dangers of taking in a stray kitten

The kitten should wander in and trigger the trap to close its door. They also tend to have a greater appreciation for animals through adulthood. He asked the person working on the yard if they had a cat, he said no, but did seen a feral cat in the woods. By helping you weigh the realities of cat ownership against your desire to take in a stray. Stray cats are used to prowling. Stray cats will probably be dirty or disheveled (feeling stressed and out of place), whereas feral cats may have a clean, . Not to mention very dangerous viral infections like FIV, FIP, and FeLV. Ooh! If the mother is in the picture, let them be. They are. A smart stray will go for the sure thing. Individuals with a suppressed immune system, children, and the . Hes five years old now and just fine. I think it is too terrified to eat because it was rescued from a dogs jaw. 8wks is TOO EARLY let their insides develop before spay or neuter. We suggest scooping up all the kittens if youre sure that their mother isnt coming back for them. All these stories are great readings, except for yours! With stray cats, they often contract the disease from bite wounds or mutual grooming. Thank you for taking this kitten in. I have scratches and a bite but finally swaddled and fed her with my husbands help and after 3 days shes starting to come around. Jocelynn Canzoneri. fleas thrive on the young blood and will make your kittens anemic. Cute funny cat kitten pictures videos. It is true that indoor-only cats are in the safest situation, cats that go outdoors at times or live outdoors all the time can encounter a variety of harms (attacks from other cats or dogs, getting hit by cars, getting attacked by unfriendly humans, being poisoned, et) that indoor-only cats would not. Win a Tomlyn Cat Wellness Pack Sweepstakes: OFFICIAL RULES. I have just gotten a feral kitten that is somewhere between 5-7 weeks old. It will also start to cry if Im away, but I cannot hold it. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Whats more, its easy to fall in love with a stray even though you know nothing about it. Heres What to Do | PetTraining.org. It would be best to give a kitten to a private Animal Adoption Group. And they can ask a group to OVERSEE the adoption if they think they have found a good home ON THEIR OWN. 1. For several weeks I babied the baby. I need help on getting them their shots and a PE I have been able to keep flea and tick collars on them all and I also bathe them. Many shelters are over crowded and unable to take in any more cats. The Vet was closed til Monday so I did my best over the weekend bottle feeding and using steam to help him breathe. NOT true! The stray cats usually had owners in the past and your new cat might be microchipped which will tell you more about the cat itself. This article was originally published in 2017. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. For example, cats like to scratch things. Another very important thing is to keep them warm and to get rid off the fleas as soon as possible. First of all, both cats require their own space. Obviously, not all of these live, but the colonies can continue to grow. Feral cats that are moved to another place will try to look for their previous home, and this is what makes it dangerous for them to be relocated. When the cats interact in a friendly manner, praise them generously. Your indoor cat may never accept the stray cat you adopted. Together, we can be part of the solution. Bottom line aggression in cats is always the way to show how do they feel. The question is answered through a series of things you need to know about stray cats.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'stray_cat_advice_com-box-3','ezslot_16',132,'0','0'])); Before taking in a stray cat, consider the following 10 points beforehand: 1. I guarantee that if human babies were given these operations, we would have health challenges that your mind cannot comprehend! Many shelters will take in kittens like this and place . A stray cat could be . If you feel that a cat could use a home and the cat looks friendly enough, you could call animal control or your local shelter. When you introduce a new kitty to a household, whether it's come from outdoors or not, there's the potential for aggression, particularly with other cats. Step 1: 1 - 2 weeks. A fever is considered a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Youre all lucky to have found each other! I was told a vet can tell if an animal has been spayed or neutered ,just by looking at its bones. In general, stray cats are shy and not dangerous if they are left alone. Cats can make very good companions for both humans and animals alike. Photo: nostri-imago Part 4: How to Deal With Pregnant Feral and Stray Cats. 1. Stray Cats Could Have Rabies. Some of them are bacterial infections like Salmonella, fungal diseases . Honestly, the fact that you are getting your pet spayed/neutered at all is a sign of being a good/better pet-parent than alot of others in the world, so good job to you! Click here for my nationwide list of 100's of professional stray cat trappers serving all 50 states. The mother is moving them. Try putting it in a dark place so it is more difficult for them to see and understand the function of the trap. -overtaking improvised shelter. Allowing cats outdoors, no protection on windows, abusive children, etc. My husband brought this sick little kitten home and I put him in the bathroom and ran the shower for steam to help his nose and eyes. Handle with Care Under the right circumstances, a stray cat can become an indoor pet again. link to My Shiba Inu Won't Eat, What To Do? Of course, this only works if the cat doesnt become the pest.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'stray_cat_advice_com-leader-2','ezslot_7',139,'0','0'])); Another wonderful benefit of taking in a stray cat is that of companionship. Observing a stray kitten's overall physical condition can help reveal the presence of currently existing health-related issues. This means that your indoor cat is upset with the new cat but since she cannot address her aggression to her, she might start attacking/scratching you or other pets you might have. Also when he gets to be at least 4 months old I would definitely have him neutered. A stray cat could be carrying a disease. I found a kitten on the side of the road. WARN people not to do adoptions on their own (And not even to a private home on petfinder) as there are too many people wanting animals for BAD reasons. Brocken Inaglory CC-BY-SA-3.-2.5-2.-1. Is your kitten acting lethargic, as though it might be in pain or dazed? A stray cat will learn how to hunt for a living and that means that if you have a mouse problem, a stray cat can be a blessing in disguise. I work at a vets office in Missouri and we have 3 phone numbers to pet rescues that will pay for the spays and neuters gladly if someone is willing to take them in and care for them. This will allow your new cat to get used to the sounds and smells in their new environment without encroaching upon your existing cat's territory. What I normally do wrap them in a towel and hold them close to my chest and speak softly to them. To be absolutely sure, sprinkle some flour around where the kittens are located and look for paw prints upon your return. Its a pretty common thing to challenge each other for access to the territory. As for handling her, you want slow, gentle and non threatening. Most animals lash out when they feel threatened. Keeping your home secure and providing adequate play time and socialization will make certain your new family member is unable to escape her new home and happy enough not to try. That is why you need t o keep them separated, in different rooms, and to take a stray cat to the vet immediately. Keep your stray kitty away from people and other pets in your home until he's been to the vet and treated and vaccinated for feline leukemia, feline distemper, rabies and other illnesses. Just be patient and keep feeding him, and he will eventually become more friendly. For example, did you know that cats are very good at controlling rodents? Please let me know, should I push him or wait? You can always contact a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist to estimate the situation and tries to help you.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'arcanapets_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arcanapets_com-leader-1-0'); Be aware of the fact that some cats will never get along, no matter how hard you try. The same stands for less active cats they can be scared of more active felines. If you find a litter of kittens or a stray cat in your backyard, there are steps you can take to help them survive the . You are a wonderful person, God Bless you! One last thing to think about is the other pets in your home. Symptoms of a more serious infection may include. You could let that person spend time with the cat outdoors just to see if the allergies are triggered. (Not sure if its a boy or girl). Cats are also pretty good at keeping away large insects. Release the cat from its carrier or the trap into a comfortable room with proper temperature prepared for it. We offer a variety of services to help with strays, from referrals to our low-cost spay/neuter services to possibly placing the cat on our waitlist for participation in our adoption program. Thumbnail:Photography ConstantinCornel | Thinkstock. Get tips and exclusive deals. If the kittens appear distressed or are very vocal, "this may indicate something's happened and the mother cat can't . Until then, hell need to be bottle-fed kitten formula. If this kitten is willing to accept food and pets from you and to sleep in the same room, Id say they pretty much have a baseline level of trust. Experts recommend letting the kitten eat the warmed-up formula until hes full. Do what you feel is best for YOUR pet, thats why its YOUR pet. Manage Settings It depends on the cats background and past ( for a stray cat) and of course on the characters of both cats. Warm them up by putting the bottle in a bowl of warm water. In fact, some estimates suggest that over 80% of bites from wild or stray cats lead to an infection. In both Kenya and Mexico (the main countries receiving help from the organizations above), the biggest issue is disease: obviously, strays aren't vaccinated, so they present a health risk to other cats and dogs, as well as to humans and wildlife. Social kittens from 3 to six 6 months of age. That is typically 4-6 months of age. Advise people to ask if the group will take back the pet if it doesn't work out. I layed down and began to cry like a Momma cat, and she finally came to me. 3. It turns out the poor thing had an abscess under its jaw that made it hard to swallow. The most common complaints include the following: Here are some other do-it-yourself articles I wrote that might help you: what to do if you find a litter of kittens, People concerned about stray cat population. Wash the washcloth and rinse the head and face. Kittens often find shelter under warm car hoods. But you can only do what you can do! Nice and healthy. Some of them are bacterial infections like Salmonella, fungal diseases such as Ringworms, or parasitic infections Toxoplasmosis or Roundworms. For some kittens, this is as easy as reaching out and scooping them up. In my neighborhood someone moved and left an adult cat, she eventually met up with some other strays and they mated my neighbor took care of her and her babies, she had a baby that was the runt of the litter I started to care for that lil baby, at the time I couldnt bring her in the house because I had a grown spoiled dog ???? In approximately eight weeks, go back and. Cat urine is dangerous to health. Taking in a stray cat is a big decision. Stay informed! With a topical treatment and a good flea collar, you can get rid of fleas before bringing a stray cat into your home. It's possible to take a cat to the vet for free. These always turn into debates about whose OPINION is right or wrong if you state opinions on things like this, it will ALWAYS invite others to disagree and respond with their OPINIONS. How to treat cat scratches at home. Feeding stray cats is not necessarily a bad idea and it is a humane thing to do to feed homeless and hungry cats. Strays are ones who had lived in a home with someone, but had gotten lost or abandoned. Operating 24/7/365. Becareful not to get water in the kittens nose, mouth or ears, watch for fleas hiding inside the ears. Not everything about stray cats is negative. What can I do? Kittens do not get hurt in the process! Let Catster answer all of your most baffling feline questions! The animal is free of bald spots or skin flakes. Mine was neutered by the cat Hospital at the shelter where I adopted him. I have 2 ferals, one at a year old that were still working with, and one from 9 weeks old. And, that you choose to keep him indoors only. I am so happy for this story, you are a wonderful human being. And do make sure that the group will check the home in person some "homes" don't even exist! the worst feral kittens I had it them to be tamed with just few days. It closed up in a week. 8 weeks is really too young.. . Perform routine checks to observe its progress and promptly respond to anomalies. So while you may decide to take a stray in, do not even entertain the idea of taking in a feral cat. Any tips for feeding a feral kitten? Kittens will need help eliminating urine and feces until they are approximately a month old. Since stray cats have experienced some degree of human socialization in the past, they are generally friendlier than feral felines. Here's how to tell if your new kitten was taken from its mother too early. Bleeding? what to do if you find a litter of kittens In your last comments, you mentioned that kittens are ready to be spayed & neutered at 8 weeks old. Many people will confuse stray cats with feral cats but they are two different kinds of cats. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you dont think you can deal with the negatives listed here, taking in a stray is probably not the best idea for you. Sometimes veterinarian offices have phone numbers for these places if you call and ask the vets offices. Kittens with diarrhea can die very quickly. Its something to think about. You should keep the males sepoarate from the females as some males show interest in the females at 5 months. -quickly spreading diseases. If you are not convinced of the possibility of a harmonious relationship, do not even think about adopting a stray cat. Copyright 2020 by Wildlife Removal. If you already have some pets, you should be very careful while introducing a new cat to them. Benefits of stray cats First, let us say thank you. How do you know? Is your Shiba Inu refusing his tasty dinner, the same one which he has enjoyed until recently? Cat bites, particularly those from feral cats, are a lot more dangerous than most people think. If others believe that 8 weeks is old enough, then go ahead and get them fixed. Catherine Lovering has written about business, tax, careers and pets since 2006. 7 Introduce the cat to the household. The Best Companion for an Older Neutered Male Cat. You are right, you can't let the kitten out. 5. Thank you for caring for these kitties! People who victimize cats for fun. Petfinder.org is a good site. Key points to remember, if you face killing stray cats with Tylenol. Can help to reduce populations of mice in your neighborhood. Nice article. via Wikimedia Commons. Either way, it suggested that you approach a stray cat with care, if at all. Arcana pets is the best place for you to get needed pet related information. A kitten that was born in someones back yard is NOT a stray.. A senior citizen living alone might find a stray cat a welcome addition to the house. How did you get the eyes to clear up? My original answer is also included - below. Give her space. My husband grabbed him off the road as a truck headed toward him and snuggled him in his coat. When cats become dependent on people leaving food out for them and the cats will tend to congregate. I have found a 10 month to 12 month kitten alone and in good shape, I dont know what I am supposed to do. For others, you may need to contact a local animal society or shelter to obtain the humane traps often used in TNR. The heating pad should cover only half the crate so he can get away from it. These cats may: Approach people, homes, and cars; Make . Hi Ginger, We suggest you take this kitten to the vet for a checkup and for some advice on what / how to feed this kitten. But rather than write your typical cat blog, I decided to focus on the less covered topic of stray cats. So, maybe a kitten given to a No-Kill shelter will be kept safe -BUT this could mean that another animal IS TRANSFERRED TO A KILL SHELTER to make room for the kitten. Even indoor cats do this. It is too dangerous. Eight weeks is NOT "too early" to spay or neuter! Before taking in a stray cat, consider the following 10 points beforehand: The Negative. Wildlife Removal is the largest and most trusted wildlife control company in the United States. That was 2014. If the stray is a kitten, choose a dry or canned food made specifically for kittens. :( As I was about to leave she ran out and into the thicker bush. Since you will keep your indoor cat separated from a new cat, that doesnt mean that your indoor cat wont become frustrated with the new situation. In fact, taking in a stray cat could be good for you and your family. I would never wash my cat with that junk. They might help in reducing stress and anxiety in cats. Also the younger they are the faster they become friendlier. Intestinal worms in cats come in many varieties, all of which are unpleasant and can be dangerous. You may do your kids a favor by feeding stray cats. 2. An increase in the number of cats in one location causes more harm than good through: -increased breeding. I found this kitten this past summer in August. Seek medical care. Thank-you very much. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Pat the area of skin . If you've already started giving her some grub at dinner time, you might have already put things in motion. Stray Cats. Unfortunately, very few people seem willing to answer the question of whether you should take a stray in. As you already know your pet cat, you can also guess how she will react to a stray cat as a new member of the community. Opinions are like a**holes, eveyone has one (and they usually stink). To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I have rescued alot of animals through my life but this was the saddest. Email us at info@wildlife-removal.com - Professional and Humane Wildlife Removal Servicing the Entire USA, Raccoon Removal Information & How-To Tips, Squirrel Removal Information & How-To Tips, Opossum Removal Information & How-To Tips, Groundhog Removal Information & How-To Tips, Armadillo Removal Information & How-To Tips, Dead Animal Removal Information & How-To Tips, Other Wildlife Species Information & How-To Tips, Click here to hire us in your town and check prices. Check out the following 10 dos and don'ts for guidance. These articles might provide some insight, too: https://www.catster.com/lifestyle/adopt-a-stray-cat https://www.catster.com/topic/feral-cats. A stray cat can easily transmit a wide range of diseases to your indoor cat. Do not let them see each other. I have trapped and castrated more than 15 stray but very loving kittens, and they do not scratch unfortunately I have to move out of town and I can not take them with me. I also bought cat litter. You need to make your presence known and your voice heard. One of the baby boys is missing and I cant find him I do think a fox may have got him, I looked all over for him as of today Im still holding hope that he will return. So what do you do? Sometimes people abandon their cats because they do not want to pay for spaying or neutering. Unfortunately, kittens with feline distemper are often euthanized. Today he is a happy very healthy big 1 year old cat named Lewis. (Multiple strays/hand-me-downs have found their way to my door, and while most of them would accept it I dont think Ive ever had one who *liked* being picked up and snuggled). If worms are present, the cat will be given a dewormer orally or via an injection. Purchase vet-recommended food, a litter box, and other essentials like cat toys, and cat trees and integrate your cat slowly. You may need to use a fork or a whisk to mix these ingredients together. Because food and resources are difficult to . The police were behind me and stopped to find the poor kitten. Since this kitten is in your house, if you can't keep him, find a shelter/rescue that places kittens in proper living situations. Kittens do not get hurt in the process! Just saw your post. It's not as easy as simply opening your door . It will let me pet it when I am feeding it, but I cant seem to pick it up. Some kittens are completely covered in fleas slowily stripping the kitten of life. You have something to offer to others. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Copyright 2022 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. At what age ? However, you can do better than just feed them by proactively having them trapped, neutered, and returned to their colony to control the population with the help of animal rescue groups. I rescued a mama and 5 kittens that were feral. That stray cat in your yard could be the answer. Feral cats can get attached to their outdoor home, which is why many of them will die where they were born. You may need a scratching post, a handful of cat toys, a brush, and a crate if you plan to travel with the cat at any point in the future. Ferals live everywhere. And, some homes are just POOR homes eg. Stray cats aren't always litter-box trained; if they're in a new household, they may need coaxing before they use the facilities you provide. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. If handled properly, you may end up discovering that you have a new friend. A cold or limp kitten indicates a medical emergency. A stray cat is a feline who was socialized at some point in its life. It was hard to see but was quite big once I felt it after 2 days in the cage. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Please give sources of information for your viewsmine can be found on this siteas well as proof before you post something as off-the-wall as this. That difference could come back to haunt you should you take in a cat you really should not have.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'stray_cat_advice_com-banner-1','ezslot_14',136,'0','0'])); A stray cat is, or used to be, someones pet. If you have any pest problems in your home, a cat might be the perfect solution. No matter how you slice it, cat litter stinks. Ensure that the heating pad only covers half the crate so the kitten can get away from the heat when needed. The free food, while it might attract a stray cat, feeds him so that the need to hunt a kitten is less. 5. Once these cats are rescued, they will need to see a professional groomer in order to get their coat in shape. Don't forget that you are a mediator between your pets . We suggest contacting your local vet to ask what they think is best to do and how to go about it with them. How to Care for a Stray Cat in Winter: 20 Helpful Tips, How to Keep a Stray Cat Warm Outside in Winter, How to Take Care of a Stray Cat 8 Helpful Suggestions, How to Tell if a Cat is a Stray or a Pet 7 Telltale Signs, How to Tell if a Stray Cat is Pregnant: 7 Signs to Look For, Is it Safe to Take in a Stray Cat? But yeah, pro advice is certainly not a bad thing to seek. A feral cat is one that was once domesticated but now is lost and living outdoors amongst a colony of other cats. DO monitor the situation. Its also important to run some tests on dangerous feline viruses like FIV, FeLV, and FIP. Cats and dog bites differ because cats carry different bacteria and microorganisms that can lead to serious infections and potentially life-threatening illnesses. Neonatal kittens are still nursing and need to be fed frequently, so they should be kept with their mother, if possible.

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dangers of taking in a stray kittenAuthor:

dangers of taking in a stray kitten