short essay about emotions

Thus, frequent occurrences of intense emotional experiences can cause interruption of vegetative activities thereby resulting in a number of abnormalities including psycho-physiological disturbances like diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc. The cortical and sub-cortical centres play what appears to be contradictory, but in reality play complementary roles. This phenomenon may be termed as the facial- feedback. It has been shown that in some cases they can lead to psychosomatic disorders or psycho-physiological disorders like diabetes, hypertension, peptic-ulcer, etc. The physiological effect of these positive emotions that I went through was that I felt calm and relaxed. These are emotions and reactions to circumstances and happenings. On the other side, a mood is an emotional state which is not specific and less intense. It has been estimated by Davids that the English language has at least four hundred words to describe emotional experiences. Meaning and Definitions of Emotions 2. Other theories that explain emotions are physiological theories. My default state is the utter fascination with the life around and the life within. Emotions have both positive as well as negative effects. Schacter and Singer are of the view that this process of interpreting and labelling depends on the act of what may be called attribution of these experiences to a particular stimulus control. After perceiving a thing or a situation, pleasure or displeasure feelings can be aroused. It has been suggested that when facial muscles contract, the flow of blood to the different regions is redistributed. For example, if a boy finds his father upset or in an emotional state he accordingly responds with behaviour suited to the occasion. 7. He behaved extremely happy; flying of papers, airplane in general acting in a very pleasant happy manner. Employing a very ingenious procedure involving the performance of surgical operations on the nervous system of cats and dogs, they showed that the central nervous system, particularly the hypothalamus and even the cerebral cortex, had an important role to play in emotional experiences. McDougall compiled a list of instincts and said that each instinct has a typical emotion as a component. This theory, however, is yet to be substantiated. Short Essay About Emotions - REVIEWS HIRE. They include the James-Lange theory of emotion and the cannon-bard theory. Emotion is simply a strong feeling that is characterized by a biological, psychological, and mental state. Emotions have the quality of displacement. However, emotions do vary from our moods. 1087 . Jones and the Shermans. This uncomfortable feeling could also be described as feeling threatened. In order to make a good essay, you need to have a perfect understanding of the topic and have the skills of a writer. Download. A nurse might make a note that a patient's affect was agitated, which seems be the same as "the patient displayed behavior that indicates he feels agitated.". On day 2, again I felt joyful and fresh when I had a descent over night sleep, thus I woke up and had a cup of tea. (b) They are normally accompanied by bodily changes like gestures, muscular movements, changes in facial expressions, changes in physiological reactions like blood-pressure, pulse rate, heartbeat, respiration, etc. Lately, I had found myself stumbling upon my own words feelings and thoughts riding faster, tying my tongue in knots and making me stare up to the ceiling to find the right expression. There is also one important thing a key denominator grounding the fraction of the evasive present moment. One of the earliest theories of emotion was started by the American Psychologist William James as we feel sorry because we cry, angry because we strike, afraid because we tremble this theory presented in the late 19th century by James and the Spanish psychologist Carl Lange. Essay, Pages 3 (512 words) Views. The James-Lange theory also, to some extent, supported this view as it implied that there is a specific pattern of bodily reactions for each emotion and that this formed the core of emotional experience. Most people won't run into the word "affect.". This view while on the one hand agreed with the view of James and Lange that the feeling of emotions arouses from a feedback on the bodily changes, at the same time also agrees with the Cannon-Bard theory that such a simple feedback cannot explain subtle differences in emotional experiences. Neural and Physiological Basis 4. This is true of many emotions. In a situation, where we are uncertain or where we have just entered as in the case of a meeting, rather late, we often look to the emotional expressions on the faces of others and get an idea of how they are, whether there is anything disturbed or exciting before deciding our own course of action. According to many researches in this field, emotions have components of two . Emotions In Psychology are grouped into three areas. More recently, Schachter and Singer proposed what is known as the Cognitive Appraisal Theory. This view was again put to test by M.C. "Itconsists of structures of the brain structures, and a system of neurons which include the whole nervous system and the neural transmitters. 4. This theory maintains that the emotion we feel is due to our interpretation of an arousal or stirred up. A number of experiments have also shown that excitement can be carried out from one situation to another through a process known as transferred excitation. Controlling emotions and moods can be hard but an easy task when you see a counselor. Every emotional experience involves many physical and physiological changes in the organism. In general, activation theory refers to the view that emotion represents a state of heightened arousal rather than a qualitatively unique type of psychological, physiological or behavioural process. During my three day emotions diary joy shows the highest frequency, meaning that it is the most frequent emotion. On the other hand, if he finds his father happy or in a light-hearted mood, he makes use of the opportunity to secure many promises and concessions. Content Guidelines 2. While weighing their impact, other factors like frequency and intensity, nature of situations and the stimuli aroused should also be considered. During emotional arousal it is said that amygdale in particular is active. 296 . Short Arguementative Essays That Appeal To Emotions - . Hohmans studies of individuals with spinal cord injuries proved this. After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. In the same way, the physiological change (headache) mentioned in my diary of emotion is the result of negative emotion. If two adults are displeased with one of your actions, they show it differently. The fluctuations, especially sudden variations in bodily activities give an indication regarding the possibilities of lying. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Psychology. 1012 Words. It is automatic, unconsciously most of the time, and necessary to our (social . We experience the emotion that seems appropriate to the situation in which we find ourselves. As a part of this process, attempts have also been made to measure emotional behaviour. Our authors produce all types of papers for all degree levels. Perhaps, even today we cannot clearly and conclusively state the exact number of emotions which can be experienced by an adult. Disruptive Role 8. An important finding has been that attempts to find specific patterns of bodily changes correlated with different kinds of emotional experiences have largely ended in failure. Enhance your writing skills with the writers of PenMyPaper and avail the 20% flat discount, using the code PPFEST20. This differentiation continues until the adult level when the individual develops the capacity to manifest clearly distinguishable emotional behaviour in various situations. The inference drawn is that in the case of the men who crossed through the dangerous bridge, there was a greater transfer of excitement in the situation where the experimenter was a female. Under emotional conditions there are changes in the electrical discharge and the pattern of these changes indicate underlying emotional disturbances though this by itself cannot be said to be an infallible indicator. Fear could be aroused by a loud noise or loss of bodily support; rage by the restriction of bodily movements; and love by the stimulation of certain sensitive zones of the body. Emotion is a relative term, related to a persons mood, temperament, personality, and disposition (Emotion, n.d). This is particularly true when areas in the temporal lobe and the limbic structures are stimulated. Money back guarantee Disclaimer Copyright, Psychology Discussion - Discuss Anything About Psychology, Theories of Emotions: Notes on 3 Theories of Emotions, Emotions: (Definition and Components of Emotions), Role of Limbic System in the Functioning of Emotions | Behaviour | Psychology, Essay on Emotions: Definition, Characteristics and Importance, Essay on Attitude: Top 8 Essays | Human Behaviour | Psychology, Leadership Theories: Top 11 Theories of Leadership, Theories of Motivation in Management: Top 7 Theories, Notes on Attitude: Introduction, Formation, Changes and Measurement | Psychology, Notes on Socialization: Introduction, Culture, Structure, Status and Conflict | Psychology, Difference between Modern Family and Traditional Family | Psychology. Positive emotions give us good health whereas negative emotions give us bad health. The same bodily changes occur in different kinds of emotional experiences. Unpleasant emotions like fear, anger and jealousy which are harmful to the individuals development are termed as negative emotions. Which gives us a unique taste of life? An individual who is physiologically aroused and is not able to find a reason for this arousal attributes the physiological changes to some available cognitions or perceptions. . It has been shown that physiological over activity in emotional situations can be injurious to health. These facts suggest that there are some innate patterns of expression of certain emotions. Frijda in 1968 proposed the following list: happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, anger, disgust, calm, bitterness, pride, irony, insecurity and scepticism. The pictures have been widely used. However It is not considered an exact indicator of lying or truth telling because some individuals who lie do not exhibit autonomic arousal on the contrary some people may display the same symptoms when telling the truth. Studying the subject of emotions and doing this inventory made me realize I have some fallacies I tend to fall into almost every day. "Emotion is a 'Moved or 'stirred up' state of an organism. At the same time, however, there are specific expressions which are not unusual, and also cannot be regarded as innate. Ruckmick actually designed and standardised a set of pictures to study peoples ability to judge emotions from facial expressions. Emotion can be understood as an agitated or excited state of our mind and body. Highly qualified writers Our Professional Writers will be glad to write your paper from scratch, and delivered within your deadline. The beauty of emotional language is that everyone can understand it. Emotions play a crucial role in creative and artistic activities. It is a stirred up feeling, that is the way it appears to the individual himself. The Physiological area has to do with the physical activity body responsiveness with emotions . Thus emotions help us to understand and to some extent even anticipate or predict the behaviour of people. According to this view, cognitive interpretation comes into operation both when one perceives the stimulus situation that leads to bodily changes and also subsequently when these changes are interpreted. Emotion is a complete effective experience that involves diffuse physiological changes and can be expressed overtly in characteristic behaviour patterns. I am very happy with. However, the extent of involvement of these various systems and changes, differ from one type of emotion to another type of emotion and also the particular stimulus situations. It is healthy fear and righteous anger that have been behind many good things in life including progress of science and the growth of civilizations. The James- Lange theory, therefore, laid less emphasis on the role of the central nervous system. Such expressions are required through learning mostly by imitation and other forms of social learning. It also includes the endocrine system. It depends on the intensities and duration of emotion. It is important for any person that he or she does not get paused or jammed over one emotion, the emotions of a person vary from time to time and this variation definitely depicts the repetition of the neural processes. Emotions can be categorized as negative or positive. The emotion of fear prepares an individual to face the danger ahead. Schachter and Singer devised an experiment to test this theory. The word emotion is derived from the Latin word Emover which means to stir up or to excite. 1. It has been said that they affect the physical and mental health of the individual and make him less efficient and socially unpleasant. Single. And it is in their inexplicability bathed between the blurred edges, the delight over this universal tongue really lies. Positive emotions like joy contribute to physical and mental health by stimulating the parasympathetic functions. The above is a sample essay on emotions and moods that our writers develop here at People are said to have different subjective felt emotions because of difference in the way they interpret and label a particular state of arousal. Emotions Control Emotions Essay. The errant husband who returns home late, first concentrates on judging the emotions of his wife. The cannon-bard theory argues that physiological reactions occur when the thalamus sends a message to the brain in response to a stimulus. Arousal is considered to lie on a wide continuum, ranging from a very low level such as deep sleep, to such extremely agitated states as rage or extreme anger. No attempt is now made to separate the roles of bodily and psychological changes. In the study, subjects were told that they would receive an injection of a vitamin called suproxin. ID 19673. It may, therefore, be seen that both physiological processes and nervous activities are involved in emotional experiences. Top Personal Essay Ghostwriters Websites For School For example, a fast food outlet requires a swift response when contacting suppliers for food items that need to be replenished. This will help us to divert our attention and preoccupation from situations, which are otherwise stressful. For example, when we cry on hearing that someone close to us has met with a serious accident, and also when we cry when we meet a brother or sister or a close friend whom we have not met for a long time, on both these occasions, the bodily changes and their feedback are similar, but the experience of emotions are different. Perceiving an emotion inducing an event or situation. Thus there is some evidence that there appears to be a difference between the right and left hemisphere in their roles in the expression of emotions. Privacy Policy3. The cortex, by and large, performs an inhibitory function. Why use our writing services The autonomic nervous system with its two divisions, the sympathetic and parasympathetic, plays a crucial role. Short Essay on Emotional Adjustment! We remove the responsibility for the result from the clients and do everything to ensure that the scientific work is recognized., Additional editing and proofreading service. Perfect choice for your excellent grades! On the one hand emotions have been extolled as the foundations of the noblest of human behaviour valour, sacrifice, altruism and creativity, particularly artistic creativity. Another positive function that has been emphasised is the role of emotions in communication. On the other hand, emotions have been condemned as the villains behind savage and barbaric behaviour, violence, crime, cruelty and atrocity. In college, there are always assignments that are a bit more complicated and time-taking, even . McDougall: Emotion is an affective experience that one undergoes during an instinctive excitement. Pointedly, it is in their linearity that we get lost: because in trying to explain a complex 3- or 4-dimensional reality, we fall into a culprit of using a two dimensional linear tool of linguistics to help us do so. This is not true of all emotions. They are present at all stages of development and can be aroused in young as well as in old. The result of the Schachter experiments support a cognitive view of emotion in which emotions are determined jointly by a relatively non-specific kind of psychological arousal and labelling of the arousal based on the cues from the environment. Emotion is a Moved or stirred up state of an organism. The theory was actually propounded in 1951 by Donald B Lindsley. 2271. An actor who can stimulate an emotional experience does a better job of his acting. In the other condition his behaviour was quite the opposite. Whether most people realize it or not, their faces can be read like a . The endocrine glands, because they secrete various hormones directly into the blood, significantly influence the different types of activity. Thus, the thalamus, the hypothalamus and the limbic structures play a major role in arousing emotional experiences. The cold wringing knot of aversion; or a strong, almost magnetic pull to stay in someones gravitational field; or a delicate alignment to the harmony of someones voice; or plunging through an endless tunnel of a soft gaze; and the feeling of something being off are just some of the examples. My default state is the utter fascination with the life around and the life within. We may, mention to McDougalls concept of emotions as being parts of an instinctual process. Affect is a word often used in the medical world to refer to signs of the feelings a person is experiencing. If we study in depth we realize that basically there are two neural pathways which are linked with emotional. Theories of Emotions 3. The reader might have heard of the Lie Detector used by investigative agencies to detect whether a person is speaking the truth or not. According to the diary of emotional behavior shown above the calculation of the emotional experience across the analytical period rendered the following results: During the analytical period the positive emotions were much pronounced. On the other hand, a person who is sad makes those around him also sad. Similarly, a person who is angry makes others angry. That is why the company EssaysWriting provides its services. Emotions are feelings such as happiness, disappointment and sorrow that generally have both physiological and cognitive elements that influence behaviour. Emotions occupy a very important position in a persons life, as they motivate many in their job endeavors. 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short essay about emotions