plant microbiome interactions

Additionally, new findings indicate that final outcomes for host fitness can be dependent not only on the exchange of goods between the host and microbe, but on signaling and metabolic interactions among members of the microbiome themselves [14,15,16]. The bacterial and fungal compositions of each leaf sample was measured by16S rRNA gene and ITS region amplicon sequencing. Effect of drought stress on shoot growth and physiological response in the cut rose charming black at different developmental stages. & Dufresne, A. Finally, genome-resolved metagenomics allowed for the development of partially complete genomic bins for many of the enriched and depleted taxa in the rhizosphere microbiome. Article Soil indigenous microbiome and plant genotypes cooperatively modify soybean rhizosphere microbiome assembly. netome: a computational framework for metabolite profiling and omics network analysis. Rev. Keller M, Hettich R. Environmental proteomics: a paradigm shift in characterizing microbial activities at the molecular level. 8600 Rockville Pike (2022). J Appl Ecol. By using this website, you agree to our Stephens PA, Buskirk SW, Hayward GD, Martnez del Rio C. Information theory and hypothesis testing: a call for pluralism. These soil microbiomes can shift drastically in abundance, composition, and activity over short physical distances, timeframes, and in response to seasonal environmental factors, which increases the source diversity from which plants draw their microbiomes [ 19, 20, 21 ]. Microbiomes play a pivotal role in plant growth and health, but the genetic factors involved in microbiome assembly are still in their infancy (Escudero-Martinez et al., 2022; Oyserman et al., 2022). Finkel O. M., Salas-Gonzlez I., Castrillo G., Conway J. M., Law T. F., Teixeira P. J. P. L., et al.. (2020). A project aimed to optimize potato plant growth by mapping the microorganisms living on seed potatoes has been awarded a 940.000 euro funding. (2019). The Plant Microbiome Marnie E. Rout1 Department of Forensics and Investigative Genetics, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, Texas, USA . 2020;23:101241. Available from: Aug RM. The plant genetic network links the leaf microbial community to plant health. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Mapping and predictive variations of soil bacterial richness across France. The genes of R2>0.8 were retained. Plants, as the main producer, are colonized by a variety of microorganisms that form complex microbiomes, including bacteria, fungi, archaea and protists ( Flues et al., 2018; Hassani et al., 2018 ). To view a copy of this licence, visit The Promises, Challenges, and Opportunities of Omics for Studying the Plant Holobiont. Holo-omics for deciphering plant-microbiome interactions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We also discuss how those interactions shape the assembly of plant-associated microbiomes and modulate their beneficial traits, such as nutrient acquisition and plant health, in addition to highlighting knowledge gaps and future directions. 2020;11:944. In order to quantify networks of microbe interactions on A. thaliana leaves, we calculated the relative OTU abundance of primary, secondary leaders, tertiary leaders and followers in the mutualism network, the relative OTU abundance of two antagonists in the antagonism network, the relative OTU abundance of hawks and doves in the aggression network, and the relative OTU abundance of altruist and egoists in the altruism network (Wu et al., 2021). Nectar bacteria stimulate pollen germination and bursting to enhance microbial fitness, Plant evolution driven by interactions with symbiotic and pathogenic microbes. In addition, we discuss the biggest challenges for conducting holo-omics studies; specifically, the lack of vetted analytical frameworks, publicly available tools, and required technical expertise to process and integrate heterogeneous data. To reduce the bias, we statistically identify the hub taxa with the higher degree and closeness centrality (Gao et al., 2021; He et al., 2021). We also investigate candidate genes within ~10kb windows on each side of associated SNPs by software PLINK. This review highlights the pivotal role of root exudates in the rhizosphere, especially the interactions between plants and microbes and between plants and plants. All studies reference here are also listed with additional detail in Table 1. Noman M, Ahmed T, Ijaz U, Shahid M, Azizullah, Li D, Manzoor I, Song F. Int J Mol Sci. Bikard D, Euler CW, Jiang W, Nussenzweig PM, Goldberg GW, Duportet X, et al. Hub gene AT1G78070 is identified in two experiments (NM_2012 and SR_2013), while AT1G23060 (MDP40) identified in NA_2012 and SU_2013. Of the many ways that plants interact with microbes, three aspects are highlighted in this issue: interactions where the plant benefits from the microbes, interactions where the plant suffers, and interactions where the plant serves as habitat for microbial communities. Nature. Bayesian networks of the significant SNPs from microbial networks. Microbial Interkingdom interactions in roots promote. NAR Genom Bioinform.; 2020; Available from: This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Exploring the plant's natural immune system, Spinoza and Stevin prize awarded to Corn Pieterse and Tanja van der Lippe, Potato microbiome project receives 940.000 research funding, Spinoza and Stevin Prize for Corn Pieterse and Tanja van der Lippe. Cotton TEA, Ptriacq P, Cameron DD, Meselmani MA, Schwarzenbacher R, Rolfe SA, et al. eCollection 2022. Leaf microbiome samples, for example, will contain exponentially more DNA, RNA, and proteins derived from the plant than from the microbes, so some microbial techniques may not be feasible without plant-derived contamination removal. Gao C, Montoya L, Xu L, Madera M, Hollingsworth J, Purdom E, et al. Adv Genet. It seems that both bacteria and fungi on the Arabidopsis leaves empirically obey these hypotheses (Figure 1; Supplementary Table 2). Lucaciu R, Pelikan C, Gerner SM, Zioutis C, Kstlbacher S, Marx H, et al. OTU1 (Proteobacteria, Sphingomonas sp. In the near future, modulating the balance of the leaf microbial community by regulating host genetic networks may become a novel approach to improve crop traits and maintain sustainable agricultural development. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. plants and the associated microbiomes have co-evolved for more than 400 millions of years and form a "holobiont" within which plant-microbiome interactions play essential roles in many aspects of host functionality and fitness [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], including nutrient acquisition [ 6, 7, 8 ], abiotic stress tolerance [ 9 ], and disease suppression [ Wei Z, Gu Y, Friman V-P, Kowalchuk GA, Xu Y, Shen Q, et al. Plant-microbiome communication 2020; Available from:, Ichihashi Y, Date Y, Shino A, Shimizu T, Shibata A, Kumaishi K, et al. The crosstalk among multiple molecular layers, within and between both host and associated microbiome, cannot be properly assessed solely by a reductionist approach that analyzes individual omics layers in isolation. Weed and crop plants compete for light, nutrition and water, but may differently interact with soil microorganisms. The root microbiome: Community assembly and its contributions to plant fitness. PubMed Central Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Compant S, Samad A, Faist H, Sessitsch A. 2014;5:5320. Review: Plant-microbiome interactions: from community assembly to plant health (Nat. Within the plant microbiome research field, unlocking the functional relationships between plants and their microbial partners is the next step to effectively using the microbiome to improve plant fitness. CAS Nat Commun. Each node reports a SNP and hub QTLs (SNPs) were colored in yellow. Methods for the integration of multi-omics data: mathematical aspects. Personal omics profiling reveals dynamic molecular and medical phenotypes. We calculate the degree of each node in a network. Stassen MJJ, Hsu S-H, Pieterse CMJ, Stringlis IA. We envision that systems-level understanding of plant-microbiome interactions spanning from molecular levels to ecosystem levels across time and space will provide both the parts and wiring diagrams to refine the models to generate more realistic predictions. Li X, Jousset A, de Boer W, Carrin VJ, Zhang T, Wang X, et al. These microorganisms interact dynamically with plants and influence their hosts growth and development. To improve understanding of how plant-microbiome-environment interactions may alter the timing of spring phenology, we combined field observations and a reciprocal population-level greenhouse. This design allowed for the investigation of differences influenced by sample compartments (leaf, root, rhizosphere, and soil), by genotype (RTx430 and BTx642), by watering treatment (irrigation and drought), and by plant development (from seedling emergence to grain maturation) [44]. Taken together, the above examples indicate how collecting a combination of microbial and host data is a promising approach to further unraveling plant and bacterial community interactions through generating mechanism-based questions and testable hypotheses. BMC Bioinformatics. Wang Y, Wang X, Sun S, Jin C, Su J, Wei J, Luo X, Wen J, Wei T, Sahu SK, Zou H, Chen H, Mu Z, Zhang G, Liu X, Xu X, Gram L, Yang H, Wang E, Liu H. Nat Commun. Available from: Prior to undertaking a holo-omic study, we suggest that focused pilot surveys with less costly techniques, or alternatively with limited sampling scope, have been performed first to determine that microbial community dynamics are significantly impacted by the experimental factors in question to warrant further holo-omic investigation. Chemidlin Prvost-Bour N, Dequiedt S, Thioulouse J, Lelivre M, Saby NPA, Jolivet C, et al. Annual Reviews; 2020; Available from: volume9, Articlenumber:69 (2021) Disease-induced changes in plant microbiome assembly and functional adaptation. Root exudates contain diverse specialized signaling metabolites (primary and secondary). This may in some cases preclude the useful inclusion of some data types on the host side, such as transcriptomics or epigenomics. A behavioral model for mapping the genetic architecture of gut-microbiota networks. 2001;11:342. Identifying and overcoming threats to reproducibility, replicability, robustness, and generalizability in microbiome research. Most studies on plant microbiomes have focused on rhizosphere microbial communities and their functioning rather than on those of phyllosphere. Laforest-Lapointe I., Paquette A., Messier C., Kembel S. (2017). 2018;46:W48694. The phyllosphere microbiome shifts toward combating melanose pathogen, Linking the phyllosphere microbiome to plant health. Sun YV, Hu Y-J. Cell Host Microbe. Temporal metabolite responsiveness of microbiota in the tea plant phyllosphere promotes continuous suppression of fungal pathogens. Science, Statistical Genetics of Quantitative Traits. Some of these genes are also found to affect root development (Supplementary Table 8). Microbe-Plant interaction Plants are immobile, but they are continuously subjected to both biotic and abiotic stress. Both competitive (red) and cooperative (green) interactions within and between microbial kingdoms are depicted. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Google Scholar. Xu, L., Pierroz, G., Wipf, H.ML. These hub microbes are from bacterial phyla: Proteobacteria (46 OTUs), Bacteroidetes (5 OTUs), Actinobacteria (4 OTUs), and Firmicutes (2 OTUs), and fungal phyla: Basidiomycota (19 OTUs), Ascomycota (18 OTUs), and unclassified fungi (2 OTUs). Su X, Jing G, Zhang Y, Wu S. Method development for cross-study microbiome data mining: challenges and opportunities. Fungal community assembly in drought-stressed sorghum shows stochasticity, selection, and universal ecological dynamics. The microbiome of the leaf surface of Arabidopsis protects against a fungal pathogen. One clear advantage of this data type is that it is perhaps the most well-developed of all the plant omics techniques in terms of analytics; there are a comparatively large number of vetted tools available, and an array of plant-host specific expression atlases for downstream analyses. PubMed Epub 2013 Jul 22. Here, we apply network mapping to identify specific plant genes that mediate the topological architecture of microbial networks. Host-microbiome interaction is a field of increasing importance. Front Genet. (A) The results of four experiments in 2012, (B) The results of four experiments in 2013. Google Scholar. The use of CRISPR/Cas9 engineering to create plant hosts altered in core functions represents one such powerful approach that has been used for validation [94]. 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Available from: There is a constant war between the pathogenic microbes and the host plant - the outcome of which determines resistance or disease. (A) The results of four experiments in 2012, (B) The results of four experiments in 2013. 2013 Sep;37(5):634-63. doi: 10.1111/1574-6976.12028. It has been found that the in phyllosphere of Arabidopsis plays an important role in maintaining the growth of Arabidopsis, and dysbiosis of phyllosphere does cause plant disease (Chen et al., 2020). Plant-Microbe Interactions Part of the Institute of Environmental biology In nature, plants are attacked by a multitude of pathogens and pests that can cause major crop losses in agriculture. Trends Plant Sci. Salas-Gonzlez I, Reyt G, Flis P, Custdio V, Gopaulchan D, Bakhoum N, et al. AtLPK1 is a plasma membrane-localized L-type lectin-like protein kinase 1, which is encoded by hub gene AT4G02410 in this study. 2016;17(Suppl 2):15. As an example of tools useful for a direct integration approach, the recently developed Transkingdom network (TransNet) analysis is designed to integrate and interrogate holo-omics data. CAS -, Vorholt, J. In this study, we choose 200 bacterial OTUs and 200 fungal OTUs at the top-abundance from each site for microbial network inference. Overexpression of this gene results in the reduction of gibberellic acid biosynthesis and helps the plants increase their tolerance to high-salinity levels. This work will contribute to our understanding of how plant microbiomes are assembled and maintained, more importantly, offer a new perspective on the hologenome theory of evolution. 2019;9. The distribution of Hub microbes in four different microbial networks was based on degree and closeness centrality values. Rhizosphere microbiome mediates systemic root metabolite exudation by root-to-root signaling. 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plant microbiome interactions