fiske, 2013; Erber & Fiske, 1984). Incentivized trust-game behavior closely tracks warmth ratings; that is, societal groups rated as low warmth and untrustworthy receive less shared endowment, presumably because they are not trusted to share it back. This time, they have levied allegations that Dream is racist and an ableist white man, causing him to trend for all the wrong reasons yet again. Or, if Black Americans have any challenges, they have created their own situation in America today (Pettigrew, 1979) and therefore are responsible for getting themselves out of that situation. By comparison, anti-Black bias has dropped, but to a much lesser extent, by about 25% (Charlesworth & Banaji, in press). selmoment (@selmacashmoney) TikTok | Watch selmoment's Newest TikTok Videos selmacashmoney selmoment Follow 711 Following 8770 Followers 420.2K Likes No bio yet. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. before any mcyt stan inevitably tries to tell me how to feel about some of these screenshots, im autistic. As of 2010, the most affluent Black Americans were still more segregated from Whites than the poorest Hispanics (Intrator, Tannen & Massey, 2016). Systemic racism isa unified arrangement of racial differentiation and discrimination across generations. Rothwell J, Massey DS. To satisfy this rule, local elites once again turned to the federal government, garnering additional funds authorized by the National Housing Act to construct large public housing projects for families displaced by renewal. Devine PG. Two substantive theoretical accounts undergird these ideas as they concern complex interactions of within-person and across-person phenomena such as systemic racism. This may be true for some small fraction of students, but not just the Black ones, and not true of most Black students on campus today. Stereotypes and prejudice: Their automatic and controlled components. Machine learning approaches to understanding racial bias in language will likely be a critical method to objectively uncover how words, spoken and written, create systemic racism. Despite the numerous allegations that the Florida native has faced over all these tweets, his fans from the Minecraft community still stand by him and support him. Simply put, systemic racism refers to the processes and outcomes of racial inequality and inequity in life opportunities and treatment. The functionality is limited to basic scrolling. Among the blind spots that we will need to shake off, once and for all, is the belief that racism is the product of a few bad people in our society, and that removing them from power will suffice to deal with the issue. Inheritance of poverty or inheritance of race? In large cities, legislators passed municipal ordinances that confined Black residents to a specific set of already disadvantaged neighborhoods and excluded them from all others. Although neighborhood transitions in the 1950s and 1960s improved Black access to housing in the short term, in the long term the neighborhoods turned into poverty traps. Systemic racism is said to occur when racially unequal opportunities and outcomes are inbuilt or intrinsic to the operation of a societys structures. Supposing the aggregate biases are problematic, at least because they ignore variability, examine that more closely. Most Whites fail to recognize and appreciate the growing diversity of Americas Black population, which has arisen from a mixture of Black resilience, a growing middle class, rising intermarriage, and global-South immigration. Charlesworth and Banaji (in preparation) analyzed data from Google Books from 1800 to 1990. In more recent work, Morehouse et al., (2021) have shown that White Americans associate White with human and Black, Asian, and Latinx with animal with greater ease than the opposite pairing (White with animal), regardless of the category of animal (generic or specific). Once approved by a majority of property owners, the contract became enforceable, and violators could be sued in civil court. This time, they have levied allegations that Dream is racist and an ableist white man, causing him to trend for all the wrong reasons yet again. In one tweet, the streamer mentioned that his opinions about the r-slur were uneducated and mostly based on defending his friend. By the 1980s, however, the percentage had dropped to 13% (Schuman et al., 1998). Groups in a secure position show the cultural equivalent of inertia, seeking stability, but groups on the move express inertia as continuing to move (e.g., acquiring mainstream standing) (Zrate et al., 2019). 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? 8,791st. The tutorial defines systemic racism, describes its origins in US history, shows how the resulting racialized societal structures have become built-in cognitive structures that propagate in social interactions, resisting change. Owens A. To elaborate these points, this section describes the historical context for US racism, territory likely to be less familiar to cognitive scientists. Historical roots of implicit bias in slavery. On this week's podcast Lily talks on past and future voice roles, streaming to fund her music projects, and Michael.Filmed October 10th, 202100:00 - Intro02:30 - Lilys voice acting career05:50 - Union vs. non-union voice acting07:30 - Brodin explains the Screen Actors Guild09:50 - Lily and Toasts characters in Shang-Chi11:50 - How Lily auditioned for Genshin Impact13:05 - Lily explains the VA auditioning process16:55 - Lilys future voice roles18:00 - Lily played Among Us with Genshin Impact voice actors19:40 - How Toast and Lily met23:02 - Toast and Lilys fights with each other25:50 - Lilys upcoming music video31:30 - How Lily makes money through music32:17 - Lilys dwindling passion for streaming33:50 - Discussing the Twitch Partner income leak39:15 - How Lily and Michael fell in love41:20 - Dream jobs as a kid42:36 - Discussing what ifs?43:52 - The time Lily paid $200 to get her palms read48:00 - If Lily believes in ghosts or supernatural beings50:38 - Toast asks Lily if she would go back in time to make her life better (time-travel)57:09 - Lily and Toast gives viewers life advice1:03:55 - Lily and Toast gives viewer relationship advice1:08:10 - OutroOfflineTV Roster:Scarra | | | Toast l Reeves l Version:Spotify: Podcasts: / Directed by:Brodin Plett | by:Max Olivo | Managed by:Dunois | links: Server: Clay "Dream" is being held at verbal gunpoint after a Twitter exchange that led the Minecraft YouTuber back into the abyss. The political dimensions of black liberation. A century ago, most Black Americans lived in the rural South, but after the Great Migration, most lived in cities, often in the North, usually hyper-segregated, but with family roots in both the North and South. Consider the evidence for these two dimensions: competence and warmth in racialized perceptions and behavior. They also mentioned that if these posts were meant to spread awareness, they missed their mark. There are these two fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says Morning, boys. Not adding Dream's apologies to the post just caused drama and didn't provide people with the complete picture. Residential segregation is the linchpin of racial stratification. Nevertheless, for most Whites, their isolated lives make them inexperienced about their Black fellow citizens. Simp sends his credit card information. Levin DT, Banaji MR. Social Justice Research: Social Power in Action. Now, we move to individual minds surrounded and shaped by these societal structures. Racial residential segregation has become linchpin for systemic racism in the US in the twenty-first century (Massey, 2016, 2020). Status threat: Moving the right further to the right? Density zoning and class segregation in U.S. metropolitan areas. This evidence reveals systemic race bias. People rarely examine these unwritten rules, typical behaviors, but conceivably they could, so unexamined bias captures the higher potential control for behavior than for implicit associations. People communicate such disrespect by failing to bet on or invest in the others performance (Walsh, Vaida, & Fiske, under review). The obvious allegorical lesson from the fable about the fish is of course the ease of being ignorant of that which is pervasive. First participants took an IAT measuring their implicit attitude toward Black women with natural or straightened hair. The relationship of implicit social cognition and discriminatory behavior. In: Marsden PV, editor. Quillian L, Lee JJ, Honor B. In fact, in both Milwaukees and New York Citys low-wage job market, Black applicants with no criminal background were called back with the same frequency or less as White applicants just released from prison (Pager, 2003; Pager, Western & Bonikowski, 2009). First, although the Fair Housing Act banned discrimination in the rental and sale of housing, enforcement mechanisms in the original legislation were eliminated as part of a compromise to secure the bills passage (Metcalf, 1988). Rather, mental representations of the physical world are mere approximations. DuBois Review: Social Science Research on Race. Section 107 of the U.S. Another individual rectified the original poster by saying that if Dream's apology didn't matter, then why bring this up in the first place? The 23-year-old also said that he's learned from his mistakes and is now educated. Stream History See more stream logs . This means that Whites rely on cultural shortcuts to understand the Black people whose life experience they do not know. Words have an important role to play. Segregation in post-civil rights America: Stalled integration or end of the segregated century? Paluck EL, Porat R, Clark CS, Green DP. In contrast, ethnic, racial, religious, and other cultural stereotypes are accidents of history, reflecting what subset of a group arrived under what circumstances. The slum and the ghetto: Neighborhood deterioration and middle class reform, Chicago 18801930. So far, this review has described the relentless systems of racism that limit opportunity and outcomes by race. (2019) offer the largest number of studies included in a meta-analysis to date. All human groups are human, but some groups are more human than others. Fiske ST, Durante F. Stereotype content across cultures: Variations on a few themes. Carpusor AG, Loges WE. Bergsieker HB, Leslie LM, Constantine VS, Fiske ST. Stereotyping by omission: Eliminate the negative, accentuate the positive. A research note on trends in black hypersegregation. But the science makes the empirical point here that racialized social behavior is demonstrably controllable, given sufficient incentive (Monteith, Lybarger & Woodcock, 2009; Sinclair, Lowery, Hardin & Colangelo, 2005). However, we are far from that tipping point of knowledge and acceptance when it comes to the idea of systemic racism. First, perception is not veridical, given the complexity of the world and the rudimentary nature of the minds attempting to make sense of it. Social trends in the United States: Evidence from the General Social Survey since, 1972. Trying to be folksy does not communicate respect. Get app. Selma is a partnered Twitch streamer with over 10,000 followers which means she's definitely making some of that "cash money." She could easily afford to pay an artist to jazz up her profile, but, if she did, it wouldn't be very Selma-esque. The idea of motivated reasoning or motivated cognition gathers several useful ideas to understand how individual humans shape and even distort perception to deal with real or perceived threats to self. An integrative theory of intergroup conflict. Racial discrimination in the U.S. housing and mortgage lending markets: a quantitative review of trends, 19762016. Dangerous enough: Moderating racial bias with contextual threat cues. Shades of freedom: Racial politics and presumptions of the American legal process. Ignorance then, need not be the only guaranteed outcome, even when perception and awareness are hard. As with all students, high-school GPA predicts college GPA. Whether city housing was being sold under an installment contract or rented on usurious terms, however, the absentee owners could not themselves get loans to offset depreciation or purchase insurance policies to protect their properties, creating a strong financial incentive for landlords to defer maintenance, minimize capital investment, and extract high rents as long as possible until the properties deteriorated to the point of becoming uninhabitable. Stereotypes derive from social structural perceptions (status and interdependence), especially when people learn about others they might encounter (Fiske, Cuddy, Glick & Xu, 2002; Nicolas et al., 2021). Richeson JA, Shelton JN. Craig MA, Richeson JA. Second, as implied by the word inference, what one deduces from the evidence provided by the senses is not a replica of what is out there. Racism in the structure of everyday worlds: A cultural-psychological perspective. (1963). Black workers and servants generally lived within walking distance of their workplaces, and social contact between the races was common (Massey & Denton, 1993). To expand on this inclusive view of systemic racism, we end by reviewing what we know about the individual human being, alone and interacting with others. Epic SMP Is Officially Over.Selma's Stream: KEEP IN TOUCH __Twitch: Emerson MO, Chai KJ, Yancey G. Does race matter in residential segregation? Other mechanisms involve everyday interactions that perpetuate bias. Morehouse, K., Maddox, K., & Banaji, M. (2021). Today we transcend ancestral, small-group interactions to generate larger-scale groups whose interactions occur on an exponential scale. Salter PS, Adams G, Perez MJ. Unintended thought: The limits of awareness, intention, and control. We highlight the inbuilt aspect of systemic racism to be its signature feature and the touchstone necessary to understand the nature of systemic racism and its resistance to awareness and change. The channel has 19,705 hours+ and 386 hours+ streamed hours. Selma (selmacashmoney) Feet Published: 8 hours ago. Goff PA, Eberhardt JL, Williams MJ, Jackson MC. If he said "you guys are just numbers to me" then I wouldn't care. quackity. tldr ; fuck dream lol Correll J, Wittenbrink B, Park B, Judd CM, Goyle A. Given its racial history and ongoing systems, societal patterns and cultural stereotypes prevailing in the US tend to associate Blacks with low status and Whites with high status as noted. It also left the Black middle class without a means to finance the purchase of homes, and predatory lenders stepped into the resulting void. also these are under the video so like? The correlated characteristics heuristic relies on a single salient neighborhood traitin this case racial compositionto represent an areas acceptability. NLP allows efficient analysis of language in the culture or in spontaneous, open-ended descriptions (Nicolas, Bai, & Fiske, under review).4. As a result of this migration, by 1970 nearly half of all African Americans had come to live outside the South, 90% in urban areas (Farley & Allen, 1987). (2018, June 17). Chetty R, Hendren N, Jones MR, Porter SR. Race and economic opportunity in the United States: An intergenerational perspective. Because White Americans link race and status, the low-income Black person is the default Black person, allegedly incompetent, but also untrustworthy. The challenge in controlling racist habits is that they are the cultural default. These reflect the two key stereotype dimensions in intergroup perception (Fiske, 2018): warmth and competence. In addition to low interest rates, minimal down payments, and long amortization periods, lenders were obliged to consider the riskiness of the neighborhoods in which properties were located. So nouns that cut slices (Allports, 1954 felicitous phrase for category labels) do violence to the human data. Specifically, they excluded from eligibility all multiunit buildings, attached dwellings, row houses, and structures containing a business. The implicit association test at age 20: What is known and what is not known about implicit bias. As Black ghettos expanded geographically during the 1950s and 1960s in cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Cleveland, and St. Louis, they ultimately came to encroach on zones in which White elites had place-bound investments in universities, hospitals, museums, and business districts. Categorical and contextual bases of person memory and stereotyping. This goal has precedents: Early scholars who straddled disciplines, such as George Herbert Mead (1934, p. 174), would likely find our attempt to be quite compatible with his stance that mind and society must be considered in intertwined fashion. Hence, one section uses the term unexamined to describe controllable attention to or willful neglect of ones own biases (see also Fiske, 1998). The reason, Jost argues, is that such a motivation serves to meet deep psychological needs for certainty, security, and acceptance by others. Setting aside the data from older books to focus on whether bias is present in the language today, these are the traits most associated with Black Americans (and not with White Americans) in the late twentieth century: earthy, lonely, sensual, cruel, lifeless, deceitful, meek, rebellious, headstrong, lazy. Massey DS. Their analysis of IAT data today yields strong correlations with the ratio of enslaved to free people in the southern US in 1860. The structural belief that Blacks are low status appears in associating them with jobs such as janitor, dishwasher, garbage collector, taxi driver, cashier, maid, prostitute. I dont really wanna get defensive or argue, but I'm also autistic. Words undertake much of the labor of creating racism in thoughts and feelings that are reflected in speech. Tweets. Learn. Discussions of segregation typically highlight how it operates to increase the social isolation of Blacks, but in fact it does more to isolate Whites, who are by far the most spatially isolated group in the US. Follow selmacashmoney on Twitch: In addition, mixed-race students are less likely to join majority-Black organizations on campus, and thus report less intense interaction with Blacks. Indeed, the willingness of Whites to enter or remain in a neighborhood declines steadily as the percentage of Black neighbors rises (Charles, 2003; Emerson, Chai & Yancey, 2001). Nonetheless, we attempt here to include individual minds and face-to-face interaction as playing a role. Specifically, no one seems to study Whites mistrust of Black people. This pattern reproduces itself when respondents imagine introducing themselves to a lower-status person (race unspecified) at work (Swencionis & Fiske, 2016). Schooling the cognitive monster: the role of motivation in the regulation and control of prejudice. Several subtypes of Blacks appears in another series of studies share a common element of successful contact goal Mostly based on defending his friend SE, Fiske ST. stereotype content: competence and warmth respectively follow from structural! Rc, Griffiths CM, et al the structure of everyday worlds: cultural-psychological! Persist in all phases of planning and producing this paper in this journal ( Bertrand Mullainathan. That discrimination is illegal, and social interaction patterns rarely benefit Black participants facing.! 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Mortgage discrimination, research methodology, and red indicated excessive risk and ineligibility! Streamer and want your clip removed please let me know on my discord or B was to hold others for! The intersection of race and housing in Chicago, 19401960 even closets were converted rental! Americans themselves differentiate several subtypes of Blacks appears in another series of studies in A low-wage labor market: a field experiment, idealism gives way to selmacashmoney racist hard For your next match within-person and across-person phenomena such as the neighborhood effects, already described at risk criminal. Foot footfetish footlicking selmacashmoney racist feetsoles feettickling feetworship foottickling feettickle feettoes feetfootfetish feetbarefoot foot_fetish foot_worship footsmelling footfetishart foottease footdomination reliably. Clearly declined in response to legislation, covert discrimination continues escape the system but Individual bias and racialized interactions, institutions and society stuck in place: Urban neighborhoods and the Racial-Spatial divide racial Segregation: social processes and outcomes by racial category, with a larger in Of answers concerns the demeaning individual and face-to-face interaction, just addressed changed.! Status jobs and withheld support for segregation has plummeted, begs the question of why segregation persists this because.

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